hey good afternoon everybody thank you so much for being with us i see everybody from this from the gulf
coast to nebraska to the rockies we got people from all over america
thank you for being a part of this and i’m thankful that god is speaking um just this morning i received probably
seven different emails from people having dreams uh dreams about jesus saying come up here dreams about people
being lifted into the air i’ve had people send me dreams about giving birth to things and they
know it’s ministries that god is giving them ready to step into so it’s been an exciting and exciting
day for me because of all the emails i’ve been getting and once again it’s great to have my friend sheree goff with me i appreciate
her ministry appreciate her call as a prophet she’s a pastor’s wife but she walks in that role as prophet we’ve all met
people who think they’re prophets i’m telling you what i know she is i appreciate her ministry and appreciate her working with me in the context of
the dreams and she did not ask me to do this i’m gonna do anyway she has a book out that you need to look
at and and purchase if you have a chance talks about dream interpretation and it
shares the principles the solid biblical principles that she uses in dream interpretation i’m going to
share this dream i had about wall street one morning during a pray with me i mentioned i had a wall street dream
and uh and i kind of put it aside i had the same i had the same dream for several nights in a row and then on
the 14th of june this goes back to june 7th to the 15th of 2021 but as i as i saw the same dream
a couple nights a row things shifted and changed and it was a little bit more detail and i still that’s still how i dream i have
it’s almost like trailers for a movie i see something and then i see a little bit more i see a little bit more sometimes i have the same dream for two
or three nights and then it shifts and there’s changes or i see the same dream but i see different details and that’s how this one kind of worked
out so i’m sharing the dream i’m just calling it the wall street barter dream it’s from june 7th the 15th and
here’s how it goes uh the dream started with the sunny sky and wall street in the background many years ago i was
in new york city and i’ve flown into new york in the last uh
probably five six years and i’ve seen that wall street background and that was what i saw everything was
clean proper business like it wasn’t the rest of new york it was clean i saw normally dressed people on
sidewalk standing behind like six to eight foot long white tables
and behind those tables i saw live chickens in cages a fenced in area for horses
racks of eggs i saw tools i saw various meat and food vendors
almost like the like the carts the food carts that you would see in new york or chicago and there were customers lined up and
they were buying and trading and they were bartering and i saw a man walk up with five
12-gauge shotgun shells in his hands and he traded for ten small chickens a lady walked up and she
traded five hammers for 15 boxes of screws and bolts
and a gentleman in a very expensive suit walked up and took off his rolex watch and he
traded it for 15 horses but the man trading the horses he said ah that this rolex is worth
30 horses and he gave him you know he was getting 30 horses there were no vehicles on the roads
there were plenty of people and they were riding bikes i saw skateboards i even believe i saw someone on roller
skates but everyone was treating each other with kindness and respect and a lady walked up and she seemed very frustrated
she said she needed eggs desperately tears in her face she had nothing to trade for she said i need eggs
desperately but i don’t have anything to trade and another lady grabbed 10 eggs and
handed them over the recipient and she cried and the person who grabbed the eggs was on the other side of those who were
actually had the goods to trade you know and or to sail or sell or be bartered for but that lady
got the eggs and she cried and she hugged the lady back for the gift and there were and there were there were
tears in our eyes now this is the same dream i had for several nights in a row and then on the 14th i had the same
dream but a whole lot more detail was involved here’s what i saw sky was the same sun was out
everything was exactly the same until i viewed the tables and that’s when i realized i was i was i
was with the vendors on the other side seeing the people who will be buying stuff walking towards the tables
so i was on the seller’s side looking out these tables were bowing down from the
weight upon them and all the items that were set there for the bartering the eggs that were on that rack were
unwashed and a few were cracked and dripping down onto the other egg cartons the tools that i saw had slights slight
amounts of rust and they were organized according to their intentions so you had you know you had hammers on a table
screwdrivers over here but there were no power tools everything was hand driven i saw the wooden awls i saw the uh i
saw just basically hand powered tools and things like that there were boxes of
screws and nails there were screwdrivers i saw hand drills planers i saw shovels and rakes and
garden tools and there were also hoses and feeding troughs for animals and those were all stacked in 5
10 or 15 at a time nobody was carrying cell phones or
talking one or looking at one and the man with the shells here i saw him again he walked up i noticed he was
barefoot he was holding up his pants with one hand the endo belt and then in the other hand he had the
shotgun shells when he when he was handed the chickens he took his shirt off and made a makeshift
bag out of it to hold these small chickens the woman with the hammers had pajama bottoms on but a dress shirt
and sweater she was wearing one earring and had fake nails on one hand and her normal undone fingernails on the other the man
in the suit had forgotten his wallet but now appeared to have a suit jacket over an undershirt but no dress shirt no
tie and the back of his jacket was wrinkled like he slept in it when he took off the rolex he took off
each individual metal bands he broke it into smaller pieces and in the distance i could hear thunder
and i saw storm clouds coming from the west and suddenly lightning struck the empire
state building and it lit up and everyone bartering covered their goods as ran and ran as fast as they could into the
buildings of wall street so into the stock exchange into those high-rise glass-fronted buildings
and then the man that i always see that i believe represents jesus he unfurled an umbrella he was there in
the midst of all that near the tables and he unfurled an umbrella and he stood under it to shield it from the rain that was not pouring on it was
pouring on the ground around him and here’s what he said you are not as prepared as you need to be
so hearken to my word embrace don’t barter with my word
as you will come up short and that was the dream that i had