The Doctor Will See You Now Dream – TRANSCRIPT December 10, 2023

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The Doctor Will See You Now Dream – TRANSCRIPT December 10, 2023

“I’m going to be sharing it right now, the doctor will see you now,” is what I’m calling this. Uh, I was sitting in a medical clinic waiting room that was filled with people; some of them were sick and looking weary, some had brought family and friends that were sick, and their carers were watching for them, watching their phones, waiting to hear a name called so they could take their sick back. Imagine the worst hospital waiting room, the worst clinic waiting room full of people, and nobody’s getting in to see the doctor. Nurses with clipboards were getting histories on their charts and telling people they would be seen soon. It was obvious to me, though in the dream, there were too many people to be seen even if they had a hundred doctors behind the doors. These people, obviously in distress, it was not like a mass unit by any means, but the nurses had shocked looks on their faces every time the door opened, and people flooded in. I mean, it was like groups and groups and gangs of people just tumultuously rolling in. And it also appeared as if there were 200 to 250 people in this waiting room waiting to be seen, and they were all losing their patience, looking at their watches, looking at the doors, people trying to be patient. And my attention was drawn to a lady with a small boy in her lap, and she was wiping sweat off this little boy’s head. Obviously, the little boy’s sick, and she kept praying. I could just see her mouth move. I could see her head. She kept looking up to the sky, and tears were streaming from both of her eyes. I watched her in my dream. It seemed like for like an hour, and she occasionally got up and walked while holding her son. Then she lay him on the chairs, and he would just start crying. So she reached down, picking him back up with all her strength, started walking and praying. And I knew what she was doing was praying for that. It reminded me so much of praying for my kids. So she’s praying for her son. She would simply pray, summon the strength, pick him back up off the chairs, and get going. She finally sat back down holding her boy when she suddenly got up and went to the door at the back, and the door opened. The nurse said to the mother holding her son, “The doctor will see you now,” and so she went through the door. I watched others who were in distress, and a few were praying quietly and silently. But what was interesting was the only ones who got to that door in the back to go see the doctor were the ones who were praying, the ones who actually looked up and said you could see their mouth moving, lips moving, no one called their name. There was no none saying, “Mr. Coverstone, please come to the door,” whatever. None of that. Nobody’s speaking loudly. They just would get up, almost like they heard something, and they got up and they walked to that door and they waited. People just got up, went, the door suddenly opened, and they went in. They were told, “The doctor will see you now.” Nobody else seemed upset by the people going through the door. Nobody even seemed to notice anybody was getting into a door. They were just all caught up with the fact that they weren’t being seen yet. Nobody rushed to that door. Nobody demanded to get in. Nobody was beating on or anything like that. Actually, nobody noticed these specific people, and that was the key of the dream. Nobody noticed these people were there. They were praying. They were trusting God to take care of their need more so than just a doctor. I got up to walk and pray myself, and as soon as I got up, my seat was taken. But I began to pray. I started praying for people who were in the room. I could tell there was a lot of great need. People were sick. I started praying for wisdom, for healing, for direction. I was praying all sorts of different things. I paced and prayed, and some more, and then I heard the Lord’s voice in my head, and it said to go to the door and wait. So I walked to the door. I looked around to see if anybody had noticed. Nobody was looking at me. Nobody watched me. My seat was already gone, and now it’s only standing room only in the place. I mean, there’s people are standing up waiting to get in to see the doctor, and still people are sitting in the chairs. I waited a few more minutes. The door opened, and the nurse opening it said, “The doctor will see you now.” I walked into a very simple but comfortable room that resembled the doctor’s personal office. It was very humble. There was no decor, nothing on the walls, just a couple of bookcases, a nice big desk, and the man I see so often sitting there in like a doctor’s jacket. He had a clipboard in his hand and a pen. And so I was about to see the great physician, so to speak. So I came in and I sat down. He was looking at that clipboard and making charts, making notes on it. And then I noticed that the door that I’d come in had disappeared, and there were no other doors in this room. It was like a self-contained secret place. The windows to the outside seemed to be enveloped in bright light streaming into the room, and there was a scent, and I’m telling you what, even in my dream, I could tell it smelled wonderful. Better than fresh bread baking, like at your grandma’s house at Thanksgiving or Christmas, and it was just absolute peace and tranquility. I totally forgot about all the people out there in their room that I’d been standing in. I’m just there in his presence. It seemed that there was green grass instead of carpet. The walls were translucent, almost glowing, and there was a sense of a cloud that was hovering near the ceiling directly above me. And I said, “Why am I here, and what’s wrong with me?” And he just smiled this incredible smile. He leaned into the desk, he laid the clipboard on the desk closer to me, and he tapped the stylus, and he, that rubbery tip thing that’s on the end of some of your stuff, you know, for your phones and things, he tapped that three times on the clipboard, and he said, “Here is my prognosis, not diagnosis. Here is my prognosis over the next year. The financial deception about the American economy is going to be revealed, but most will still not realize what’s happened to them personally. The church will have to live by faith, trusting me to provide and come through for them consistently, and I will provide for those who live, walk in faith, and people will see what I can do, and I will provide for those who live, what faith persecution will come at a pace the country has never seen before, and it will increase to far more than jail and prison. Censorship will become the standard, and the attempt to silence the voice of speaking truth will come not only as the faithful pray and speak the truth themselves, the accuser of the brethren will unleash accusations against God’s people and bring intentional harm against those who speak the truth, and his lies will be believed. Christian families will experience conflict that is unprecedented, and hate will

knock on every Christian door, and the false teachers will attempt to invade every church committed to truth and strangle believers until they breathe no more. The fight has come, and the fight is on, braced or not, it is here, and many will fall to the side on a sword of their own.” At this point, he stood up, and he pushed the clipboard closer to me on the desk and motioned for me to get up. And so I got up, and I grabbed the clipboard, and there were words written on it, and the words were these: “Be strong and courageous, walk on the water, be instant and in season at all times. I am with you at all times, and I will never leave you or forsake you.” And then the man said, “Get busy, get busy,” and then he disappeared right in front of me. And as I looked up from that clipboard and looked at him, I was back in that room full of people, and there were more people in there than there had been when I’d been sitting in that the waiting room was full, and a voice came over the loudspeaker, saying, “This office will be closing in 10 minutes, but Church Representatives will be standing by to pray for you after we close. So please stay behind if you want to be prayed for and sit in the designated area near the doctor’s office.” People started complaining out loud, “Whoa, what do you mean? This is crazy!” All sorts of things like that. They started grumbling, they headed towards the door, they were slamming the door when they can, people were angry, people were upset, and they were leaving. And of all those hundreds of people that I saw in that room, only about 20 people remained behind. Some were holding sick children, others were elderly, and the others that stayed were just obviously weary and desperate. I stood at the door by the office, and I watched as two other adults and that lady with that little boy that I had seen – that little boy was now in good shape – they joined me. The lady pulled out a bottle of anointing oil and she said, “Let’s get busy.” The adults and myself and the little boy, we had her pour into our hands oil, so we all held our hands out like this, and she began to pour oil into our hands. And we started walking around those 20 people and praying for them out loud with power and authority. And these people were eagerly prayed for; they’d been waiting all this time in this room, and each person was healed as we laid our hands on and anointed them with oil. At this point in the dream, I woke up, and the last three nights that I woke up from this dream, I grabbed my phone because I always make notes. I grabbed my phone, and all three times I had woken up right at 3:16 AM. Okay, I want to kind of go back through the dream and just share some insights. We know there’s some crazy things that are coming, people. I was in a medical clinic, people were sick, there was a need for it, things were happening, and there were no doctors to see these people. There was too many people to be seen. It was like, you know, how are we going to feed all these people? I believe, as I said earlier, that God still works in the supernatural. I believe that this is a dream about God encouraging us to realize that we in the church need to start stepping out and walking in the fullness of the power of God and the fullness of the power of the supernatural world in which he moves in with and through us. There was a great need right now and a great need in this dream. At first, it was a great need for miracles and healings. People had come to the doctors in the hospitals for help, and it couldn’t be done. There were too many needs, too much stuff was going on. Not knowing, though, that the great physician, Jesus himself, sat just on the other side of the door, on the other side of a wall, and the great physician was waiting for people who would come to him, and he could tell them what was going to happen, what was going on. But in spite of the challenges and difficulties, he was saying, “I want to use you. Get out there and get busy, heal the sick, walk on the water, be instant in season, out of season, all those things.” In other words, we got a glimpse of Heaven. There was a little glimpse of Heaven. That little boy had a need, and she prayed. Others were out there in distress. People had come from all over the place, they were sick, they were weak, they were weary, they were tired, they were needy, and those who got in got in because they’d been praying, they’d been seeking his face, they were saying, “God, what’s going on? What’s happening? I brought my child, I brought my need.” Here we are. One of the key things I want to focus on are the things that Jesus told us that were coming. He uses the word “prognosis,” that to me was the key. Not diagnosis, prognosis. Prognosis is a prospect of recovery. It’s also, it means to forecast or to predict. There’s a great need right now in the church world. There’s a great need in America, there’s a great need in the world, and there’s a great need for the church to be ready for this. And in a lot of ways, Church, we’re not ready. We’re not ready because the persecution hasn’t come like we like, like we don’t want it to. But let’s just tap on this. He said, “Here’s my prognosis over the next year.” This phrase involves over the next year. This phrase involves over the next year. This phrase involves over the next year. In other words, we’re going to understand how bad things really are, and that we’re not being told the truth by government, that’s what I take from this. And there’s going to be major things that begin to happen. I imagine we’re going to see greater amounts of layoffs than we’ve ever thought possible. We also don’t know what’s going to happen – there’s nothing in this dream about medical stuff, except people were sick and they had to lean and trust on Christians who knew Jesus to pray for them and to bring healing. Persecution is going to come at a pace the country’s never seen before, and it will increase to far more than jail and prison. Folks, that’s the one that gets me. I’ve had several dreams about persecution coming, about pastors being judged, churches being judged, denominations and fellowships being judged. But we’re really going to find out how strong people’s faith are, and if they’re going to be able to walk on the water or whatever else they’re going to do, they got to stand strong in the face of adversity. And when it says, it will increase to far more than jail and prison, folks, I’m not surprised that that will mean it doesn’t surprise me that could mean that some of there will be some martyrs, some people who are put down because of their faith, some people who are locked away in prison, some people who are persecuted beyond imagination. Jesus says these things are coming. Here’s the prognosis. Here’s the forecast. Here’s the forecast of the weather that’s coming for this next year. And he uses, over the next year, this phrase involves over the next year. Censorship will become the standard, and the attempt to silence the voice of speaking truth will come not only as the faithful pray and speak the truth themselves.

If you’ve heard what Al Gore recently said, that nobody should be able to say anything against what he believes. He was wrong about the polar ice caps melting; you can find that in his book “An Inconvenient Truth.” But when people say, “Unless you agree with me, you shouldn’t be allowed to say anything,” or what’s going on, you know what, that’s not good. That’s not good, that’s not good, that’s not good, that’s not good. We know that censorship’s coming. We’ve got to be more and more careful about what we say, but we have to keep saying what we say. And he basically made it very, very clear, folks; we’re going to go through difficulty. Look, I’ve not been, hey, if you know anything about me, you know I’ve been saying, folks, it’s going to be difficult until the time we see Jesus. It doesn’t matter to me what other people are saying or what other people are doing. I’m telling you what the word tells me. In the last days, perilous times will come. We’re going to go through some difficult times. Censorship is going to get worse and worse and worse, and there’s going to be a whole lot of people who want us silenced and quiet. He goes on to say this, “The accuser of the Brethren will unleash accusations against God’s people and bring intentional harm against those who speak the truth, and his lies will be believed.” We’re about to see a whole bunch of accusations about people, who they are, what they’ve done, where they’ve been, who they’ve been with, what they’ve done with people’s situations. And with AI and some of the newer things that are going on with technology where they can mimic voices, faces, we’re going to see people that you know, people you love, people you trust who appear as if they’re saying something that they never did, but yet AI is going to make it look that way. Here are some incredible things. It’s coming, folks. These things will be said about me, these things will be said about you, these things will be said about others. So, hey, there may be a chance for many of us to have a prison ministry or a jail ministry. Don’t look at it as, “Oh, no, what am I going to do?” Here, anywhere God takes you, God can use you, and God wants to use you and will use you. But the persecution is coming. Those things are coming. And then he said, “And then he said, Christian families will experience conflict that is unprecedented.” I’m thinking about what Jesus said in Matthew where Sons will turn against do uh will turn against their fathers daughters against their mother family against family; there’s going to be that. I’m talking that kind of conflict that kind of conflict; you know one thing I I will I will share make very clear nowhere in my dreams has Jesus ever talked and basically made a comment about the Rapture. It’s always been a reminder that while we’re here we got work to do while we’re here perilous times last days whatever they may be we have work to do and I’ll tell you this stream encourages me even though it’s saying hey stuff’s coming stuff might come against me stuff might come against you but I’m still encouraged because of what happens in the end. Families be be prayed up be prayed up for be praying for your kids and your grandkids your parents be prayed up be prayed up be prayed up because the family is going to be one of the most attacked things the most attacked things and the false teachers will attempt to invade every Church committed to the truth and strangle Believers until they breathe no more. I want to tell you folks if you remember the dream that I had about the Wolves those wolves were in the back of the church and they were just nuzzling right up to those that were sleeping there’s going to be a a and Truth in our churches and we as look as a pastor I want to be watching who’s coming into my church who’s coming into my service I want to be I want to be aware what my people are watching and listening to and being you know and I don’t I don’t say hey who you listening to but people come in they say what do you think about this and I can say well I’ve got some concerns about this this and this but they’re not going to knock on the door they’re going to they’re going to attempt to invade every church every truth Church preaching truth folks just coming and it’s going to attempt to strangle Believers until they breathe no more and try to knock the spirit you know when you’re when you’re running and you fall it knocks the wind out of you the enemy is going to try to knock the spirit out of you so realize that these are the things that Jesus says are coming and then he says the fight has com and the fight is on this is not something we’re waiting on this is here it’s here now it’s here right now not g to come excuse me folks allergies are still bad right now because it’s been so warm the point is the fight is here the fight has come and the fight is on is what he said brace or not it’s here I’ve been saying for three years brace yourself brace yourself brace yourself inspired by the Holy Spirit to say those things warning telling speaking saying hey these things are coming these things are coming they’re here now we see it the calls for censorship are in the news the calls against truth are are are out there and many will fall to the side on a sword of their own this is the phrase that got me thinking the most about this dream we’re going to see people who give up the faith walk you it says and because of [Music] lawlessness because of lawlessness a great many will turn away from the truth Jesus said there’ll be a great falling away so we know those things we know these things we see them happening around us and yet there are others that are running as far and as fast as they can towards sin and Disobedience and I truly believe that that sword Fallen to the side on a sword of their own are those that will not give in those that will not surrender those will say hey I’m out of here I don’t want to deal with this they’re going to walk away because of lawlessness the love of many will grow cold in other words it’s going to get so bad they say maybe this thing I believed about Jesus isn’t true because look at all these things that are happening and they walk away from it but then he stood up you know when when somebody stands stands up when somebody stands up it’s because they’re ready to step out they’re ready to do something or or they’re about to make you know they put their hand out say goodbye I looked at that clipboard and it said these words be strong and courageous which are the very same things that Moses spoke to Joshua before they went into the promised land he said Walk In The Water Peter started and looked at the waves so this a remind us folks when the things that are coming the persecution the opposition the false the false teachers and all those crazy things we have to keep our eyes on the truth and I spent I’ve spent 12 weeks speaking about the Rapture judgment return second coming of Christ and have a lot of resources out there on it even here at our church and notes um we are pre I’m a pre-tribulation Believer and uh it’s not a false Doctrine and to call it a false Doctrine is a pretty rash thing so um I’m not going to back down from that, either uh but nonetheless, uh, there are hard things going to come to the church before the Rapture of the church, so that great falling away is going on, the love of many growing cold is falling on, be strong, courageous, walk on the water, be instant in and in season at all times. We’ve got to be ready to tell people what the word says, we’ve got to be willing to call sin sin, we’ve got to call a dog a dog, we’ve got to be willing to do what needs to be done and get that information out there. And then he says, “I am with you at all times, never leave you or forsake you.” Folks, we know that, and many of us are going to have to stand on that truth when things get bad, when things get hard, when things get harsh. When things get harsh, we’re going to have to stay faithful. Paul and Silas at midnight began to worship in prison in chains, and the chains fell off. There are people in prisons around this world who are there because of their faith in Jesus Christ, so once again, God may give some of us a prison ministry or a jail ministry, who knows what’s happening. The man said, “Get busy, get busy, go and make disciples, go and do what needs to be done, get out there and get involved, go out there and do something.” Once again, when I walk, when I open my eyes from that moment I was back in there in that clinic room and people were, I saw people sitting there who’d been there since before I went in to see, uh, the doctor, so to speak, the Great Physician. The place was packed, I mean, it was packed, packed, packed, and then someone came with a loudspeaker and said, “The office will be closing in 10 minutes, but church representatives will be standing by to pray for you after we close, so please stay behind if you want to get prayed for and sit in the designated area near the doctor’s office.” Only about 20 people stood or stayed behind. You know what? There are people out there that are never going to give us a chance to pray with them, talk with them, or share with them the gospel. Some won’t, there’ll be some people who will never let you pray for them, never let you talk to them, never let you share the truth with them. Some of those situations, you just wipe your hands off and you go on, you keep doing what you’re doing. But those that stayed, those that stayed, we had been, I’m guessing that all the people that were in there to see the Great Physician before I went in had been told the same thing I had been told, because when that lady walked up, she said, “Let’s get busy,” and that’s exactly what Jesus had told me in that room, “Get busy, get busy, get out there, share the gospel, pray for people, heal the sick, raise the dead.” See, it’s never about the numbers, I guess in one sense, I wish that all two or three hundred people would have stayed behind, but they didn’t, it was only just a few of us that stayed to pray. But it’s never about the numbers, because people who get healed are going to let somebody know where they got healed and who prayed for them when they got healed and what church did they go to where they got healed. We’ve got to get busy, folks, we’ve got to get busy, we’ve got to get busy, there was a vocal reminder to the people in that clinic that the church will be ready to pray for you, so that means we’ve got to be ready, we’ve got to get on it, we’ve got to get out there doing what we need to be doing. Few stayed, but you know what, everyone that stayed was healed, folks, I’m telling you, I believe that in the next year we’re going to see things, and even into the tribulation timeframe, I believe that we will see, there will be moments, there will be moments when people walk into our churches with sick babies and sick children and they say, “I need help,” because they don’t have, they don’t have, they don’t have insurance, they don’t have health, they don’t have anything that was going, they don’t have those things and they’re going to need the power of God, the hand of God at work in their lives to do it. So, folks, when’s the last time you prayed for the sick? When’s the last time you prayed in faith that God would move in powerful ways? Because I believe God wants us to be, and look, the timeframe was over the next year, the timestamp for me was every morning the last three nights I woke up, it was 3:16, 3:16, 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.” In other words, we’ve got to share the salvation message, but also the more that Jesus does, which is heal, He delivers people from demon, He’s people, we need to still be casting demons out of people, we still need to believe that God can raise the dead and trusting God to do those very things. And that means that we get busy and we share the gospel, we share Jesus with everybody that we come in contact with. And so no matter what else we might face this next year, as far as financial situations, or censorship, or persecution, or opposition, or jail, or prison, what matters is we keep our eyes on Him, our eyes on the prize, and we keep sharing, because I believe God wants all of us, all of us, all of us, all of us, to serve Him in powerful ways. I won’t be surprised if we see the dead raised, I won’t be surprised if we see miracles and healings, I won’t be surprised if we see diseases they’ve never had a cure for, we see people healed. Why? Because God’s people will get busy in spite of what’s going on. And in that crowded clinic room, full of all those people needing something, if we can hear His voice and another direct thing about this dream, it’s not just a dream about praying, it’s a dream about being in His presence, walking with Him everywhere, no matter what’s going on, that we have our eyes focused on Him at all times so we can hear His voice. And when we hear His voice, we do what He tells us to do. That also is a key piece of this dream. Those people that came to me later, came to me, and those people later on were eager, eager, eager, eager, eager, eager, to be prayed for, eager to be healed. They had some faith, they had some trust that those of us would be praying for them. I guess I could have called this dream the “Let’s Get Busy” dream, but I believe God wants to talk with us, remind us of who He is and what He’s doing. So stay faithful, stay focused, church, we are the body of Christ, we’ve got a lot of work to do, and don’t anybody out there think, “Well, God can’t use me,” oh yes, He can. God takes broken, messed up people and He puts them back together in a way that only He can. Folks, get busy and stay busy. We can worry about the border, we can worry about Washington DC, we can worry about bills and this and that, the whole point is Jesus said, “Here’s the prognosis, these things are going to happen, these things are going on, but you get busy, you be about your Father’s, you be about the Lord’s business, you be… We need to be focused on what He wants us to do.” So let’s pray. Lord, I believe there’s a whole lot of people out there that’re going to be healed because we’re going to lay our hands on them and pray and trust you for healing and they’re going to see miracles, they’re going to see cancer, diabetes, heart conditions healed right there on the spot. We’re going to see people have nowhere else to go, nobody else to talk to, nobody else that they can think about. You reaching out to and they’re going to see us lay hands on them and pray, we’re going to see them healed. And Lord, I pray for the church, that the church will be ready for what’s coming, that our faith will be in you and not our bank account, not our savings, not what our people can give or can’t give. Our focus and our faith will be on you, Jesus. We’re going to trust you when persecution comes, when the false teachers come, help us to identify and see them, Lord, point them out and kick them out. Lord, help us to be ready to help those families where they see confidence and chaos happen. Lord Jesus, you said that there would be, there would be sons and daughters turning in their parents for their faith. I pray, Lord, you get a hold of us today, all those that have listened to the dream, all those that have heard, all those that will listen again, may we simply have a passion to serve you, God. We know they’re going to shut us down eventually, one of these days. They don’t want this truth to be out, so I pray, at least for myself with the podcast I do, I pray, Lord, for open doors. I’m going to pray, Lord, literally, you hide what is said so that those things aren’t seen or heard by the critics or the censors, and let there always be an open channel somehow, some way for the truth to get out. Lord, for those that have followed me ever since the first dream, I pray, God, you help them to be insightful into what it is that you want them to do, the kind of believer that they need to be. Lord, show them areas that need to be strengthened and made strong in their lives. Help us all to get busy, Lord, myself included. Help us all to get busy, be about the Father’s business. So I thank you that you’re still speaking to people through dreams and visions. I’m thankful you’re still speaking to people through prophetic words. I’m thankful, God, you’re still anointing pastors to hear your voice and know what to preach and teach and feed their congregations on Sundays and Wednesdays. I’m thankful, God, for the work that you’re doing among us because we know you’re not done with us yet. So Lord, until we draw our last breath, that we get out there and get busy for you and serve you, Father, with every tool and every gift you put into us. And that’s our prayer in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name. Folks, one other thing that I appreciate you watching the dream and my prayer is this: please pray about what I’ve shared. Just pray about it. Ask the Lord to help you to see what you need to do with it. If there’s something that has stuck out to you, my pump’s giving me a warning so I’m trying to figure out what is… But I want you to be faithful to do what you sense you need to do in prayer. Pray about it. And if you want a copy of the dream, just send me, just send me an email. Email to I’ll send it to you. When I first started having dreams, I put them online and they got added to, they got taken away from, and I just didn’t do that. And someone says, “Oh, you just did that to write a book.” No, I didn’t. I wanted to get them out there, but I also wanted to put some theology into the context of a book so people understood dreams and dream interpretation and how that all works. But I just will not put them online, just even on my Facebook page or out there because people add to them and then they’re all over the place. And so I just don’t want, you know, I’d rather not do that. Just make it that way. And then somebody says, “Hey, so send me an email.” I won’t go back through the comments. Send an email to and I’ll try to get those out by noon tomorrow. Um, Monday’s usually my day off and I’m trying to, I’m not going to do a whole lot later on with it, but uh, I’ll be back in the offices tomorrow morning. I’ll start getting those back. So if you want to cop… cop the dream, just let me know and I will send that to you. Um, and not be a problem at all. But I appreciate your patience. I appreciate you listening. Um, I’m just thankful that God is… is still doing it. And I’ll tell you what, um, if you’re dreaming and folks, God is still speaking through dreams and visions. Write those dreams down. Share them with the people that… that you know. I will not share anybody’s dreams. They’re your dreams or somebody else. They’re not mine. God opened this door for platform. I never asked for it. I just walked into the door and he kept opening. So nonetheless, um, if you’re having dreams, write those points down. Write them down. Share them with somebody. Get them out there. Get them out there so people know, uh, because I do believe that there’s a lot of people dreaming right now. A lot of people are dreaming. So, you get it out there. So folks, thanks for joining me today. Pray through the dream. Pray about it and get ready for this… this coming year. Jesus warned of several things. Financial deception is going to be seen. Um, uh, persecution is coming, censorship is coming, false truth going to knock on the door of every church trying to do the right things. So be aware of those things. But he also said, “Get busy.” So let’s get busy for Jesus, folks. Thanks a lot for watching today and pray about it. Pray through it and let me know what you think. All right? Andy, God bless.