THE TESTING FLOOR & Watchmen and the Fire Wind DREAMS – TRANSCRIPT Jun 9, 2021
hey good afternoon folks appreciate those that have already been on here waiting to to uh hear what’s going on what’s
happening i want to thank you for being a part of this uh for those been following since the first stream i’m grateful for that i do not take
advan i do not take that for granted by any means um i’m thankful first of all the lord is
is waking people up he’s shaking the church he’s shaking the nation and so grateful that he is still
speaking through dreams and visions acts chapter 2 is for today he said your
your sons and daughters will prophesy your young men will have visions and your your old men will have dreams and i guess that qualifies me as an old man i
was told that i’m going to pray with me uh comments today but i also want to focus on one real quick thing before we
start uh it says your old men will dream dreams that doesn’t say we’ll have one dream or two dream
we’ll dream dreams and i think that means a consistency i don’t care if it’s a thousand dreams
you have or just one dream you have god is going to give people dreams and need to be sense what he’s saying
because he’s trying to speak to us and he spoke to us old testament in the book of joel new testament book of acts as peter said
this is that and those dreams those visions those prophetic words are for today
and i’m thankful uh for your listening but also want to make sure when you hear the dreams you need to
pray about them yourselves that’s the way to give you wisdom direction understanding these are not on the same level as the
word of god don’t put them there don’t put your faith and trust in dreams in that situation make sure they’re in the word what’s the
word say through this what’s the what’s the meaning of the dream as the lord would show us that and that’s why i’m thankful to have sheree goff with me
today uh to do the interpretation work with that as well because she see things she sees a lot of things that i may not
have seen but plus she’s got the ministry experience of working with interpretation of dreams and dreams ministry
uh for a lot longer than i have ever worked with it in so i’m gonna share one dream first and she’s gonna do some interpretation
with it and comment on some numbers that she feels are very important to the dream and then i will be reading the second
dream halfway through the hour and i realize many of you on your on your lunch break and things like that and we don’t want
to just drag on and drag on and drag them or try to do it as efficiently and proficiently and and quickly as we can but we also want
to make sure all the points get covered so i believe the lord has given me the dreams and others dreams that that he is
because he wants to speak to the church so i’ll be sharing one dream she’ll interpret and i’m going to share the second part of the dream
which was a part of the first dream which is why we’re doing them together so first one i’m calling the watchman
and the firewind i’m sorry the watch yeah i grabbed the wrong one hang on just a second cherry
i grabbed i grabbed my notes out of my folder and grabbed the wrong one so i am going
to be talking about the watchman the firewind but just not until after the first one sorry about that folks
technical difficulties with my folder this is the testing floor dream i had this between may 17th and may 21st
and i told sheree that i felt there was more coming i just didn’t know i had another dream and it wasn’t quite
right we talked about that we’ll share some insight about that next week but then i had this other one
on friday june the 4th but the testing floor dream is this i dreamt i was sitting in an 80s style high school
classroom and there were young and older men and women and many teenagers but no children
there were green chalk boards and black chalkboards and a very large clock that had a powerful click i could hear this
click click click sound every time the second hand moved
now it started in the dream at 11 40. i was basically sitting at a desk looking at a
clock on the wall it said 11 40. but it obviously been going on for a while as each individual in the room was
looking down and writing in a blue book style of exam some of you that went to college in the late 90s and 80s you
remember the blue books basically just a little notebook full of paper you just filled in the test that way
and the man that i see so often in my dreams was in the front of the classroom and he was walking up and down the rows
and was taking notes on a clipboard for those who were being tested he stopped and said there’s not much
time left so stay busy and finish the work at this point i noticed there were some of the individuals in suits and dresses
some were in jeans and t-shirts the time hit 11 45 and the man said stay focused and let
nothing draw you from the work at hand the ones taking the test were obviously
strained and sweating and were watching the clock and the man taking the man talking to them each face was
firm and eyes only left the page to look at the man when he spoke alarms began to go off and hit 1150 and
that alarm lasted until about 11 51 and some of the test takers stood up the stretch and the man began to pace faster past
the students and was watching the clock in a more determined way he even stopped when the alarm went off
at 11 55 and simply stared at the clock for the entire minute when he turned around there were tears
running down his face and he took papers from the clipboard and began giving each student a sheet full of notes he had taken
they were different for each individual and as the people looked at the nose they each began to cry and the man said again stay focused on
the task but be encouraged while you do his pace quickened even more and he began touching the shoulders of each
person and pouring oil on their heads from a pitcher that never emptied at all
the oil was running down their faces and down their hands and even flowed into the words they were all writing on the pages of
the textbooks suddenly the words on the pages became flames and the flames went up to the arms and under the chest of
each individual and then the flame stayed over the heart of each person and began to paint each face with a fiery glow not an eerie
globe but a fiery glow but the people continued to write and they were not afraid at all
the people stood with their hands in the air as the clock hit the 11 58 and a countdown alarm sounded that was
different from the others as it was a constant almost annoying sound that was filling the room and getting even louder
each person continued to praise god out loud and the man walked around the room quickly picking up the booklets
which were smoking from the fire but not damaged by it the man spoke very loudly and said one
minute remain remains please finish the task to the best of your abilities and then the praise got louder and the
pile of booklets was raised into the air and vanished through the ceiling almost as if they were like on a pallet
just lifted into the air and when the clock hit 12 the floor seemingly fell through and vanished
but the people remained standing on what appeared to be air their hands were still raised and their
eyes were now straight up in the air and the name being shouted literally shouted was jesus
the fourth the floor falling below the people now appeared i’m sorry the floor falling below the
people now appeared to be a map of the united states and it was billowing and flowing and rippling almost like like a flag but falling
nonetheless in the darkness below now outside the building where the tests were being taken i saw groups of women
standing in circles chanting and screaming and cutting themselves to draw blood and then dropping the blood on a map united
states they were seeking its destruction and stood against the principles of righteousness as they were burning crosses and bibles
and they chanted we need no god but self and as they chanted this they began to dance and
wildly and then started stumbling as the earth began shaking below them they did not run or fear but began
screaming even louder and cursed god with even more vigor and frenzy it seemed the classroom and the outside
event was happening at the same time because as they wildly moved around and cursed i could hear the sound of the
clock dinging at certain times the closer to noon it got the faster they moved and when it hit noon
the map and the earth they were standing on and bleeding over fell under the earth into the earth
and every one of the people standing on it was drawn into the earth as well almost like a giant vortex that became a
bottomless hole as i looked down i saw behold getting even deeper and as i looked above i could see the people in the classroom
standing on the air with their hands lifted in praise and then the man approached me in the middle and he had a lightning bolt in his right
hand it was a dazzling source of light it was hard to see because it was flashing and blazing like fire in his hands and he
said the violent taketh by force and violent in their faith the church must be to withstand the
winds and the fight that is being brought against her but i stand with you i am watching the
clock and listening to my father’s command and that was the dream as i saw it over
those several days shari okay
this stream is i love this stream it’s so exciting for me because it shows
um what i’ve been waiting for i haven’t said this to dana but um
it’s like with everything that’s coming in the united states like what’s next what’s next and i’ve been asked lord what’s on the other side you know and
he’s been speaking to me about that but i’m excited to see the dreams showing that this what’s on the other
side or what’s in the midst of that and it’s revival it’s revival okay but that that comes in on the second dream
you want to watch the second dream and the interpretation for it but in particular um this first part
is a spiritual perspective of what’s going on a spiritual oversight because it he says
in this one and he says it in the next one that it’s like these things are overlapping are happening it
happening at the same time so this first stream this first half of the dream and the
second half of the dream which you’re gonna hear is when i get done talking um they’re happening
simultaneously so the first part is spiritual the second part is a little more on the
natural side what you’re going to see on the earth so you want to keep that in mind
okay so the spiritual side of it is this it starts off with it’s it’s set in the 80s type of school classroom
so it’s a test it’s in a classroom there’s a test being given i’m really going to talk on the numbers
because the numbers have kind of blowed up on me with this one they tell a story um beyond the story
which is incredible so um sorry and let me uh i’ve got so many
papers here because i’ve got so many notes and scriptures um but my trouble is i can’t see with with
my glasses so the number 80 is uh is to be test by judgment it’s almost
like an old old testament style uh judgment testing kind of thing um i have a lot of scriptures for all
these number meanings um and and i’m going to list those later
i asked dana i said can we attach this to the video later so i’m going to put all these out so you can see what i’m talking about
and you can verify that i’m not just pulling stuff out of the air um but 80
abraham was 80 years old when ishmael was born ishmael was not the promised child and
so this is a testing time in second kings there was a famine and a
donkey’s head went for 80. 80 so again a a testing time a bad time
um moses was 80 years old when he first spoke to pharaoh
and so it’s the beginning of this going through the wilderness and this this this judgment also of the house of
pharaoh to let the people go and so that’s the number uh 80. it’s i i just simplified it and said
it’s with it it’s being tested tested by judgment okay and so we go through the stream and
and um the only people not taking the test is the children because children have a certain amount
of innocence and immaturity so it’s the teenagers and the men and women who are in this test
so if you’re in that category you’re being tested um okay
so then the clock is is a powerful uh symbol it’s saying there’s a time
what is the time so it’s like it’s like asking the watchmen watchmen what of the night what’s going
on what’s going to happen what’s the course of this thing so it starts at 11 40.
the number 11 is the number for um like the last days because it’s the 11th
hour and the 12th hour is when the rapture happens it’s the end of times um
11 is also a disorder because when uh when
joseph uh was taken from his family there were just 11 sons left so that left left him in disorder um
with the apostles when there were only 11 they had to get another one because 12 was this governmental authority
um matthew 20 uh six and nine speak of the eleventh hour uh so 11 is
disorder or last date it’s like a transitional thing you’re going from one thing to the next so the number 40 is a test of faith
40 uh 40 years in the wilderness that wilderness test was a test of faith
i did a video on that it’s really fascinating go watch it um 40 was also how many days jesus spent
in the wilderness to be tested of the enemy right so it’s a test of your faith and so what what it’s
saying right is that we’re in the last days
we’re in the test of your faith it’s a time of transition okay so we go on down um and the man says uh
uh first of all he’s taking notes on the clipboard for those who are being
tested not about but for so the man the god character right
he’s overseeing the test the students who are christians are working fervently
and he’s taking notes for them and he says there’s not much time stay busy and
work right and then the time hits 11 45 so now we’re progressing from 11 40 to
11 45 11 45 that number i’m gonna uh a brief is it’s
the process of the test and if you want to see those scriptures
like i said look for that later it’s the process of the test so in the process of the test he says
stay focused let me see if i want to read 45 um okay for instance um
abraham asked god you know will you destroy sodom if there’s 45 people and he says no so it’s the process of the
test joshua uh was on that journey with moses from the time
uh moses began uh until the until they they get ready
to cross over for 45 years so it’s the process of the test um okay
so going on down and then the alarm begins to go off um and it hits 11 50.
let me go back i’m sorry so they’re taking the test they’re strained they’re sweating and each one was firm and eyes only left
the page to look at jesus we need to keep our eyes focused on jesus through this test
because i was talking to a friend today and and she she was looking at some things
she was causing her confusion and she’s like and so it became do i judge the person who’s saying the things wrong
do i judge myself because i don’t understand what’s happening and the answer is you judge it by the
word of god you keep your eyes on the man jesus because he will lead you right every
time okay so the alarms begin to go off and it hits 11 50. 11 50 is it’s miraculous or 50 i
should say miraculous provision of god um
it’s like 50 is the year for a jubilee um the paper here
uh there were 50 sons of the prophet that watched elijah and elisha
as they were crossed over for elijah to be taken um jesus told the people to sit in
groups of 50 but to be fed from the five loaves and the two fishes so this miraculous provision
uh that we’re going to see miracles we’re going to see god provide miraculously um helen
hayman’s gallows were 50 cubits high so miraculous intervention and
um provision so it lasts until 11 51 so 1151 is
adding one to that so it’s miraculous provision plus one equals man
so when we join with god with miraculous provision uh god uses us god calls us to do
miracles he he didn’t just he doesn’t just you know don’t just fall out of the air
we partner with god and we see his mac miraculous provision as we step out in
faith when you lay hands on sick he heals them we don’t heal them but we have to lay hands on the stick
right that’s right and so at this miraculous provisions time because it says
the alarm goes off at 11 50 it lasts until 1151 and some of the test takers stood up to
stretch so i love this it’s like god gives you
the ability to do miracles you have to stand up and you have to stretch yourself
and you have to uh step out and do those things okay he’s not saying like we’ll sit down
you should be taking your test and not standing up and stretching no he’s fine with them doing that we
have to stretch it and then the pace uh picks up and uh and
the alarm goes off it’s 11 55. and so 11 um 55 the number five is the number for
like fivefold ministry it’s callings he called some apostles prophets
teachers evangelists whatever um there’s five of them
so that’s 11 55 it’s it’s callings handed out because you got 50 is miraculous provision five is callings
and then it says and simply started the clock stared at the clock for the entire
minute so if you add a minute to 11 55 you get eleven fifty six
six um is the number of man so who’s he giving these
miraculous callings and giftings to it’s to men
okay and then it says uh when he does this he turns around there’s tears running down his
face as he takes the papers from the clipboard and begins to give each student a full uh a sheet full of the notes he had
taken and so these this what he’s writing down on the clipboard as we’re taking the test is what he’s
going to assign to us as giftings and callings and so he’s excited about it he’s so
passionate about the giftings and the callings moving in the earth and the power of god moving in the earth that he’s crying now
he’s crying as he’s handing people their assignments and it says they were different for each
individual and as the people looked at the notes they began to cry also because they’re
so excited and honored about the the power of god that’s coming on them
to do the works of god in the earth it’s incredible feeling to be used in the power of god
they’re they’re excited they’re they’re joyful and they’re humbled by that and in the next stream you’ll see this
is them catching on fire when when they’re handed their assignment from god
it it lights something up in them okay and then again he says stay focused
on the task but be encouraged while you do and so the task is what we’re uh
supposed to be going forth and doing and we’ll see that in the next stream what we’re supposed to do
so the test is not just about being in a test you don’t take tests just to have a test
you take a test because it um it helps to uh reaffirm what you know to prove
what you know it helps you to learn in the process and it
at the other end of it you get released to do something so but this is just the test part
um all right and so this i love this next part it talks about the oil um okay let me
just read it so his his pace quickened he began touching the shoulders
of each person shoulders his authority um in in the word of god so he’s giving
them a authority when he touches them that’s the priests were you know like you know authority and he’s pouring the
oil on the heads that’s anointing that’s what they did with the priest also in the old testament
and it said the picture never emptied so this is like a continuous anointing that just continues to flow
and flow and it says the oil was running down their faces and down their hands and even flowed
into uh the words uh they were writing on the pages so you have this anointing
that and then we’ll see this the next stream too with the fire okay you know this fire is this power
but their their their faces is their countenance what they project their hands is their works
and their words is what they speak and it says the words on the page became
flames and the flames went up their arms and into the chest of the individuals
so now the the words that they’re speaking become a flame of fire that sets them of fire for god
to do the works of god to have strength that’s the arms and and this chest it’s it’s they’re
consumed with the passion of god it’s just consuming them it says then the flames stayed over the heart of each
person and began to paint each face with a fiery glow so this is the passionate desire of these
christians that it causes their face to glow this love for the ministry and for what god has
called him called them to do and it says and they were not afraid at all and so this is the boldness of the
lord because the bible says the fearful and the unbelieving aren’t going to make it if you’re going to do ministry for god you can’t be fearful you have to be bold
okay so the people stood with their hands in the air as the clock hit 11
58 um at hit the 11 58 mark and countdown alar
alarm sounded that was different from the others as it was constant almost annoying sounded
so 1158 that number 58 um the number eight speaks of the
ordination of the completion of the ordination of men
in the old testament um let’s see in genesis uh
well i have a scripture here for that in just a second
okay it says on the eighth day moses called this is leviticus 9 1-4
moses called aaron and his sons they were the priests and he said to him take a bull and offer
it and say to the uh the people of israel um to basically make sacrifice and
prepare other words repent says repent and get ready and it says
for today the lord will appear to you i skipped ahead of myself that’s eight
and so 58 is the is the number of um
preparing the people for the lord to be received and seen the number seven is that’s leviticus 8
33 and it says and you shall not this is talking to the priest
and it already told them what they need to do to prepare and says you shall not go outside the entrance of the tent at the meeting for seven days
until the days of your ordination are complete for it will take seven days to ordain
you so this is a process of preparation for ministry that’s going to be in and so that’s 11
uh it would be 11 57 but 11 58 is a release of that now they go out and they speak to the
people and they present god to them so that’s the that’s uh that time
okay um [Music]
there it is and so when they’re released when these people who are
anointed by god are released to go out this alarm sounds that’s different than other alarms so this alarm is
is a proclamation of the gospel it’s a it’s a proclamation to repent to come to
god to turn from your wicked ways and turn to him and it says it’s almost an annoying sound because to some people
the truth preached is just annoying some people it’s a wake-up call and some
people it’s just annoying but it gets louder and louder and it says and each person continues to praise
god out loud and uh um okay
and the books it says we’re smoking but weren’t but didn’t catch on fire smoking is prayers so it’s like there’s prayers mingled
with the words that are spoken and then the man spoke one minute
remains please finish the task to the best of your abilities so one minute is
11 59. and um
this is the 9 is the transition or nearness of something and so it’s like we’re almost there at
11 59. and uh and he says one minute
remains because one minute becomes twelve and twelve uh well i’ll get to twelve in
just a second so it says uh finish the task
and so the finish the task also makes me think of finish the race do the best you can don’t
faint right there’s no reward to those who faint right at the end you have to finish the course and it
says the praise got louder um and uh and it says in the pile of
books was raised into the air and vanished through the ceilings so the test is done
and it says and when the clock hit it because it was a heavenly test that’s why it goes to the ceiling right and when the clock hit 12
the ful the floor seemingly fell through and vanished but the people remain standing on what
appeared to be air so 12 is it’s the end of things it’s the
rapture it’s um it’s like the test is over
and it’s done and so now they’re in the air which you know it says we will be caught up in the air to
meet the lord and to ever be with him that’s the rapture and it says their hands were still raised and their eyes now
straight up in the air and the name being shouted was jesus so they know who their redeemer is
who takes them to the end okay and it says the floor falling uh below the people now appeared to be a map of
the united states was building and flowing and rippling uh but falling into darkness so
it shows the earth below beginning to disappear and fall away because when the rapture
happens there’s only two ways you can go you’re going up or you’re going down
so let’s look at what happens to the one going down it says that now outside the building while the tests
were being taken so this is also a parallel of while the tests are taking
this is what’s happening in the world okay he said i saw a group of women standing in a circle chanting
and screaming and cutting themselves to draw blood so this reminds me of the prophets of
baal first kings 18 25-29 these false prophets were screaming
they to their god you know if you haven’t read the story read it it’s fascinating but elijah’s on the on the mountain with
the false prophets of baal and he’s saying you guys need to make a decision you need to decide who is god
if baal is god serve him if god is god serve him and so it’s a showdown so to speak time
and and so the prophets of baal in in uh this scripture they’re screaming and they’re cutting
themselves this is the same thing but they they’re not getting anywhere
with it and i wanted to read that scripture just because i want to uh touch on this for just a second
just the fact that the devil doesn’t have the power that we credit him so many in
the church are afraid of witchcraft and let me tell you you have no reason to be whatsoever
and elijah understood that let’s look at this little story it says he’s up on the mountain he’s
he’s like we’re going to decide who’s god and so the prophets of bill have a have a cow they’re supposed to slaughter
and they’re supposed to call on their god and whoever answers by fire that’s the true god
and so they they you know they get their little their cow ready and um and it’s and they start calling
on them and they say oh they’ll answer us but there was no voice and no one answered because bale’s not a
real god and it says and they limped around the altar that they had made
and at noon elijah mocked them saying and now now the prophet he understands you’re serving nothing
here you got no power and so he’s mocking him cry aloud to your god either he’s musing or he’s
relieving himself as he’s going to go in the bathroom is he on a journey perhaps he’s asleep
you know and it has to be woke up he’s mocking the the the witches so to speak
we’re so afraid of which is because of all the media we’ve watched and they have no power against the christian okay
and it says and they cried aloud and cut themselves after their custom with swords and
lances until the blood gushed out of them and as midday passed they raved on until
the time of the offering of the ablation but there was no voice no one answered no one paid
attention because they’re serving a non-god and and what happened stood was
um elijah he puts his offering out there he douses it with water
he calls on god fire comes from heaven consumes the whole thing and all the
false prophets and and you know elijah wins because he’s the one who has power so we need to remember that when
we’re looking at anything that um these chanting cutting themselves dropping
blood on the map of the united states they can’t hurt the christians they can’t hurt the christians so it
says they were seeking its destruction talking about the united states in the dream and stood against the principles of
righteousness as they were burning crosses in the bible they chanted we need no god but self
and as and this is their proclamation and also their judgment as they chanted this and were dancing
and stumbling the earth began shaking and they didn’t run away because they’re not afraid of god they
just started cursing him and it seemed that the classroom and the outside event was happening at the same
time okay um just a second so the map of the earth falls and the
people standing on it were drawn into the earth as well almost like a giant vortex that became a bottomless pole well
that’s the bottomless pit that’s hell so all these false ones who are trying to curse us
and and and everything in it everything worldly going to hell and they saw and the
the the hole got deeper and deeper but the people in the classroom were standing on the air with their
hands lifted in praise that’s the believer
um then the man comes and he has a lightning bolt in his right hand
that’s power and authority right and it was a dazzling source of light and was hard to see because it was
flashing and blazing like fire in his hand and he said the violent take it by force
and violent in their faith the church must be to withstand the winds and the fight
that is being brought against her okay so the violent taketh by fourth
force that was spoken with uh uh it says since the days of john the baptist the kingdom of god is suffereth
violence and the violence uh take it by force and so what it’s saying is yeah there’s
always going to be warfare the enemy’s always going to fight against you but you have the ability to
forcefully take back whatever the enemy’s trying to do that’s the church
that’s the authority that we’re in okay and then it speaks of the wind blowing
and i want to i want to go exodus 15 9 through 10. it says the enemy said this is uh
deborah’s song deborah’s a prophetess she was with not deborah i’m sorry
um moses and uh miriam was it miriam yeah this is miriam’s song
after they came through uh the red sea um and were delivered okay
yes and and she’s saying the enemy said i will pursue i will overtake i will divide the spoil
my desire shall have its spill of them i will draw my sword and my hand shall
destroy them that’s what the enemy said in verse 10 it says you blew
with your wind talking about god the sea covered them and they sank like lead in
the mighty waters so this is the blowing of the lord to bring revenge recompense to his
church okay
and then it says this is jesus the jesus man in his dream saying um well
let me go back he said it says the violent taken by forth uh violent in their faith the church
must be to withstand the winds and the fight that is being brought against her
so this this wind that is brought against us is also returned with when i think i got my ahead of myself with
that scripture but um but he says the jesus character says but i stand with you
and i’m watching the clock and listening for my father’s command so this takes us to the
scripture that no man knows the day nor the hour not the angels in heaven not jesus
himself and this is jesus the character in here doing all this stuff and so this stream is not predicting the
rapture it’s just saying be prepared be prepared and fight to the very end for whenever
that comes because he’s listening all he’s watching for the clock and listening for his father’s command
also and therefore we should be too okay that’s all i have on the first
part well that was a lot and i appreciate you sharing your heart on that i think people can understand there’s a lot to
the dreams um and i still i will think about the dreams for weeks months uh it’s been almost a year it’s
been going back to june 24th was when i posted the first three and i still think about those dreams and i still
connect things but i want to share the second part the second dream that i had that connects to this first stream
and calling it the watchman and the firewind i had this about a week and a half two weeks after
i had the first dream and i just kept sensing that there was something more to it and then i had this so siri thank you
first of all for taking the time to interpret put those uh those skills those gifts from the lord to the to the
press so to speak to share with what they mean i’m calling the second one the watchman and the firewind
the dream started with me in the classroom of the previous dream and i was sitting at a desk furiously finishing the test in front of
me it felt like even in the dream my hand was aching from writing so much then i saw the floor
was transparent and i saw many men as many as a hundred men standing in a circle and they were facing out the men were all dressed
casually and they had bibles in their hands and they were preaching furiously and i immediately even in the
dream began to think about and reflect on the wolves dream with the red eyes that i had almost a
year ago behind each man was a woman that appeared to be bracing them with their
hands they were standing behind the men with their hands on their shoulders embracing them and while the men preached these
ladies were calling out to god in what could only be defined as a wailing cry they were they were on it they were praying
they were they were they were just approaching the throne uh wailing cry it was absolutely there was absolute
intensity in this arena and the passion was extremely high as both men and women were literally shaking as they did what they were doing
on the outside of what appeared to be a circle boundary around the preachers was a massive crowd of people who were
screaming at those in the circle i heard the same sound the clock uh striking and looked to see the man
walking through the room with a fevered pace the words of the preachers were now coming out of their mouths like fire
that caught the wind and began to fly over the massive crowds almost like tons of fire flying out of their mouths it it lit in the
hair of some and others would beat that fire out some sought out the fire and were consumed by it
once consumed they would begin to share the same message the preachers were sharing with the same kind of fire
coming out of their mouths and the majority of the crowd ran from it while several were accepting it and
the great crowd began to assault and spit upon anybody declaring the gospel they were being
pummeled with fists and with sticks but the preaching continued and with even more fervor
it was almost like they were being pushed on in their energy the eyes of the crowd now turn red and the people
began to howl i heard the classroom test monitors say one minute remains please finish the
task of the best of your abilities i then heard the praise in that room get louder and the preachers on the ground
in this dream began to lift their hands and loudly almost yelling loudly declare that jesus christ as lord
and christ as king and this caused the redness in the eyes of the haters of the message to begin to flash
eyes began to flash and they rushed the ones in the circle and at that moment there was this great
gust of wind that furled fire over the entire crowd knocking them
to the ground and causing them to cover their eyes and the wind that i felt in this dream was almost like the wind that the
the shofars blew in the september solemn assembly prayer dream that i had it was almost like i
could feel the wind in the dream and uh so that great grasp of wind the frilled fire knocked the
entire crowd of the ground they covered their eyes and the test monitor now walked among them and he declared
you have rejected my word and he said it just like this i got i got to do it so you hear it you have rejected my word and my
admonitions and he held that almost like a z you have rejected my word and my admonitions
and he held that s to the point it sounds a little like a like like a buzz you have rejected my word and my
admonitions to your own demise yet even now if you will turn to me i will accept you
and then you turn to the preachers who were covered in sweat and appeared weakened and beaten and he said well done
you finished the test well the winds of opposition are here and will get stronger but remain braced
and firm in your message do not compromise it for they will perish
do not compromise it for they will perish if you do and the last thing he said was be instant now more than
ever and i woke up to spend quite a bit about several hours just pacing my floor
and thanking god for what he’d shown me so uh go ahead and continue sheree
okay um so obvious continuation and we see the same
symbolism right the floor was transparent so this there’s a spiritual scene
um there was many a hundred men who are standing in a circle and so these are those who are in agreement because they’re in a circle
um they’re also um in some form it’s a comfort to know that there’s others who are standing on the same
platform of truth also um but a hundred is the number for full
measure or for fooling for full for fulfilling
purpose um of one’s of one’s life okay um
and uh behind each man was a woman that appeared to be bracing them with their hands on their on the men’s shoulder um this
part stuck out to me as a as a woman in ministry it this put putting her hands on his
shoulders behind him is an equal ground and an equal authority and anointing that they are
equal um she is behind him supporting him right and it doesn’t mean
that you know all men or the ministers and all women are like intercessors it’s just showing that there’s a working
together that things are in order that there’s biblical submission and and there’s a joining together
so it’s a unit it’s a unifying thing also um and they’re obviously they’re they’re
interes interceding passionately while the men are are preaching uh passionately
okay and so i’m skipping on down the words of the preachers were coming out of their mouths like fire
and so that’s what i was talking about with the the layering of the last stream with this stream that fire is the power of the holy
spirit uh brother coverstone said it it was kind of like tongues of firewalls so it’s the is preaching with the power
of the holy spirit we saw that in the in the book of acts on the uh it says uh they were they waited for the
for the holy spirit because jesus told them to and when the holy spirit came upon they all spoke with tongues and they and
then uh peter got up and preached and 3 000 people were saved in one day
and and it was the power of the holy spirit because they heard him uh speaking in tongues this wasn’t
tongues with interpretation this wasn’t the gift of tongues this was just them speaking in tongues
because people are like we hear people speaking in our language and how do these people know our language right
so it’s this powerful demonstration of the holy spirit this fire okay and it’s and it’s
it’s going over the crowds and um uh it lit in the hair of some and so
hair is wisdom and it’s thoughts and so some people because of the holy spirit going out they’re
like wow i gotta have this thing right but others it says they beat their hair
out they didn’t want the holy spirit’s power and there are those people it says some
sought out the fires so otherwise people are going to be like where’s revival happening because i need to get a hold of whatever this is right
i need this and i’m not saying you have to find a revival to get it you can seek god and you can get it right in your home
and you can take it out but they sought it out whatever that looks like for for for you um and it says when they
sought it out they were consumed by it and i love that the bible says if you ask he will fill
you i’ve had people say well i’ve asked for the holy spirit i haven’t got it yet keep asking keep pressing keep expecting
because he says he will give it to everyone who asked you just have to be saved
right to receive it so it says once consumed these begin to share the same message
the preachers were with the same kind of fire so now these people aren’t even preachers
these are just people hearing it they’re seeing the preachers on fire and they’re like shoot i’m on
fire now too i’m gonna preach it too the bible you know tells us to go and
and get this message to the whole earth so it’s not just for preachers
um okay it says oh and uh they had the fire coming out
of their mouth also these who weren’t preachers it says the majority of the crowd
ran from it so you can anticipate that you’re going to look around and be like what is wrong with you folks how come
you don’t want the passion the fire of god and and see miracles and all this kind of stuff but
people’s hearts are hardened and everybody’s not going to accept it and you can’t make them okay they have free will
you can preach it those who want it will take it okay and then it says suddenly the the
circle of safety disappeared around the preachers it’s like why would that happen because
persecution is permitted at times and it’s a set up
for miracles god does miracles in the midst of persecution
okay but imagine he’s not taking this wall of protection down and they’re all falling down and dying so it’s not
it’s like job right it’s like he’s put a limit on it even though it feels like the protection is gone
there’s still a limit he told he’s told satan he says you can do whatever you want to to him but you cannot take his life
okay so we don’t have to fear even if this starts coming down he’ll provide for us
and so now people begin to assault them and spit on them uh those who are declaring the gospel
they’re pummeling them with their fists and with sticks so um assaulting
is and spitting spitting is showing vile detest for someone um assaulting
is to uh is to try to harm them pummeling fist is also a physical attack
and then uh it’s kind of interesting when i’m like and with sticks what sticks and immediately came to me
lawsuits they’re going to try to sue people for it also right
but the preaching continued with even more fervor because when you really love god and you’re really on fire it’s like
persecution it’s interesting because persecution produces and you see this later on
somewhere but it produces praise i guess that’s the next sentence then i heard the praise in that room get louder
and um and and and they begin to lift their their hands and declare jesus is
lord and christ and christ is king because when we are
fellowshipping with the suffering of christ which is what’s happening at this point what comes out of us is praise what
comes out of us is love jesus on the cross he says forgive them because they don’t know what he’s
he was being he had been beat he was weak he’d been you know broken and crucified
and what came out of him was compassion for others and that is what will come out of you when you’re
persecuted um and you carry on through that i’ve been there i’ve felt that and every time i was
shocked i was like how can i feel love at a time like this when they’re just beating the pudding
out of me but that’s what i thought was love and stability and and a time when i felt so down i
couldn’t even pray i was so weak and so oppressed i couldn’t even pray and and what i found coming out of
me was praise and i’m like this is bizarre i can’t even pray but i can praise
because i’m so weak and i thought i feel pretty good about myself right now
you know if that’s what comes out when you beat me it’s like then i know that i’m his right
that’s when you know the old saying you know hit your thumb with a hammer and see what comes out of your mouth
if it’s cursings you need to pray through that’s right okay so um and then there’s
this gust of wind again which i already covered at that it says at that moment so they’re they’re they’re causing all this
problem their eyes are turning red they’re hating uh the message and the people presenting it and so these eyes turning red is that
it’s they’re demonically inspired so when you’re looking at these people that are hating you
you need to understand that’s demonic don’t hate the people you know hate the devil but don’t hate
the people because they might actually get saved they might they might beat on you they
might stone you to death and then walk down the street and fall into the presence of god and
and jesus said it’s hard for you to kick against the pricks and and you’ll be like what must i do lord you know
your persecutor do that so they god may want to use them you’re a very persecutor to be a
minister so don’t curse them not that you can bind them to a curse
but bless them jesus or uh um [Music]
who much stephen stephen blessed him he said they don’t know what they’re
doing okay and so that it goes on down the test monitor is now walking among them and
and declared uh you have rejected my word and my
admonitions this is talking to those not the ones who are taking the test but the ones who are persecuting the
test takers and when he said ammunition admonitions
he held out the s you know and and so those and dana asked me says
what’s all that the the z sound it’s long suffering it’s s it’s multiple over and over and
over and over and over and over god warns and god um
gives them the truth so these who are judged are not being judged without warning don’t feel sorry for them
we make a mistake sometime in having a little too much compassion where god doesn’t have compassion
i know when when when i hear i know a prophet that they gave a very difficult word to somebody
and then they they were afraid for the person’s life after they gave it to him and they asked me about they said well i
don’t understand this and i said you were not the first warning
they had been warned multiple times you were the last morning and i said now
you intercede that they don’t die and they did and the person didn’t die and they’re getting another chance so to
speak right but but nobody’s going to hell without warning not
not in this season not in this season okay so
then he turns to the preachers oh well let me not skip this it says you you you rejected my word my
admonitions to your own demise and then he says yet even now i will if you will turn to me
i will accept you that’s the mercy of god
the mercy of god doesn’t let people continue to sin it lets them know if you will turn to me that’s repentance
then i will accept you because he’s long-suffering and merciful but it’s their choice then he turns to
the preachers who’ve been working so hard and he says well done you have finished the test well
and so this is that admonition from the lord this is what everyone wants to hear well done my good and faithful servant
and it says the winds of opposition are here and will get stronger but remain
braced and firm in your message and so the wind of oppositions we will
feel it but our enemy is going to feel it more it’s going to blow them down
it says do not compromise it’s talking about the word of god
it’s let me let me read this again the wind of ops opposition are here and will get
stronger but remain braced and firm in your message
in your message it’s in say your groceries now i’m not saying don’t prepare for
groceries i’m prepared with groceries but we got to stay firm in our message
because the word of god is the only thing that’s eternal and that will last and it needs to remain pure a corrupted
word is corrupt and we have to we have to maintain the purity
of the message and not be swayed off the purity there are so many people preaching so
many false doctrines out there they started out all right but then they begin to believe a little thing here and a little thing there they’re not and
they didn’t check it against the word of god and so now they’ve gone off into false land and they’re not going to make it
into heaven unless they correct that and so he’s he’s at he’s admonishing us to stay
firm in your message which means you need another message so go read your bible and study
uh doctrine it says do not compromise it talk about the message
for they will perish if you do people will go to hell if you’re if
you’re compromising the message even a little bit
that’s a serious thing serious responsibility and he says be instant now more than
ever and so that word instant the scripture is be instant in season and out of season to give a reply a
response to preach to everybody in other words don’t you can’t be caught off guard you have to be
always on always thinking about the lord always ready to tell somebody how to be
saved always uh thinking about the word and ready to give an answer out
and you do that by the bible says to pray to to uh give us this day
our daily bread right and it’s that every day being in the word and um
and consuming from the lord so that when whatever happens we have the response in our
mouth already because we just got done eating it so to speak we take it in and we give it out be
instant and that’s what i have well sheree i appreciate that and i think those
of you that are watching have been following the dreams for a long time you know that my heart my heart is to preach the gospel my
heart is to make sure people are ready my heart is to make sure the word of god is what we’re teaching preaching and talking about
my heart is to make sure that we’re not arguing about what’s right and wrong that we know what’s right and wrong based on the word of god
and that’s where we’re rooted and we are grounded and and we know there’s a lot of false doctrine and false teaching there’s a
lot of just flat out weirdness out there right now and everything about the word of god is solid stable and sound
we need to be there so make sure that you’re spending time in the word take the dream pray about it um and and pray through it but once
again uh i believe the lord is trying to wake people up he’s speaking to the church he’s speaking in the world he’s
reminding he’s shaking the nations right now um 2000 we we’re still in the residue of
2020 we’ll probably be there for a long time but we see talk about rural government we see talk about digital currency we
we see all these talk all this talk about the great reset we see things that are playing out right now we see principles that were talked about
in the book of revelation like the mark of the beast uh when we’re government antichrist type
activities we see those things already being planned laid out we see the infrastructure being put together for
those things right now and if nothing else we should say come lord jesus and get excited because it
means our time on this earth as believers is short and he’s instructing us to work
we’re supposed to work well as yet day and we all know that the sun is setting very very quickly very very
rapidly uh one of the things that i keep hearing in my spirit is there’s an acceleration
an absolute acceleration of things you know but where we’re sent about so much more disgrace
abound and we have a message that is redemptive we have a message that changes and transform lives
he is a god who heals who ca who who is bigger than demon possession i believe we’re going to begin to see not
just miracles but we’re going to see people who are set free from demon possession we’re gonna see demons cast that in our
churches we’re gonna see people healed and miracles like we have never literally our minds cannot comprehend
why because that’s the kind of god we serve we’re gonna see people heal the things that nobody’s ever been healed of before
why because god’s learned to show himself out he’s wanting to use us to do it
you know god did not send angel he did not call angels to go all over the earth and preach and proclaim who jesus
is he gave it to us and paul paul made the statement within you know we have this treasure in
earth and vessels and that greek word there is the the frailest shale
in in the mediterranean sea uh one of those like the sand dollars god has given us the greatest message
the most incredible message of eternity and we hold we carry it in these frail bodies that bleed and make
make messes and and and tear things up and and just make messes of stuff he
entrusts us with that message and he’s entrusted you and me to share with the world
who jesus is and what he’s done in our lives so go out there and preach the word be instant season out of season go out
there and share your testimony let people know what god’s in your life and be that good example and when people people are like why is
that guy not talking with everybody else why is that guy doing this that guy should be upset that
person should be mad and yet we’re not why because christ has made a difference in our lives so
that’s the message i believe the dreams the lord’s coming soon and we’ve got and the time the time is coming down to
where we don’t have a whole lot of time left so let’s take it let’s take and use the time that we have
for the glory of god all right and sheree thank you so much for joining me on this i will try to get back in here
later and post some of the verses and things that you that you’ve mentioned through this one one of the things that i appreciate the
most about sheree is that when when i give her the dreams and she prays them and
as i’m praying to him too she begins to pull those scriptures with those things and and puts them out and so the
interpretation doesn’t just well i think this i think that the interpretation is based on the word of god as it should be we want the dreams that
that are from the lord they’re going to get the people’s attention are to draw us to him
and uh work well as day folks so shree once again thanks for being a part of this and help with the interpretation
translation of these things but folks go out there and live it do it do everything we can
that we that as we can we need to be more bold we need to be more aggressive and uh i’m at the place where i’m not i
could care less about offending people anymore if the lord puts a message in my heart to say i’m going to say it and there
were some comments on it earlier about get off facebook get off youtube when god tells me that i will
but as for right now uh if this is where the message can go jay and i jay has got several other
platforms already linked up and ready to go should we get kicked off of one or censorship comes but until the lord
closes that door we’re here until the lord speaks to me and says i don’t want you on facebook or youtube i’m going to stay here i understand
that the world in which we live is complicated and from your emails your internet presence
there’s all there’s going to be all sorts of sinister stuff out there but let’s redeem the time let’s redeem the services that we can
and uh if you’re going to be on facebook use it for god’s glory there’s a lot of lost people out there a lot of unsaved
people out there a lot of people who have been deceived who are looking for truth and we know who it is
it’s embodied in that person of jesus christ let’s tell the world that okay thanks for sticking with us as long as you folks have i greatly appreciate it
and thanks again sharif for being a part of this all right god bless folks