A Vision [of The Church] – TRANSCRIPT Sep 23, 2020

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A Vision [of The Church] – TRANSCRIPT Sep 23, 2020

This one was a vision that I had
September 14th and just a
little bit to share…I
wanted to just share this
I had. this was not a dream
this was a vision
I was watching I still believe with my
wife and my son and his girlfriend
and zoomed out it was almost like the
camera zoomed back to me and I saw
something I saw
an elderly and an emaciated woman in a
hospital bed
she appeared rather weak . she was
malnourished almost skin and bones. and
there was a hospital worker that
appeared to be a
another guy – that guy that I saw in a
previous dream. He was kind of connected,
I’m still not sure how,
and he was almost like an orderly, somebody who
was working at the hospital to help with
things. and he was standing near her bed.
he put down the side rails and lifted
her out of the bed. and he clutched her
tightly to his chest in a very loving
embrace. it was almost like a son
holding his mother who was about to pass
away. once again, she was elderly.
she was emaciated.
her skin was almost like the broken kind;
like if you touched it, it was
like it would break. she was just very very
weak, very very sick. and he kind of helped
pick her up and held her to his chest. her head was
here and she’s holding him like that kind of has his
hand out here like this and just kind of
holding her, his hand with her had his hand on her
face. his eyes misted over and he gazed
very lovingly at the woman.
He tried to open her eyes but she did
not even have the strength to do so.
She’s barely able to whisper, almost not
breathing at all.
but the man held her closer to his chest
and moved his lips like he was praying,
and then i realized
he was blowing over her face.
he was holding her here there were tears
coming down his face, then he just began to
blow over her face.
and he was holding on her left hand with his
right hand at that time.
he squeezed that open hand gently,
her left hand.
and her skin was chalk white, it was pale
all over.  it was almost…dead; there was a deathly power to it,
I’ll say it that way.
her hand began to darken just as soon
as that man squeezed her hand.
suddenly her face began to light up.
there was some color coming back to her
face. her hair began to turn like a light
brown. and her body started to fill out. it was
almost like weight was being put back on.
she was she was growing in his arms healthy
weight. her eyes were like trying to
open and trying to focus and trying to
see. and she asked him to set her down but he
said “your strength is not returned
but it will soon.” and she has to be set
down almost like on her feet like she
wanted to walk.
and the man said “I know better.
you need time to rest.” she started to ask
one more time
and he told her not to ask again. and
then he laid her gently back
into the bed and he covered her up. and
he walked to the door and he looked back.
and he said for her to not to try to
walk too soon
or she would end up limping. he said you
need to be able to run. so stick to the
instructions or you will be ineffective later on.
and then he said, “stay braced and
occupy until I come.”

One of the biggest distinctions with
this dream this vision was I’ve always
seen a white ethereal type figure which I know was
Jesus the Holy Spirit
combination of both one or the other.
but this time this was a hospital
orderly this man who I’ve seen now
in a previous dream I’ll be sharing here
in the near future.
but he said stay braced and occupy until
I come. well now I know exactly who that figure
was. it was Jesus because He’s the only
one that’s going to be returning
in that sense. but I saw something that was almost near
to death. could it be the church? it could be.
but I think I was watching the Bride of
Christ with hope breathed all over her.
I think I saw a battle weary battle worn
bride that was being told
to get ready. all I know is I saw her come back to
life. I saw her come back to hope.
and I saw life spilled out all over her
because of the breath of the One that
was holding her.
but He told her to get as good as she
could, as well as she could, because she needed
to be able to run so stick to the instructions.