The Halloween Dream – TRANSCRIPT Oct. 15, 2022

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The Halloween Dream – TRANSCRIPT Oct. 15, 2022

I’m calling it the
Halloween dream. I had it Saturday night
October 15 2022 and here it is.
I was running through a large parking
lot filled with cars covered with
Christian bumper stickers.
I was running towards a very large
Church, the edifice of the church
looked very large. I didn’t write I did
not recognize the church. I knew I was
about 15 minutes late. I kept looking at
my watch. now something you got to know
about me, I am never late. I can’t stand
it. I almost have a nervous breakdown if
I think I’m going to be late for
something okay.
so I kept looking at my watch I knew it
was 15 minutes late. I got to the front
door and started in when an usher in a
vest marked “USHER” with capital letters on
the left side of their chest. and a guy
in a vest marked Usher said, “you’re late”
and I said, “I know and I’m headed towards
and I headed towards the sanctuary door.
several others approached me as I
approached the door and they reminded me
that I was late. so I keep being told
“you’re late you’re late you’re late
you’re late.”
I kept saying “I know” but with the
intention of getting in the door. I got
my hand on the door handle and started
to pull to go into Sanctuary when an
usher came through the door towards me
and told me I was late. so once again
I’ve got five six eight people telling
me “you’re late you’re late you’re late.”
this guy came through the door from the
sanctuary to tell me that, okay.
he shut the door behind him and he
blocked me from entering. he would not
let me into the building.
he stared and he glared in a very mean
way. and he said “it’s too late to go in.”
but in my spirit I knew I had to get in
there ASAP. I had to get in that room.
I turned and I approached another door. I
spun around and went to another door.
and I was blocked from it by another
Usher but this Usher was wearing a
Halloween costume like Raggedy Andy,
Raggedy Ann and Andy. it had that that
that this Raggedy Andy look. and he had
like the mask on. everyone wearing a
costume has a plastic mask from the 70’s.
that were had the little strap the
elastic band that went behind the back.
he had a Raggedy Andy face on. I asked
him why he’s wearing a costume. and he
said “I am not wearing a costume.”
and he went to spin around like he was
going to show me what he was wearing and
when he did I slipped into that
Sanctuary door. I took the nearest seat
about five rows from the back of the
sanctuary. and I can see I was about 30
rows from the front.
now the man speaking from the pulpit was
wearing a clerical robe and a collar. and
I believe those are key a key symbol there.
clerical robe, clerical collar – like
you might see in a Methodist Church or a
Presbyterian church or an Anglican
Church; one of the more traditional churches so to
Speak. and he was speaking about how to
live as a Christian. he stated that the Ten Commandments are
outdated in practice and in principle. he
used that phrase, they’re outdated in
practice and in principle and that a new
set of ideas was needed. and this got my
attention so I looked around to see the
response from the congregation. it was
then that I saw that most of that
congregation was sitting there wearing
Halloween costumes. I saw witches. I saw
Ghosts. I saw goblins. I saw superheroes. I
saw Bob the Builder, there was a
prominent number of people dressed like
Bob the Builder. I’m not talking kids. I’m
talking adults. there were people wearing
and there were kids dressed up like
adults, like adult jobs, like doctors and
lawyers and people like
that. but they were all Halloween
costumes. they all had the plastic face
with a little elastic band behind their
neck. there were only a few people that
were not costumed. and those people not
wearing a costume, they looked very very
very very very very very very
uncomfortable with the words that the
man was speaking. you could tell that
their facial expressions, they were
in the room they were quiet they were
they were listening they were subjected
to what was going on, but they did not
approve of it or like it .but they were
sitting quiet. Okay. the man continued by saying that “you
should be able to do what you want to do
whatever you want whenever you want to
do it. Grace is our friend more than our foe.” so he uses that word
he says “Grace is your friend more than
your foe.” at this time an usher grabbed my arm
kind of jerked me back and told me to
stop looking around. just sit still and
to pay attention. in the dream I felt
like I was a little kid being told by an
adult to set up sit down be quiet.
and he placed a scarecrow costume in my
lap. and he whispered for me to put it on.
basically like this “put it on.”
he walked away rather gruffly,
stood by the back door. and I saw that a
few of those not wearing costume for
giving me that, they were like

in other words they were telling me just
go along with this. just do this. [shushing] quiet.
I put the costume on the floor. and the
guy came back and tried to stand me up
and forced me to put
 he was going to
actually try to dress me in this
Halloween costume scarecrow outfit okay.
now nobody moves. nobody moved
around. It was that they were afraid to move.
and I said, “what kind of church is,” as the
guy’s trying to jerk me around, “I said,
what kind of church is this!!!” very very
loud. and the man on the platform yelled back
towards the back row and said to me he
said “this is our church and we make the
rules around here.” I burst out that man’s grip and I ran in
front of the church and I said “by
questioning the Ten Commandments you are
violating the foundation of Scripture.”
and his reply was that we no longer
needed Scripture to live right – we must
allow culture to guide us.
I then heard noise from the back of the
sanctuary and turned to see the Jesus
man had walked in the door. and He was
walking down the aisle towards me. he
didn’t even look at me, he just walked
right past me and he said to the pastor,
the person in the Pulpit, He said, “you
can try to keep me out. you can discount My Word.
but I will not be silent or locked out.”
he walked right past me to that Pulpit. he grabbed the speaker’s
face. he just walked up literally like
this he went [grabbing his face]. the Jesus man just grabbed
the man and pulled the face off. what he was pulling off was a mask.
he pulled off this mask. it was a mask the whole time.
and now there was this very very pale demonic face that was revealed. and there were audible gasps in the sanctuary. People [gasping loudly] like that.
and the speaker tried to speak and point
his finger at Jesus. and Jesus said “you
will speak no more!” and he breathed towards that person
and disappeared in a wisp of smoke.
Jesus then turned around to the crowd
and he said “as I expose the truth, you’ll
be given the chance to take your mask
off. if not, your circumstances will tear them
from your face and take your eyes with them.
you that know the Word, know better.
those that never studied my Word, will
stay dressed in a costume and miss
Heaven because you chose to remain in
Ignorance. even if you hide from the truth, it will
confront you and it will confront you to
the front of your face.” so that face imagery is very very very
brought up quite a bit in this dream.
then He looked around right at me and
he said “it’s not too late to warn the
body as there are still many that will
hear it. but woe to those who refuse to listen at
this point.” as I turned to walk out of the sanctuary,
it was still full of costumed people.
more ushers would come to the back door
and we’re saying it was time to go.
and I saw people trying to leave through
the doors but they were struggling to
get out. the ushers were literally trying
to force them back in the sanctuary and keep them there.
the people just pushed through. and then
I noticed the aisle was full of costumes
that were left on the grounds.
I also noticed there were a lot of seats
that were empty where people had left.
but the majority was still seated and
masked. I began to run for the door. and not in
the sense of I have to get out of here.
but more to build up speed to knock the
ushers out of the way. in other words, I
knew I had to get to those men and I was
going to build up speed and hit him as
hard as I could to get out because
nothing was going to keep me in there.
when I got to the parking lot, I stopped
running to talk to a crowd of about 50
people who were all grouped together.
collectively they asked what they should
do. and I said, “He told us to warn in the
Church, so we warn the Church.”
we all ran in different directions as
the sun was setting all around us.
and that’s another key thing, the sun was
setting. I’d gone there in the morning
late for church but now the sun was
setting. at that moment the Mission Impossible
theme song started. and I saw the image
of that Wick being lit. and that indicated me that there was no
time to waste.