Biden’s House – A Series of Dreams – TRANSCRIPT Mar 13, 2021

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Biden’s House – A Series of Dreams – TRANSCRIPT Mar 13, 2021

hey good morning everybody so glad to have you with us i already see we’ve got folks from great
britain france um all the way i’ll say aloha to the one in hawaii who’s watching this morning
uh many many states represented want to thank you for coming on and listening um and
i want to appreciate those of you who have been praying about the dreams and following through and not just taking them running with
them i when i have these dreams i share them with sheree and john
two people i trust the most with them uh and i know they pray about them and and
that’s why i’ve asked sheree to kind of be on here with me not just to present the dream and run i’ve tried to learn a whole lot in the
last eight or nine months from this and uh and i did have the first dream i’m going to share i’m going to read
four of them at once i’ve had three in the last week and a half the first one i had was january 10th and i
will stop through the dreams and share when i had the other ones i did not share this dream on purpose because it was about a potential
inauguration assassination and i thought there’s no way i’m going to put this out there i don’t want federal agents showing up in my house
or other crazy chaotic things happening because of this dream and the time frame so once you once you
see both what what i see what sharia is seeing you’re going to recognize some things with the dreams
so i’m just going to read quickly through these and then let sheree kind of talk a little bit and share what she sees and some other insight that i have okay
the biden inauguration dream i had this dream on january 10th 2021. the dream started with me
standing at the bottom of the ceremonial area where the president is inaugurated everyone was dressed in blue jackets
blue dresses and there was blue confetti being shot all over the place biden was asked to come and stand
by the chief justice and he pushed a walker to do so slipping and falling along the way twice
each time people looked away and nobody helped him up his face was getting angry but he kept
smiling even though he was in pain he finally got to the stand area and was
asked to raise his right hand but he instead raised his left hand and began waving to the crowd
justice roberts began reading and asked biden to respond robert started and said i joseph
robinette biden do solemnly swear and then biden stammered and said robin and i
solemnly swear and then stammered again as every single person on the platform was looking at their watches justice
roberts asked if he needed to repeat that phrase and biden slam back i’m not a stupid man judge
then he said i senator elect biden do hereby and at that moment a shot rang out and
blood appeared on biden’s shirt he said they got me right in the heart and he slammed his hand against his
chest in almost an animated and over dramatic fashion he then fell backwards and hit his head hard on the floor
he shut his eyes and he smiled the crowd simply in a matter-of-fact way was
cleared they cleared the platform and nobody was screaming or panicking over his death
judge roberts took off his black robe he covered biden’s body and then he took a bulging white
envelope from his chest pocket and reached under the robe over biden he placed the envelope in
biden’s left hand and biden’s right hand reached out and shook the test’s hand
even though his head was not showing out from underneath the rope the judge started to move away when
blood appeared on his chest on biden’s chest as he was shot from behind and he went
to his knees i’m sorry the judge was shot from behind and went to his knees
men appeared in suits with ear monitors and pulled away biden’s body as they were pulling away his and
robert’s body away biden spoke out from under the robe and said hey man i may be old but please treat me with
kids gloves because you are hurting me and the guards then kicked the body under the robe and pulled him up the
stairs now we jump to march monday march 1st 2021 i saw air force one
it was flying radically in the sky it was it was speed up slow down and then the right
wing was shaking very very almost like something was loose or something was coming apart in that right wing
it was reckless flying and there was no protective fighter pilots anywhere in sight usually air force one is always covered
by f-16s or f-17s it began to take on even more risky flying and i found myself
looking at the cockpit from just inside the cabin of air force one biden was flying the plane and was
pushing buttons and smiling when it made noises he was pulling handles and moving things
yet the co-pilot was just looking out the window and ignoring president biden completely
the president began to talk to himself he got up he looked out the window he commented on how blue the sky was and
how far the ground was below and then he sat back down in the pilot’s chair and he nodded off to sleep
the pilot next to him washed him not off and then he himself closed his eyes and started snoring after just a few minutes
there was suddenly a message from the cockpit that stated autopilot has been engaged but do not
expect a smooth ride even once we land
then monday march 8 2021 i saw biden sitting behind the resolute desk he was struggling to stand up vice
president harris who had been standing behind him the whole time came forward and helped him stand revealing that there was a walker pulled
out right in front of his desk biden looked incredibly frail as he grabbed the handles of the walker
and he tried to step but could not get his legs to move harris then got behind him and pushed
his feet with her feet while she helped him balance himself to stand on the walker
he kept saying slow down please i can’t go that fast when he got to the table in the office
he stopped and he patted a bust of robert kennedy and he said sorry they got you bobby but they had but they
had they had to they had to let you know because they had to because you know they knew you knew too much harass said
sir we need to get you to your room so keep moving and biden’s response was please don’t take me there i hate it
there i don’t like the food or the of the of the smell the air in that room
here harris kept pushing him to the point he she was almost knocking him down over the walker she pushed a button on
her jacket and whispered that she needed needed an agent immediately to assist him with the elder and that was what she
called him with the elder two secret service agents walked in and one loaded biden under the other’s back
almost piggyback and the agent carrying him carried him through the wall door and into an elevator the other agent had
pushed the buttons for the door and stood with his back to the door as the doors began to close he then hit
his mic and said elder secured and heading downstairs oval office stable
and my eyes are on the door what you do now do it quickly and then earlier this week
march 12th or march 10th of 2021 the elevator door opened and the man
that i see often in my dreams was wearing a very expensive looking suit he walked out from that elevator to the
oval office and he stood behind the resolute desk he suddenly grabbed that desk and up
turned it and pushed it towards the front of the room it ended up upside down with two of the drawers out and paper is still
flitting flying in the air towards the ground this also revealed bloodstains a large
red blood stain under the desk and in front of where the president’s chair sat as well
and then the man spoke and he said don’t let the suit fool you or the office either what’s under the
desk will eventually be seen and the blood spilled as of late
as of late is worse than at the beginning stay brace for the winds are picking up
according to my command and the stakes have never been higher for your country or for your church
and then he stepped over the upside down desk leaving the room and as he did the desk
seemingly faded almost like it just disappeared almost like the disintegration you would have seen in star trek when they were
being beamed up or being down they just kind of dematerialized the death seemingly faded into nothing
and the blood stains glowed red almost like they that they got thicker
they they glowed red and all of a sudden they they burned a hole into the into the into the ground and just left a hole in
the carpet with the red edges around it and that’s when i woke up
so hopefully you can see from the very first one that i see why i did not share that first one when i had it i do believe these are all connected and