Asteroid warning: Apophis will destroy Earth in 2029, Christian conspiracy theorist claims

Posted on June 14, 2021Comments Off on Asteroid warning: Apophis will destroy Earth in 2029, Christian conspiracy theorist claims

Asteroid warning: Apophis will destroy Earth in 2029, Christian conspiracy theorist claims

One pastor and conspiracy theorist has claimed he has analysed the texts of Revelation 8 and concluded Earth will end in a fiery death when an asteroid strikes it at the end of the decade. Christian author Thomas Thorn stated one of the signs of the plagues of Exodus is “scorching and setting ablaze fields and forests”, which he has linked to the spate of wildfires and global warming.

He then took this “sign” of Exodus and cross-referenced it with the book of Revelations and any potential incoming asteroids to draw his eerie conclusion.

The passages Mr Thorn points to are Revelation 8:6-7: “Then the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound them.

“The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mixed with blood, and they were thrown upon the earth. A third of the trees and all the green grass were burned up

Revelation 8:8-9: “Then the second angel sounded, and something like a great mountain, burning with fire, was thrown into the sea….read more by clicking the link below.