The Yellow Horse Dream by Dana Coverstone – TRANSCRIPT August 26, 2023

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The Yellow Horse Dream

Many of you know a couple of weeks ago, I had this dream on Saturday, August 26, so it’s been about three and a half to four weeks since I had it, and on Sunday morning, I began to say, “Hey, folks, if you are Native American or have a background in Native American history, I need to know about the Yellow Horse.” So Sheree, just everybody’s going to know what you’re going to say about the Yellow Horse. So no pressure, no pressure. But let me just share the dream, folks, and then we’ll go on from there, okay?

In the dream, I saw a long Western wooden fence about a hundred yards long that was right beside a hard dirt road. Just flat dirt, no gravel, no rock, just hard dirt, brown, hard Earth. Standing along the fence from end to end for that hundred yards were Native Americans. Now, the men standing on the front end of the fence were all dressed in traditional attire. So if you would have watched a western from the 1800s or the late years, you would have seen the native dress and the things on their chest and the hats. The first man, the very first man in line, appeared to be a Native Chief with the full regalia, okay? And as the men progressed down that line, they became more modern in appearance and in dress and were younger as well. So they kind of went from older to younger, but then they were still very respectably dressed. But you had the very first man who was like the chief of an Indian tribe, and very majestic, very proud, very professional in that sense. And there were probably a hundred men in that line, and they were all looking down at the front end of the fence in deep anticipation. So they’re all looking back to where the chief was standing.

Across the area from the fence and across from all the Native American men that were there was this open platform that was about three tiers high, and it was filled with men on all three levels, and they were all dressed in white Middle Eastern clothing. And I’m just going to say this the best way I can. I sense that they were all from Saudi Arabia, okay? So I’m not trying to stereotype, but they all had the Chic-type hats, the cloth, and the rope tied around, and a lot of what you would see when you look at people in Saudi Arabia, okay? Very professional, very traditional. And as I said, I sense they were all from Saudi Arabia. They were all in various huddled groups; they were talking quietly, they were looking at their phones and then talking. And one man in the middle tier, and obviously the leader, he motioned for all of them to sit down with his hands. He turned and just did this, and everybody from top, middle, and bottom tier, they all sat down. They all complied at once, listening to this man. And then the Native Chief walked to the middle of the dirt road between the fence and the platform. The platform was literally just about 50 feet on the other side of the dirt road, okay?

So he held a medicine stick in his right hand, and he faced down the road. He was just looking down the road towards what you’re about to hear came in. He lifted the stick into the air, and then he struck the ground once and went back to his place on that fence line, facing the platform as the first person in that line. And from down the road and coming towards that dirt road were men leading horses, each handler walked a large and beautiful horse with a thin golden rope line tied to the horse that they were leading. Now, the men on all three tiers, when they saw these horses, they stood, and they looked at each horse that was walking through. And it took some time as they were coming through, but he was watching, they’re watching these horses very, very carefully. They had small binoculars, and they’re making notes, and they were talking aggressively on their phones to people about the horses that they were seeing, okay?

One by one, the handlers brought the horses to the middle of the hard dirt road and stopped. And when I say middle, I mean like right in the middle of that hundred yards, like halfway, just they stopped, and they turned and faced their horse, and they stood very firm and quiet. So they lead the horse, they stop, they turn around, they’re still holding onto the rope, they’re looking at their horse. And so the men on the platform and the Native Americans are all watching what’s happening here, okay? So they turned and faced the horse, they stood very firm and quiet, and after a few seconds, they turned and led the horses to the end of the fence line and then beyond. Now, I never saw where the horses went once they passed that end of the fence line, but they walked majestically by those that were walking and watching. And when I say majestic, these horses were trained, they were polished, they were beautiful. They were some of the best horses that I can say I’ve ever seen in my life. These were like racehorse quality, but they were just very majestic, very pure, okay?

During the dream, at least a hundred horses were walked by the crowd of men on both sides, yet everyone on both sides remained quiet while they walked. Now, the first 75 to 80 horses seemed very mature and very well trained. They were pristine in their discipline and their appearance. But after about the 80th horse, 75th, 80th horse, the following horses were unruly, and they were kicking and they were trying to pull away from the handlers. And so these handlers, they’re pulling, they’re jerking, they’re trying to

maintain their composure and their integrity as a handler. But these horses were getting out of control. The handlers were struggling with controlling them, and I mean really, really struggling. They were trying; they kept kicking up, bowing up on their hind legs and kicking and just being forceful, being awful. And the ropes that I noticed on these other horses that were unruly, they were not the gold smooth ropes, but they were rough and thick. And the handlers with them had very thick gloves on that went all the way up to their elbows. These gloves from the tip of their fingers all the way up to their elbows, and they were very rough, like leather, very, very thick. And a few of the more modern dressed Native Americans jumped the fence, and they ran out to help the handlers. So basically, the Native Americans were like, these horses are out of control; we got to help the handlers. And so they went to help the handlers with the horses. Now, the handlers that had walked the horses off the field also came running back to help as well. So we had these guys who had been taking care of the horses earlier that were all nice and pristine; they come running back. And after several minutes of struggle, the last remaining horses were controlled and led off of the road. And the horses that were out of control, just from what I know and from seeing, they were small horses. They were all Mustangs, and they were bucking and kicking and just simply flat out being wild horses. They were trying to run away, and a few got off the road, but they were subdued with a lot of strength. It was taking five or six different guys to grab that thick rope and try to get them back on the road, okay?

Once all the horses were corralled and off the road, quiet filled the air again, and the men on both sides of the horses were quiet. The Native American men were quiet; the ones I believe that were representing the Saudi Arabians were quiet. Finally, the chief who’d been watching, he’d been watching the last several moments with tears streaming down his eyes, if you remember the commercial of the Native American man who was watching all the trash, the tears just tears were rolling down both of his eyes; his eyes were moist and wet; his eyes were full of tears. He folded his arms after that last wild horse was escorted through, and he walked to the middle of the dirt road, and he faced the men in the tiers, those three-tiered platforms, and the leader, the leader in the middle tier, was suddenly agitated, and he stood up, and he said he wanted to see the Yellow Horse. And the chief just stood there quietly and said nothing; he was in a firm position. He didn’t have one foot back; he was just firmly planted, looked at them, arms folded, basically didn’t say a word; he just shrugged his shoulders, but he did it very aggressively like this, it was very firm, like I’m not moving. And the man in the middle tier began to huddle up with about 10 to 12 of those men, and they were upset; they’re yelling and they’re making noise and pointing and all sorts of things. And about, and finally, they’re shaking their fist; they’re exhibiting a very angry face, and the man then yells, “We demand to see the Yellow Horse.” And the chief stepped towards that platform; he walked from the middle of the road off the hard dirt road, walked right up to about 25 feet away from the platform. I looked up; he raised his medicine stick into the air in his right hand; he just held it there and said firmly, “You will not see the Yellow Horse until he is ready to run.” I wrote this down and recorded it; it was just a one-and-done dream, which I don’t have a lot of those, but I woke up and knew I got to write this down.