Rats in the Sewer Dream – TRANSCRIPT Apr 7, 2021

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Rats in the Sewer Dream – TRANSCRIPT Apr 7, 2021

hey everybody i want to thank you for joining us this afternoon i’ve got sheree goff
uh a good friend and sister in christ pastor’s wife there in arkansas works in the prophetic someone who i’ve
come to trust and appreciate in this in this new arena that i’ve been walking in
since uh june of last year and i’m going to be sharing a dream today i’m simply calling
it the rats in the sewer dream and i had it between march 18th and even just recently
when i was in washington dc and i want to share just a few things before i share the dream and i’ll let sheree share some of the insights that she has
to it um i’ve been hearing from some folks that there are some folks out there that are saying that they are the only person
giving the proper accurate interpretation of any of my dreams and i want to say i really hope people
will be careful about that saying things like that because first of all i will get
300 to 500 interpretations of this drain emails text messages phone calls in the mail
i have folks that listen to them and then take play the video back and write them out word for word by hand
and then give interpretations i was standing at the cherry blossoms at the martin luther king memorial this
last weekend on saturday in in washington dc and god began to speak to me very clearly
and i believe was something about the the cherry blossom dream that i’ve had back in the see sheree when did you do
when did billy when was billy wong here last year uh was that december
was that december november december anyway well i had you know we were you and john
and i sat down with some other folks and we kind of laid out the cherry blossom dream and at that point
we knew the roots were going to the states and there were things we’re trying to you know hiss and bite people in the state at the state
level but it starts cherry blossoms and i had this whole idea
about the vaccine passports and how states were going to be issuing some of those and the government was going to
let private sector do it and i had a whole different understanding of the cherry blossom dream because of where i was standing
there by these cherry blossoms and i just really feel like a lot of folks you know we may not even see the interpretation
of some of these dreams for weeks months years later or whatever and that’s fine but i just want to always want to give that word a warning
um i don’t ask cerrita do it because she’s going to give me the most accurate only possible translation interpretation out there i i
sent him to her because number one i trust her she’s within the symbols of god she understands the fellowship i’m a part of
i know her heart and i know her her desire is to see what god wants to say to people through these dreams and so
that’s why i contacted her uh and john there’s some other folks that hear about him but i just want to
make sure that anyone out there is saying well i’m the only one given the proper interpretation uh this is not a competition for people
interpreting my dreams and i’ve seen i’ve seen good strong interpretive you know
abilities from people who sent me things and i’ve got another dream interpretation that i thought what in the world were these people eating
or or doing when they got this message because obviously god was not in their interpretation at all so i also encourage you when i
give these dreams i don’t just give them out say here they are i want you to pray about it you need to pray you need to do the due
diligence the research get on your knees and pray and just like many times i’ve given a dream and then 15 minutes later i get an
email here’s it here it is and that means to me one thing you haven’t prayed about you haven’t thought about it you haven’t given any time or
research so pray about these things pray about the dream and and and let the lord begin to speak to
you about what to do how to prepare and in that regard that’s really what’s what i want to say about that because i
have some real concerns about there’s some crazy stuff out there theology is is getting twisted in many
many places many many ways and i want to make sure everything that we do here is solid and stable
and that’s why i i trust someone like sheree to do that for me uh and and i love teaming up with her in
this regards because she’ll see things i don’t see and uh god has given me the dreams yes i
understand some interpretation to it but i think my i feel that my role is just to share the dreams share what god is showing us
uh shari can give the interpretation but you can all pray with me and her that god shows us how to how to respond
to it okay so i’m going to share the rats in the sewer dream this is the one i had
between march 18th and last friday night april the 2nd going into april the 3rd
and uh it was a continuation dream of the last one in the white house and here it is
i was standing in the white house oval office and the blood under the desk from the previous dream
was now dripping from the carpet edges where it had seemingly burned through the floor underneath
and there was smoke associated with it and the blood was descending along with the carpet and the wood area type things
and it kept going it was getting thicker and seemed to be alive the blood was moving it was moving like there was and there
was like a lightning blazing within it as it burned through the floors it just kept going floor to floor to floor to
floor of the floor and finally it went through the floors into the granite below until i found it
until it found itself and i found myself in a rounded and equipped tunnel about 30 feet wide and it seemed like it
ran from miles in either direction so it dunked in the oval office floor down through the floors of the capitol of the white house
through the granite through the floors and finally ends up in a tunnel that obviously ran underneath of the white house there were auxiliary lights
and very bright lighting on the walls running along and down the corridor there were also tunnels leading off in
other directions at intersections in both directions as well there also seemed to be a channel on the ground
wide enough for two vehicles to drive so at the very bottom of the tunnel there was a channel wide enough for two
vehicles to drive the side or back and forth or by each other there and suddenly the blood from the
oval office came through the ceiling and it began feeling the chant fill in the channel where the cars would have
driven so the blood is is entering from the sin that has come came all the way from the white oval office and it’s now it’s pouring
into this this tunnel with the channels on the ground there were signs with distances to
various capital locations on the wall of the rounded tunnels doors about every half mile and they had
key button pads to get through and also on the size of those rounded tunnels there were walkways about five
to seven feet wide that people would have walked on but these these uh these walkways now were filled
with rats and these rats seemed to be glowing almost pulsating and they were running
in every direction some were even trying to climb those smooth concrete walls the blood was getting higher it seemed
to be boiling the smoke was still in the air space between the ceiling and the blood rising the rats were soon barely getting
enough you know getting enough air above the blood and they were climbing on top of each other in sheer panic to get out
and then the lights in that room those auxiliary lights began flashing and the blood kept rising and suddenly
an emergency siren went off and at this the rats began to chatter and bite and they appeared to be
screaming at each other they were fighting each other like in desperation to get
what it appeared to me so they were in sheer panic the blood kept rising until it filled
the entire corridor and then it began to foam the blood at the top began to foam and i could see the rats with their
faces against the roof and there were some rats that were floating dead within that current of blood because the blood was moving and
flowing down those down those tunnels and all at once there was a flash of light and the blood just pushed in each
direction until it was only about as high as the walkway almost like doors or gates had been opened and the blood just rushed on
through and that and and uh i i was already seeing light and air from outside at
this point realized the blood had pushed itself through every manhole and was coming up in the buildings that
built the basements of buildings and the first floors of buildings in in that area at this time i’m
standing on pennsylvania avenue in front of the white house and the rats were running everywhere and as those rats ran
their tracks they were tracking blood everywhere that they went through the grass
in the streets on the sidewalks and i could see that every major building had tracks in and out the rest had gone
in the rats had gone out uh the supreme court building the treasury the smithsonian the national mall
were all covered and i mean covered uh in those tracks and the rats were still entering buildings and monuments alike
they were just there was a huge number of rats it was just ongoing if there was they were just coming from everywhere uh
people then appeared with cameras and they had the large press flash bulbs like you would have
seen in reporters in the 1920s to the 1950s maybe uh large press-like flash bulbs they
were taking pictures of every single set of tracks and it seemed that each track was being
followed by reporters who took pictures and then they made notes like a little journalist notebook and
with each flash bulb going off the rats appeared to age and soon the gray hair was white hair
and they seem to be getting weaker and weaker and they were laying on their sides and dying and although a lot of them are covered
in blood they have blood on their feet i could just tell they were aging and getting older becoming more more elderly like so to
speak in that regards the footprints of the rats started glowing until they became
three-dimensional and thick and then those same tracks caught on fire but they went out quickly but they
left this smoking track it’s almost like a smoking gun idea there and then i saw a giant
walking towards the washington dc area who was standing you know way way just bigger taller much taller even in the
washington monument and this as that giant walked he grabbed the top of the washington monument
uh like a lid and he lifted it up and as he lifted it up the ground around the primary area of washington dc
came up with it everything was still there in one piece and it kind of reminded me if you watch the marvel movies uh marvel
the age of ultron where the city of sokovia has the
vibranium at the bottom and the city is rising and you see dirt and dust and stuff dropping off of it
well that was what was happening the whole city is being grabbed by the by the washington monument and it’s
being lifted up and so the whole the whole city of washington is just kind of up in the air
and this giant is catching on to it and then um he pulled after he pulled the entire
thing up with one hand he placed the city into a large sifter a sifting tool like you would said
flower that he held in the other hand and then taking both hands he literally took that sifter
and he began to shake it he took he shook the sifter and the parts of the city and the ground began to break up
and the buildings were shaking violently and the parts falling through the sifter were falling back into the hole
from which it had been pulled up and it was just people falling out there was
debris falling out it was fun it was filling up with the ground and after a few minutes and it seemed like it shook forever but after a few
minutes of shaking and sifting the only remaining things were the federal buildings that were linked to dc
and the historical precedent that came with it and then holding the sifter in his left
hand he reached into the city with his right hand so he’s holding the sifter in his left hand he reaches in with his right hand
and he grabbed those remaining buildings and he just crushed him just squeeze you can see the
muscles and the blood vessels popping on his hands as he just squeezed and was literally just crushing them in
his hand and he held it so much until his hand began to shake it was literally shaking as he held it
and then he opened his hand and there was nothing but crushed debris in his hand and he just
literally put his mouth down and went and just blew it and the debris became like fading smoke
that debris didn’t end up on the ground it disappeared like fading smoke in the air and was gone
have you ever seen flash papers the children’s pastor i used to use flash paper quite a bit and your lighting just disappears well this
wasn’t like flash paper it was just dust that became smoke and then just disappeared and then he placed the sifter on top of
the hole below there’s still that large indentation on the ground and then the man that i always see in
the dreams he approached me and he had a scale in his hands the kind that you would weigh produce on
kind of holding it you have two different things you can you can tell the weight and on that scale was a bowl and then
that bowl was currencies of the world the yen the ruble the us dollar i saw the euro
i saw many different types of currencies and he held that that the scale high
above his head and then he threw the scales to the ground and when it hit the ground it powdered
and the wind blew that into the air as well but the bowl was still in his left hand and he said
these words i determine the value of what is valued i determine
the value of what is valued but the soul of the nation worships paper
and paper is all it will be and then he said he said these words the time of bracing
is past and the season of endurance is upon the body of christ
endure now endure tomorrow endure until the end
that very last part i had that last friday night as i slept in a hotel in washington dc
and there’s a reason i had not shared this dream because i knew i was going to washington dc nor did i want to cause any issues or be
you know have any major conversations with people in washington dc about the dream which is why i waited so long to share it so that is
the dream as i had it