Prophecy Update & Agenda 2030 Ramping Up

Posted on July 17, 2024Comments Off on Prophecy Update & Agenda 2030 Ramping Up

Prophecy Update & Agenda 2030 Ramping Up

Today, we’re delving into a profound and urgent teaching on the end times and some prophecy updates. US Congress will be sending millions to study asteroids. I wonder why? Could they know an asteroid is coming like the one known as Wormwood in the Bible? Then we will talk about the WHO’s powergrab. Could they be preparing to take control of the world in case of a bird flu that could be weaponized?
Also we will be focusing on Agenda 2030, also known as the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. This discussion will uncover the implications of a world government as prophesied in the Bible, a government that will be led by the Antichrist, bringing about a period of unprecedented global control and tribulation.

“House spending bill directs NASA to study asteroid and orbital debris missions

House spending bill directs NASA to study asteroid and orbital debris missions

New British Prime Minister, Keir Starmer. Did you know that he Came from the Trilateral Commission!

Keir Starmer joined secretive CIA-linked group while serving in Corbyn’s shadow cabinet

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