The Distraction Dream – TRANSCRIPT April 30, 2022

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The Distraction Dream – TRANSCRIPT April 30, 2022

so I’m calling it the distraction dream. it occurred for a little over 15 days

April 14th to 30th. so the day after that’s when I sent it to sheree so she’s been working through it and praying

about it and I’ve been praying about it as well. here’s the dream. I dreamed that I was watching a large passenger plane

with an American flag on the tail. it was not an American airlines flight. it was a just a plane with an American flag on it.

it was flying very briskly at what appeared to be around 35 000 feet when it began a slight descent that seemed

like a normal angle, nose up. I could see a large layer of cloud far below the plane as well. and that the

clouds there were churning, almost like there was wind blowing or something. and the people, I could see

people through the windows, and they appeared unworried and afraid reading magazines listening to headphones – they

were resting and sleeping. then very suddenly

the plane did a complete nose dive and headed straight down. the people on board made no changes in their activity

despite the plane headed towards an explosive end. in other words, they just kept doing what they were doing otherwise watching them do it as the

plane was going straight down. at this point, I saw naval ships surround Taiwan and aim heavy caliber weapons at

the nation. they had started further out in the water but they moved together

like they were tightening a knot as they got closer. so basically, they were just kind of coming in like this towards (hands like a circle getting closer)

towards Taiwan. I then saw mainland China in a room with military leaders at a table pushing

pieces on a table map indicating movements of troops and indicating movements of warships.

there was radio communication going on between them. and I saw leadership sitting near a red button. and I’ll just

kind of make it clear this way. I could see xi ping but he was hidden by all the

officials that were there okay military was all over he was kind of backed up in there but he was there

the Chinese leader was also okay the these men were very angry

let me go I’m sorry the radio communication was going on and I saw leadership xi jing ping sitting near a red button

there was also angry speech and pounding a fist on the tables and they were going back and forth hollering the Chinese

leader was also staring at a phone in his hand and was rocking nervously in an old-fashioned American rocking chair

that did not fit the decor of the room so have you ever gone to cracker barrel and seen those rocking chairs out

front that’s kind of what they were sitting in I then saw a table set right beside st

basel’s cathedral near the Kremlin Putin and his military leaders were having some sort of picnic lunch with a large

picnic baskets and an abundance of empty wine bottles not vodka bottles as you

would most likely see in Russia empty wine bottles they covered the table and the ground around them Putin

was holding sight as if he was sick and having sheer pain in his abdominal region but he was not drinking with his

men he had a cell phone in his hand was staring at it while sitting in the same kind of rocking chair as the Chinese

leader Putin was very calm and relaxed and untouched by the boisterous generals

that were all around him the scene then changed to Europe and leaders there were discussing the surrounding of Taiwan and

what can and should be done to help them the decision made was to let the world leaders of the united states of America

and great Britain handled the crisis as they had all and all these people had faith in the plan of those two nations

kind of heading this up and confirming china over this uh this invasion of Taiwan with the naval ships there

each of the leaders stood up and they shook hands but they were also wiping sweat off their brows because they

realized this was a pretty serious situation then I saw a split screen of both the Chinese leader in Putin and they both

hit send on the phones in their hands at the very same time they were literally rocking like this so when they were

rocking they were rocking opposite but in the very same motion towards one another the leaders then casually shut

their eyes and began to go to sleep the navy ships quickly turned from the coastline to Taiwan and began speedily

untying the dragnet that they’d been tying around Taiwan I saw over Ukraine

many missiles raining down on a larger scale than I’ve seen in the previous news headlines or bigger than even when

they when there was bombing in Kiev and it’s a steel plant where some of those people were trapped a lot more missiles

were coming in than in those headlines I also saw large silos all over western Europe uncovered and smoke coming out of

them but no launch took place and that reminded me of the uh the missile silos that we have all

throughout the Dakotas and around the northern parts of America smoke was coming out but nothing was being

launched but the lids came off so they could be launched I did see a large rocket launched from

one of the navy ships the Chinese had around Taiwan it headed straight up and then took off at what could only be

hypersonic speed and it headed east it headed east across

the pacific ocean I could see over the sky almost apparent lines almost like a grid like you if you

see a missile going you see the like the check marks with what’s going on you can tell where it’s going to end up at

it was headed right over the united states but the trajectory stopped right in the middle of the country

and at that time I then saw the plane for the from the first part of the dream

dip right below the lowest clouds and I could see land patterns on the ground below and then I saw an explosion

above the clouds and the plane below the canopy lost all power it still had power

as it was diving but until that explosion above the clouds happened the power went off on that plane almost at

the same time simultaneously so I saw the explosion above the clouds the plane below the canopy lost all

power before it appeared as if before it appeared as if the pilot was pushing the speed towards the ground on purpose but

now the lights inside the plane were off and people became aware that their music had stopped the TVs were off and they

were looking out the windows in shock and literally absolute panic they were screaming they were beating on the

pilot’s door absolute panic and then it went completely dark inside the plane as that plane was going straight down I

caught one last image one glance I could see the man that I always see sitting next to the window unafraid of what was

going on he was just sitting right in the window I’m looking almost like if I had to turn my head sideways to see how I was sitting

he said out the window towards me I told them to pray but they did not

they need to take it seriously now the man disappeared and I woke up