The Birds and The Maul Dream – TRANSCRIPT dates January 2-4, 2021

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The Birds and The Maul Dream – TRANSCRIPT dates January 2-4, 2021

so here’s the dream that I had. I saw two
distinct flocks of birds
flying above a four-lane interstate and
there was a median in between.
I saw that traffic was very heavy and at
times bumper to bumper.
but the speed of all the vehicles was
over the posted limit. it was obvious
these people were driving like crazy
going someplace and coming away from
another place.
the people in the opposite lane were
driving even faster – the ones that were
coming on, you know, coming into traffic.
basically I’m going this way; and other traffic
is [going that] way –
as I’m watching the birds. the drivers
and the people in the opposite lane were
driving even faster and even more
erratic – they were running from something. they
were trying to get away.
the drivers both coming and going seemed
angry. they had white knuckle grips on
the steering wheels and they were
pounding the dash and screaming
at other drivers. so these people were
very very very upset.
and the birds – now the birds were all
they were all crows. but they’re in
two very tight groups. and they appeared
to have like tens of thousands
of birds in each group. so you got tens
of thousands of crows and
two distinct groups all flying in the
same general direction.
they were headed in the same direction
as the traffic in the right two lanes
going forward.
and appeared to be going towards a
tunnel.  it was a tunnel miles
and miles ahead
but I could see it was a big enough
tunnel that you could see it from where
we were as I was
kind of in the dream kind of following
the birds. that’s what I was seeing. I was
seeing what was going on
with them. and they were headed towards
this tunnel miles ahead.
now the flocks would bump into each
other – as they’re flying both
both separate groups are flying they
would they would hit each other almost
you would see when they
would bump each other, a few birds would
fall out
hit the ground hard and never get back
up and return to flight.
and those flocks of birds, those groups,
just kept going.
the two groups –
they were intentionally doing it. they
were intentionally flying each other
and it caused damage to the birds in
both groups. every time the two groups hit, it basically damaged
the birds. and birds were falling
and hurting but they just kept going. and
it wasn’t like they were fighting but at
times it seemed that there was conflict
between the two groups of birds –
which were crows.
then off of where the birds were flying
there seemed to be like little flashes
of lightning.
and upon seeing this one lead
bird would take off.
so you’d have the group right here and
one bird would take off in
a way. and several birds would follow
that lead bird.
and the lead bird was weaving and moving
really really quickly up and down and
through the oncoming traffic.
But each bird [had a] lead on either side;
[there] came off [a lead bird] of both sides. so both
groups of birds
had lead birds that flew off chasing
this lightning. and [the lead birds were] leading other
small birds behind them. almost
like it took off and the birds followed.
each bird in the lead on either side
also began to move dangerously. and the
birds following seemed to be getting
dizzy because they
were confused. but they kept following. but
they were just getting dizzy and
the wings weren’t working as
well. and they’re trying to figure it out.
they were making real sharp turns and
things like that.
finally the lead birds led the followers
right into absolute danger.
one [lead bird] was flying [with] those birds behind it
towards a semi. and just suddenly, real
quick, just went straight up –
just straight up. and the birds behind
him following him
actually hit the semi head on and all
these birds were killed.
the other [lead] bird led a group
into a an overpass. and just at the last
lifted up and the birds behind him hit
the overpass
and then fell to the ground and were dead.
and the lead birds then went back in the
flying flocks and did the same thing
over and over and over – probably three or
four times. and they were taking
birds off of the groups and then taking
them out and basically
killing them by leading them into danger.
the birds continued flying towards the
tunnel that carried
all four lanes of traffic. and there were large American flags
hanging over this
tunnel above where the cars were coming
and going.  it was almost like an overpass as
well. the tunnel was underneath
the overpass. and these American flags
were laid there
on the overpass part of it.
and these flags were dirty. they were
ragged. they were tattered. they looked like they
were connected to strips of fabric that
was almost like a candy cane. there
were red and white stripes
you know kind of like the sign you see
outside of a barber shop.
the fabric was kind of like that. and it
connected all of these flags together.
and the flags covered the entire
overpass – over this huge tunnel that
encompasses all four lanes
of the traffic that was coming and
going. and there was wind. and the wind that was
blowing there was no
storm clouds. it wasn’t like a
tornado I think coming. it’s just
real bad wind. and the flags were just
whipping and being tattered and torn
as they were being done like that.
and they were ripped – they were
being ripped violently by this wind. it
was very very strong wind.
and then the man that I’ve seen so often
in my dreams
he showed up, and
he was standing on the flags that lay on
the cement embankment over the tunnel. he
was standing on them.
looking towards the birds. he was wearing
a metal medieval helmet like you would have seen
(and I’m just going to use this term; I
was thinking about it)
like Charlemagne’s group or Crusaders
that would have worn. [Like] those metal helmets
that fit over their head with a
little cross extension [Dana points to eyes] you could see out
of. [it] protected your head and your neck.
he was also wearing chain male. a
medieval chain male that protected folk –
protected the soldier from swords
and knives. but he also had a long
sword about the size of a Scottish
claymore on the side.
it seemed almost as big as him but it
was a claymore. and the Scottish
claymores were just known to be very
very large long swords. they also had the basket
hilt on it. some of you may know what I’m talking
about. and in one hand he was holding a
very very large metal spike as tall as
it was just like he was holding it here
by himself. it was as tall as him.
he also had a huge metal
maul – [a wedge]. what you would use to split wood. it was just
this huge maul about the size of his head. and he
had his hand on the handle and the maul
was on the ground – he was holding it.
so he has this huge metal spike
which is kind of down like
it’s gonna be driven into the ground,
and this huge maul a very very heavy
maul. and as the birds got closer to the
tunnel the man, who now looked like he was about
10 feet tall, took the position to hold it – he
took that spike and he held it right in
front of him
on the ground. it was on top of the flags.
it was on top of the embankment area. it
was on top of the overpass so to speak.
he sees these birds coming – he takes up
this position. he looks like he was about
ten feet tall.
he holds the spike at the top of the
flags and then he lifted
the maul into the air and this thing was huge. and
the maul appeared to change – it became not a maul,
it was now an anvil.
an anvil like you’d see in a in a shop a
metal shop or something. a huge
anvil on this wooden handle. and there
was blood dripping from the anvil. and it was
dripping down onto the man’s hand. so
even as he as he holds the maul like
this, he is seeing the blood that’s coming down on
his hands. the traffic disappears. and the road
became like a runway.
and both groups of birds now
merge together. and they are flying
particularly fast. I mean almost like a
stealth bomber they just…
they’re all together. these black crows
are all together and they’re just moving
as one now towards the tunnel – trying
to get into the tunnel.
the tunnel was now very much larger and
the dark hole was now filled with people
wandering around blind
with masks over their face. and they were
using the white cane – that’s what
it’s called – a white cane, the stick that
they unfold and [blind people] walk with
in front of them. so all these people are
walking up like they’re
they’ve got masks over their face. and
they’re using these white canes.
you know they’re walking in this tunnel.
and they’re walking
underneath. so no one knows what’s going
on. they can’t see what’s happening.
they’re not aware of what’s happening.
but they’re walking and they’re
blind. birds are getting close to the
tunnel. and that’s when the man placed the spike
securely with his hands,
looked at the spike, took up that anvil,
or the maul in his hand and he
began to pound.
pound and drive that stake.
it was almost feverishly. it was just
as fast as he could he was pounding.
pounding. pounding that steak.
the birds kept getting closer. they keep
flying towards him. and as he keeps pounding
suddenly the ground
trembles and it cracks open. and there’s
like air that rushed to the surface, like
it’d been trapped down there
somewhere. I don’t think it was necessary from the
tunnel but it just looked like there
were these pressure gaps
that came up through the soil where he
was standing.
he kept pounding, and pounding, and
pounding until the tunnel began to
and the ground was shaking
uncontrollably to the point of beginning
to split. and then he takes off his helmet and
begins pounding even more feverishly.
and the ground’s shaking and the ceiling
tunnel begins to collapse on the people
that are underneath there and
in it. and the people they’re unaware. they are
totally unaware of the rocks falling on
them. and they continue just to meander
and debris
and stuff is fallen on them and it’s
just pound the ground. they’re just laying there like
their dead.
the birds kept coming. and they entered
the tunnel right as the entire tunnel
collapsed on them.
and they were crushed flat and buried
under the rubble.
it was almost like the overpass was just
gone. the flags
were now burning. and they had burned ash.
you could see the residue of the flag
ash but the wind was blowing the residue of
the flag away.
and out of that rubble comes the man.
He carries them all in his hands.
spike’s gone and he’s
carrying about halfway up the handle, not right next to the maul part itself,
but about halfway down
the handle.
He takes the helmet off his head
and places them all down on the ground.
and then he said this,
“justice for all is coming
but will not be seen by the many who
needed it desperately.
bracing is required to stay the course
but it will be a course of consequence.”
let me say that again
he said, “justice for all is coming but
will not be seen
by the many who needed it desperately.
bracing is required to stay the
course but it will be a course of
consequence.” and then the ground began to
shake. and men, I saw men, none of whom were
soldiers. there was not
one military person involved in what I’m
about to say. I saw men taking up arms and lining up
ready to fight.
these were men were in camouflage
jackets. they had ar-15s over their
shoulders. they had
caps on their heads. they were wearing
it was not a military city. this was just
citizenry. this was just
people. and they’re taking up arms and they’re
lining up ready to fight
almost like you would have seen during
the American Revolution when the British
would line up to fight.
then [they that] have the guns were just
lining up, stepping one next to another.
that’s when I heard the sound
of Reveille [a military song calling personnel to wake up] in the background.
it started getting louder and louder and
louder and louder.
and the men marched forward;
weapons came up.
and there were shouts.
and then I awaken from the dream.