The Millstone Dream – TRANSCRIPT Jun 3, 2022

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The Millstone Dream – TRANSCRIPT Jun 3, 2022

hey good afternoon everybody and thank you for hanging out with us for an hour or so i want to thank my good friend
sheree god for being a part of this with me and praying over the dreams as you know when i have a dream i send it to her as well i pray she prays i’ve got
some some men in my church that pray for me other folks that are praying uh we we don’t do this uh we’re not asking for
offerings no money we’re sharing these dreams because i believe god’s trying to wake the church up
and i’m gonna be very very upfront with this one this one has been one of the heaviest dreams that
i’ve ever had in the last two years you know it was two years ago this month june 24th or 2020 that i shared the
first dream and uh it doesn’t seem like it’s it’s been that long things have happened
things have gone on but uh what i want to say is this this one’s heavy this has been heavy in my heart
and it’s been heavy in sheree’s heart and the reason we share the dreams are to wake people up if you saw my from the
perch yesterday uh you know that it was like a prelude to what i’m going to share today i if you have not i don’t i don’t say hey go
watch this hey share this i really encourage you to watch the from the perch yesterday i talked about narcissism both in the world and the
church was in the book of habakkuk and in the back in the book of habakkuk god really basically says to habakkuk the
righteous will live by faith and i believe that we’re in that time frame right here right now
uh and you’ll see from what the man spoke to me i believe was which is jesus and the holy spirit uh that there’s not a whole lot of time
left before he comes and not a whole lot of time left to work so i’m calling this the millstone dream you’ll find out why i’m gonna go ahead
and share it i’ll stop a few times to make a couple comments about what i was seeing and then let’s redo the
interpretation i dreamt that i was standing in an open field and looking west
in broad daylight in the sun at high noon and there was a compass in my right palm that was facing up and pointed west
and that’s how i knew what direction i was facing and there was a silver colored straight
metal rod or staff in my left hand it was touching the ground and it went at least a foot above
my head i’m about five six and a half so it was up to about almost about seven you know six and a half feet seven feet
tall in my left hand and so my right hand i got the compass looking up pointing west and the staff that’s in my
left hand i was watching what appeared to be a large stone in the middle of the air
it seemed to be at a very high altitude and it seemed bigger than it was like looking at the moon when it’s way too
close the earth or it seems really really big but this stone was huge and out of place did not look like it
belonged there and it was almost like a square and there was a large round hole drilled
near the top of it this thing was thick it was miles and my probably hundreds of miles wide
in my mind i thought maybe i’m seeing the uh the walls of the city uh mentioned in
the new jerusalem in in in revelation but it was huge had the large hole drilled through it and what appeared to
be a streamer it looked like a streamer like you see a tail on a kite or something like that tied it was tied
through the stone it was very blurry i began walking west through a very very vast empty
field that seemed as if a combine had just gone through so everything had been harvested i was seeing the uh i’m a
hoosier from indiana so after the combines would go through you’d see those bottom stalks of corn about maybe
up eight to eight inches to a foot tall where they’d been harvested it looked like that
the grass in most places was green and healthy but where had been cut it was browning and it started to look dead
and the stones suddenly began to descend but did not have a fiery entry like if you see a the when the space shuttle
came or rockets came in you see that fiery entry there was no fire on this at all there was no wave disruptions in the
sky so to speak nor was there any sound so no fire in the atmosphere no entry point there was
no sound except the whipping of what appeared to be now a rope i could see now this was a huge rope uh probably
hundreds of feet wide that had gone through this this big stone
it made a sound like plastic that was not secured around cargo on a truck going down the highway there’s a tyson
chicken factory about 12 miles from where i live and so every day i see trucks go by full of chickens or the
plastic wrap and when they’re going fast you hear that plastic that’s what it sounded like and now the stone was falling very
quickly and i could actually feel wind coming off of it uh and then you began
to realize that it was like that woosh sound coming and it was then that i realized i was as far west as i could be
i was literally standing in california looking off of the shore into the shoreline pacific ocean
and i saw a sign that said pacific ocean so that’s how i knew where i was i then realized that the stones seemed to be
about the size of texas and it was shadowing over the entire western half the united states
as it fell i could hear the whipping of the rope behind it and i could also see was trailing all the way back to the
line of the black outer space way up in the sky and the rope appeared to be miles and
miles wide it was impossible to tell how white it was then this stone hit in the movie ocean
but there was no violent tsunami like blast there was no no nothing crazy it
hit as hard as it could but it just began to sink wobble kind of slowly into
the water and then it began to sink now at this point the broad daylight that i was saying faded over the next
few minutes of the dream and i saw the rope falling from the sky
and it formed like a circle around the united states of america mexico and canada were not in the mix of what i saw
i saw the rope as the stones going down there’s still rope coming out of the ocean still rope in the sky and it makes
its way like a circle around america and as the stone sank
the rope tightened around the shores of the country until the midwest appeared to be having a choking face
and was having trouble breathing it was like i saw a face going i like i couldn’t breathe there were no arms or hands i just saw the face
restricted trying to trying to breathe and i could hear a heartbeat this was a very very loud heartbeat that
was it was not steady it was choppy it was violent it wasn’t there was definitely some type
of arrhythmia going on and then i heard the millstone hit the bottom of the ocean i could hear it it was like a
sonar dull thud that i knew it hit the bottom of the ocean
and at that point the midwest took a deep breath that face that i saw took a deep breath
as the noose around the nation loosened slightly there was a smile and a look of relief
on that face in the midwest then i saw the man’s face that i see so
often it was superimposed over it suddenly went from the just a face of someone
like just a face that was having trouble breathing to the face of the man
he took a deep breath and then he spoke these words this is for the slaughter of
and the hands that innocent blood i then saw the stone sitting on the ocean floor
and i saw this hand this big huge hand that rushed down through the water grab
that stone which i’m i’m going to call a millstone and it pushed that rock through the
mantle violently
that rope tightened real quickly around the nation’s throat
i saw violent earthquakes i saw uh smoke rolling up as that last breath was taken
i saw the eyes kind of get bigger you could tell this thing was being choked
but what got my attention was the speed in which the nation seemed to die i watched it this violent hand pushes that that that
rock through the mantle and it just like like a zipline just real quick just and that was it
then i saw a horse a white horse and a writer on it dressed in gleaming white and it was the man
he pointed with his right hand to the destruction and he said i keep my word and i will be faithful to keep my word
as it regards the blessing and the curse there is not much time to work and those
that know know this deeply get busy stay busy and know that i’m
coming back very soon and the horse and rider were gone and flashed and i was standing back in that field where i
started right there in the middle of the of the of the of the nation i noticed that the season had changed
and the crops were now ready and the fields were absolutely ripe but only a few people were in the field
working i was overcome with emotion and despair because i could realize there’s not enough people to do what needs to be
done and then i saw large groups of people coming from every direction north south east and west
they were coming with large bags over their shoulders and the old-fashioned sickles like my grandpa used to use to
take wheat out of the field and i saw the shadows begin to shade the fields but the sun was still up but it
was obviously going down and the workers were now running at full speed with those bags over their
shoulders and those sickles those skis in their hands they were running full speed at this point i woke up but then a
few nights later i had a flash dream that’s what i was going to call it a flash dream
and the man stood before me and stated very quickly
this is what this is what got me ready for the the from the purse yesterday which i shared
the man said it’s too late to start and he emphasized start he said it’s too
late to start bracing and the braced are about to be tested
harshly so lock in place he emphasized start bracing start
and then emphasize lock in place so i believe that god’s trying to get us
ready for those suddenly moments that are coming folks and i as i’ve said this dream has had a
feel a weight to it i wake up i woke up every night since having it throughout the days i’m
thinking about it going back through other dreams and looking but this dream is heavy i believe because god’s trying to speak to the
church and get us ready so street go right ahead [Applause]
this this dream is weighed heavy on me uh also i just feel heaviness um
but at the same time it’s a it’s a good dream for the church that’s
alive and awake and i’m going to go through this a little differently than i usually do i’m going to go through it more symbol by
symbol and hit more of the symbols because there is so much symbolism and i
feel like it’s important to hit them all so i’m going to start off with uh
he’s he’s looking towards the west and he knows it’s the west because he has a compass
so it encompasses god giving him a sense of direction of what is coming you
usually take a compass because you’re on a journey and you want to get to the a destination so he’s showing what is
coming and it’s it’s a it’s a the west is where the sun sets okay so
it’s the end of the day or the end of a season or the end of times right um and and that’s what he’s looking for
towards it’s also in in this dream in particular it’s
um the end of a a
a a season of unrighteousness unholiness it’s um it’s judgment for
this season okay and and when i say judgment when we just prefer this preface this i do not
believe judgment is a a bad thing judgment is something that um brings to
righteousness and truth if we had no judges we would be in chaos and so judgment is
the mercy of god to bring people in on center and into righteousness
and to also uh take care of those who are unrighteous to um that they have to
pay for their unrighteousness okay but it restores to the righteous
in the process okay so we had a um silver colored
uh metal rod or staff in his left hand
and so his left hand is his is his weak side right he he’s right-handed i believe
that’s right you’re right-handed yes i am yes it’s his weak side so it’s his submitted
side so that what’s submitted where he submitted to god that this this rod is over his head it’s it’s taller than him
so it shows that it’s beyond his ability to even understand what god has given to
him the authority to that he’s given them silver is the color and and also silver uh silver is the color and also
that the metal silver represents the refining or the purifying right uh that god will refine us by fire
we it talks about that that the silver when when they can uh look into it and
reflects the master you know the one who’s doing the refining then it’s pure so it’s purifying and then this staff is
this idea of you know moses had a staff at a time of judgment he says what’s in your hand use what’s in your hand and so
what’s in dana’s hand is god’s given him these dreams to um
to share it which are telling of what is going to come and
uh the the the this rod also represents the word and
the truth and um and so this is what has been given to
dana for the sake of deliverance of his people and also judgment of unrighteousness um
it’s not from him it’s not by his knowledge it’s from god it’s over his head
okay and so then he sees this large stone and the stone is interesting it’s it’s um
at first it’s blurry he can’t see real clearly what all it entails but
then it starts um getting closer uh but the stone is interesting because
it’s square and he he refers to it as a millstone and a millstone is for grinding wheat so
that people can be nourished right so it would be that idea of like
um the the word of god has to be chewed right
those who are on the milk of the word don’t understand the deep things but then the deep things have to be uh
chewed and they have to be worked on you have to think about them but this millstone is not round like a normal
millstone for grinding grain it’s square square is it’s it’s has four sides
and so that represents uh world and worldliness so instead of being round which is eternal right
and produces good things it’s the worldliness that’s being judged and so it and it doesn’t have a hole in the
middle it has a hole in the top and he says this in the dream because you know i’m reading every word you know y’all
are listening to him and trying to soak in as much as you can but i’m able to stop at every word and say what is this
and what is this and so it has a hole drilled near the top and i asked him i said would you draw me a picture this is
sent to me because i just want to be positive that his wording was what he saw
and so this you can’t grind with something with the hole at the top
and it’s almost like like a necklace okay it has the hole at the top and and because it’s
it’s hung for a purpose and it’s not it’s not
being able to be used in the other way and so the purpose that this hole at the top it’s uh it’s almost like a sign
of judgment okay so you have the stone which is and then
we know the scripture right the scripture talks about it’s better that um a millstone will be tied to you and
thrown at the bottom of the ocean than to offend one of his little ones and so
it’s very obviously a judgment call okay
um and then the let me get into that i got to looking for an interpretation in the
bible for the court and so as i’m as i’m going through it i end up in um ezekiel chapters chapter 40
where there’s an angel and he comes to ezekiel and he has a rod and he has a um a measuring
rod for measuring and he has a cord and so i read for six chapters looking for
where he uses the chord what’s the chord and for six chapters he’s ma measuring
the temple and every little detail of the temple every door every square inch i mean six
whole chapters of measuring the temple and i’m thinking why is this angel
showing him every single tiny little measurement of this temple ezekiel is a
prophet he’s not going to build a temple this is not instructions to build a temple so what is it
and it’s the kingdom of god it’s the new jerusalem that’s going to come down at some point it’s a measurement of it says
the temple that that we build on that they built on earth in the old testament was a um
um like a model of what was in heaven
that’s what the word of god says so it’s measuring out heaven and the new testament says pray for his kingdom to
come and his will to be done on this earth and so this measurement of and hold on with me
because the skin is good but his measurement of this temple is a measurement of
of the kingdom of god that that is now at hand that we should be operating and living in it’s the word of god it’s it’s
it’s every um uh jot and every tittle it’s the word of god it is complete detail it’s a
description of who god is and what god’s kingdom is and this is the revelation that the angel was given to ezekiel was
of the law and of the word of god and how that if everything when everything is in place
in other words when we align with the word of god when we align with the temple of god this new jerusalem this
pattern of things in heaven where jesus has gone to set at the right hand of the father the word of god everything in
place everything fulfilled when we align with that then in verse 47 i finally come to the the cord
and it’s these waters that flow out from under the temple of god after it’s built
so when you get in line with god then what flows out of you is rivers of living water and if you’ll read about
that in ezekiel 47 it talks about the life that springs up and it says the power of these clean waters is such that
even though when it goes into the ocean it makes those water clean they’re no longer salty this is the power of god
salt can represent um being strong for god but it can also
represent worldliness and ungodliness and sin and so when it comes to salty water ocean water it represents the sin
of the world and and that’s good to remember with the interpretation of the water the ocean
where the stone falls in okay and so this cord comes into place at
these waters because he measures the depths of the water with the cord not
the rod yeah and so the cord is a measure of the spirit
and and and this symbolism ties all the way through the stream right all the way through this season this last two years
dana talked about it’s been two years since the first stream it’s been two years we’ve been in in copenhagen where
we couldn’t breathe right the cry has been i can’t breathe right and that’s because there’s no breath of god
this this spirit this this rope that judges these say says you’re without the spirit anyway so why should you breathe
god breathed life into man when he breathed into them in genesis right it’s his his spirit is this breath
this life okay so uh continuing on this and this
you’ll see this more as the dream goes on okay
so this stone is very huge um and and and also the the streamer become
where he’s not sure what it is becomes this very large rope uh and let me let me uh
just say i’m gonna get there in a second okay let me go back up and and finish
where it get it continues so he’s walking west through this vast
empty field that looks like a combine had just gone through it so a combine is an instrument
for harvest it goes through and it cuts all the wheat and and it begins to process store and
to to process that um where where the where the fields are growing
right they’re tall and when the hot when the combine comes through it’s cut short and it leaves
stubble behind it um and and so that part of it starts looking dead because of everything
that’s alive has been harvested so this is a great harvest of souls it’s the beginning of a harvest
okay so and the the contrast between the green fields and the um brown that’s
been cut is this contrast of life that that uh life is fleeting it’s there and
then it’s gone the green represents life and the the brown
represents a cutting off of it okay and then he sees uh
clear this stone it’s coming through the atmosphere and um
any and he calls it now a rope that seems to be uh hundreds of miles long
so this rope becomes more evident and that’s this judgment it it becomes big
and it becomes broad i don’t think he said in the dream but i asked him he said it becomes very broad how broad did
you say it became it looked like it was a hundred miles wide this thing was huge so 100 miles
yeah it was it was thick it was thick thick enough to rope around the united states and start to squeeze okay so let
me let me clarify now why i said all that about ezekiel and the rod and the and the road and then the and
the rope and also uh the temple and the waters is what we’re seeing with this
stream is the opposite of what ezekiel saw ezekiel saw what would come right and
and it has come when jesus came and and he ascended and the spirit came upon us
he said the kingdom of god’s at hand and so there is that fulfilling of that
and also the new jerusalem that that will come at the very end time but what we’re seeing is the opposite of this
okay so this rod becomes instead of it becomes a rod of correction
and the rope becomes a rope of judgment so whereas the holy spirit
should be flowing from us instead it’s it’s this examining of the spirit that
is now the judgment of of the season that we’re in and it’s
huge and it’s huge because the man says it at the end
it’s huge because we are so blood guilty of all the innocent
uh with abortion that we have slain we have sacrificed our children at the
altar of convenience yes convenience i mean we’re not even doing it to
appease a false god we’re doing it to appease ourself and and it’s so vile to god and he’s
saying enough is enough he’s mad about this he’s
angry and and you say well god’s a loving god yeah read the whole bible yeah because
you’ll see god gets mad at times and why wouldn’t he get mad at injustice i mean
if somebody took your child and and grabbed him by the heels and knocked him against him knocked his head
against a rock would you just stand there and be like well jesus loves you and i love you no you’d be mad you’d be
tackling the guy that said you know first of all i’m gonna beat you for killing my one but then i’m gonna
beat you so you don’t kill anymore right he is angry because he loves his
children he’s angry because he loves his children and because the blood of the innocent
cries out to him okay so it’s interesting also there’s no
sound with this thing’s coming down and he’s he can’t hear any sound there’s no fire
it’s coming through the atmosphere it’s because it’s not natural it’s spiritual right if it was a meteor or something it
would be on fire you know and and and we would see but it’s not a meteor
it’s the judgment of god and it’s and it’s spiritual it’s symbolic not
everybody’s gonna see it not everybody’s gonna hear it right and uh and god’s letting us see and hear
because he wants his children to know what’s coming and why it’s coming
okay so then he begins to feel the wind coming from it he begins to hear the
flapping of this of this rope and um
and so that’s this uh heightened sensitivity in the spirit
um to what is going because the wind represents the holy spirit
so then he realizes he’s as far west as he can be he’s at the pacific ocean
so as far west as he can be to see the events they’re going to come the west represents the worldly side worldliness
because the east represents uh the the good the the um the godly as
far as jesus is going to be coming from the east when he comes to rescue us it
says when he comes it’ll be as lightning that comes from the east and goes shines
even to the west okay and so west is not the good place it’s the place of
wickedness and uh and worldliness um and and you can look in jesus
i’ve got a lot of scriptures i’m going to say later if you want to get a pen and pencil write some of this down matthew 24 27 right it says is that
scripture as lightning comes from the east and shines even to the west so will that the coming of the son of man be
okay and so the ocean as i said is salty water it’s not clean water you can’t drink that it’s worldly
it um it has to do with lost humanity
okay so this the the he says the stones about the side of size of texas overshadow
shadowing uh the west half shadowing over the west half of the united states
um okay the the the rope that trailed it said um it was all the way back up into the
black space and um and so this is how far
our offense has risen to heaven you know it talks about
with sodom and gomorrah the angel comes down and says you know what the stench of this place the sound of this has has
risen to heaven and so we’ve come down to examine and to look at this and he warned
abraham right um
so it goes into the water but it doesn’t violently splash into it so again there’s not a warning
a splash people could see that from the coast but for the ungodly there’s not going to be a warning
and then and you know it’s broad daylight and the daylight is significant it says while there is day you should work
right because the night comes when no man can work and so it’s daylight so it’s a season for the church to work
but then there’s also a cloud that comes over i’ll get to that well let me just go ahead and say there’s a cloud that
comes over during the harvesting and that is the anointing of god the
protection of god the help of god that when the harvesters are harvesting that
there’s shade form and we see this um when the children of israel are in the wilderness there’s a cloud by day and
fire by night because in the desert it’s hot in the day and it’s cold at night and so um
it’s representation of god’s uh shining his favor on those who will do
the work of the harvest okay and but it says that the broad daylight faded over the next few minutes
and he saw the rope fall and it encircled around the united states so this is judgment on the nation
okay judgment on the nation and as the stone sank into the ocean
this rope that was around the united states begins to like choke it
and uh and he sees this face like it’s the face of the nation and um and it’s
having trouble breathing and because it’s having trouble breathing its heartbeat is not uh steady
it’s erratic because it’s panicking there’s fear and there’s panic um because of the the strangling and the
choking that’s going on this is god judging the nation
okay then um
and then he hears that he hears because again he’s discerning the stop by the spirit he hears the millstone hit the
bottom of the ocean and the face of the midwest takes a
breathe because there’s been a slight loosening of this this stranglehold
so it’s almost like the nation’s like oh wait it’s going to be okay there’s a little
reprieve and uh and they had a smile for a second
right because they still don’t understand uh but but let me tell you this is an
opportunity also to breathe in right and so what do we want to breathe
in the breath of god the life of god it’s an opportunity to receive again
it’s an opportunity for revival it’s ra opportunity to see this harvest come in
will be given a brief opportunity okay but then he sees the man’s face
superimposed over the face in the middle of the nation and he took a deep breath
so now the man breathes in now god breathed breath
out to bring life to men so a breathe in is
again it’s a judgment it’s also uh a dramatic
preparation for the lord to speak something that is very significant when you’re when you’re
an orator and you’re gonna speak something loudly you don’t have a microphone
you take in a deep breath so you can project so that word can go forth and
have impact in a large area it’s not a soft whisper it’s a loud proclaiming
voice and this is what he says this is for the slaughter of
and the han sorry about that
this is for the slaughter of and the hands that shed innocent blood so now we
know the reason for the judgment it’s for the shedding of an innocent
blood he says i then saw the stone sitting on the ocean floor being pushed by a hand
through the mantle harshly so now the reprieve stops
because when he does this first of all it’s violent uh dana said what did you tell me about
how you felt when that happened it was
it was an intensity on the face that was just as real
[Music] like when you’re watching your your son drive off with his driver’s license for the first time or you’re sending your
son to college for the first time he’s driving two states away it was just that that intensity of
concern worry fear absolute okay this is my child taken off i’ve got to know
what’s going on here that kind of intensity okay and so um
so there’s this intensity of being pushed through the mantle it’s not enough that he’s dropped judgment out
out of heaven with his uh um with his hand right
oh i i thought i’m thinking of something else it was this this hand gripped and
it pushed violent violent violent violent force it was like i’m not just going to push you through i’m going to
push you through this level and this level on this level in other words the intention was this is going to go to the
middle of the planet and as it goes it’s going to choke this nation because it deserves it violently
okay well that’s interesting because you know i had this intent that this uh this
understanding of that it was violent but not that it was that was going to even be pushed maybe even to the middle of the
earth which is hell right the bible speaks to that in a place it’s like it’s a judgment all the way to hell
it’s a very strong judgment and so he harshly does this
um and okay
and the reason he does this is it’s going through the crust through the mantle he said and i thought what is
this mantle and that is this uh the idea of the earth the crust of the earth
right the earth uh is what stores the blood of the guilty that cry out against
the unrighteousness that shed the innocent blood right and so it’s going through that all
the way to hell it’s a very strong judgment god is uh
he’s serious about this okay and it says and as this happened the road tightened so quickly around the
nation that the whole place shook violated and then went suddenly still now again this is judgment of our nation
of our nation um i looked up about
abortion uh to see if what i thought was was right
and um it was interesting there’s 26 countries
where abortion is illegal um it’s said of california and because this
is where this is taking place it’s where he’s seen this is off the coast of california that in california they’re
positioning themselves to be a sanctuary for abortion access
um they’re uh they want to have people have access from all over the nation to be able to
come to california to get abortions and to do it at a reduced cost so they’re going to help pay for it also
and then they also want to provide protection from legal proceedings
um those who could be prosecuted for going to have an abortion or to end their
child’s life in any way it’s not just abortion there’s also this uh
they’re also pushing for uh for illegal to kill babies months
after they’re born right and so california has definitely become the um
shining example of uh killing the innocents and so
that’s why this is done off the coast of california now mind you it’s not the only innocent blood there’s other
innocent blood spilt but this is a prime example you can’t be more innocent than a baby in the womb i
mean that’s just the most innocent thing there is okay okay and so
after this he strikes this thing into the center of the earth
um then there begins to be a shaking of violent shaking earthquakes and smoke
and um and it says before the last breath was taken so this is the breath i’m assuming
again of the man that the face not the man but the face of the nation
now has no more breath left so this thing that had loosened now is just it’s just hung them
and uh and he says he was surprised at the speed in which it happened
okay and and i want to i want to read this
scripture and then i’m going to continue on uh this idea of suddenly it’s first
thessalonians 5 1-7 now concerning the times and the seasons brethren you have no need to have any anything written to
you for you yourselves are fully aware that the day the lord will come like a thief in the night
while people are saying there is peace and security then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come
upon a pregnant woman and they will not escape and i thought my
sudden destruction as a woman in labor and and we’re talking about abortion being one of the innocent bloods right
it says but b it says but you are not i’m sorry uh
it says but you are not in drunkenness brothers now he’s talking to believers for that day just to surprise you as a thief for you
are all children of light children of the day we are not of the night or of the darkness so then let us not sleep as
others do but let us keep awake and be sober for those who sleep sleep at night and those
who get drunk or drunk at night but since we belong to the day which is the time when this is happening
right what we’re seeing in the stream let us be sober having put on the breastplate of faith and love
and for a helmet the hope of salvation for god has not destined us for wrath
but to obtain salvation through our lord jesus christ who died for us so that whether we are awake or asleep we might
live with him therefore encourage one another and build one another up just as you were doing
and so i’m kind of taking a little encouragement break telling how
god is power driving our nation there’s a little encouragement break for those who are in christ
we don’t have to fear like those who are in the world we should have the fear of god and if we
don’t have the fear of god we need that but it’s not a fear of destruction
we should be equipped and ready to take up our cross and die for him we should
be ready to be martyred for him we should be ready to die at any time that is our blessed hope and we’re supposed
to encourage each other with this hope that we we do get to die we do get to um
there is an end to this thing and there is a hope on the other side and so if you’re hopeless press into god
for faith to have peace and to do the work that he’s called you
to do in this season okay so let’s we’re going to leave the little encouragement break and continue on
it says i then saw a horse and the rider on it dressed in gleaming white
uh and it was the man on the horse it said he pointed to the destruction and said so he’s he’s wearing white and he’s
on a white horse okay uh i asked damon he said his white horse and he says i this is what he says and
it’s important i keep my word yeah so the word is the bible and
everything he said he’s going to fulfill period i keep my word and i will be faithful
to keep my word as it regards to the blessing and the curse
so he’s not just going to keep his word for the curse he’s going to keep his word for the blessing also that’s good
things take note of right and he says there is not much time to work
as those that know know this deeply deeply i just read that in the scripture first that that’s first thessalonians
5 1 through 11 right uh
he said let me say again he says there is not much time to work and those that know know this deeply get busy stay busy
and know that i’m coming very soon and it says the horse and rider were
gone in a flash and i was standing back in the field where i had started which is
symbolically saying the fields are white unto harvest the blessing
is this first part right he says i keep my blessing and my curse the blessing is
that you do know that you do know this deeply the blessing is that you have this
opportunity to to get busy so that you can bring in a harvest of souls and you
can have a crown when you fall before him right those who sat oddly and did nothing will not make heaven
but those who will win souls right they will have a crown um
and uh and so this is this is our our
our redeemer he’s in white because he’s washed us in his blood and he has made
us white okay he’s riding a white horse which is shown in revelation 19 11 it says then i
saw heaven opened and behold a white horse the one sitting on it called faithful
and true so he’s faithful and true and in righteousness he judges and makes
war so that’s what we were seeing we were seeing a representation
of this uh righteous judge coming to make war and a separation for the
purpose of redeeming the righteous and and judging those who are not
so that’s uh the blessing okay and then it says i noticed that the
season had changed and the crops were ready to be harvested and fields were absolutely ripe this is more of the
blessing the fields are ripe how many of you been praying for your
lost loved ones haven’t even been praying for your neighbors and he’s saying it’s ripe you can go harvest it
but then there’s a problem with the church it says but only a few were in the field working and that’s
where we’re at right now there’s only a few that are doing anything and so dana in the dream he says i was
overcome with emotion and despair um but then he saw a large group of people
from every direction coming okay this this dana being an emotion being uh
overcome with emotion uh and in despair that’s
the heart we should have it’s crying out right the bible says to pray for the lord of the harvest to send
harvesters for the harvest is great but the laborers are are few
we should be crying out lord send harvesters we should be making disciples and showing them how to do it we should
be going forth and bringing people with us right um
but then in response to his cry and this is the good news the blessing again in response to that there’s a
large group of people from every direction coming with large bags over their shoulders and old-fashioned uh
sickles in their hands and um and they’re doing the work of the harvest so this is
a great revival a great awakening right revival means to
bring back to life and usefulness it’s taking something that’s dead and bringing it back to life so the
church has been so dead and he’s saying you know come alive come alive and
there’s gonna be life come back into us and it says i saw um
just saying i saw the shadow the shadows begin to
fade because there was a shadow when the stone was coming over when this judge was coming when the thing was getting
you know breath choked out of it but now there’s a see the season
of the sun shining right a good day
and that good day is a day of harvest and it says the the the workers were
running at full speed towards the fields so
instead of lollygagging around sitting on the couch watching tv
just just meandering being mindless about what we’re doing all of a sudden there’s a determination
and they’re running at full speed in other words they’re finally using what god has given them and they’re they’re
using with all their might um and they’re running towards the field
and so this is the blessing now we get to the curse it says and this dream happened on a
different day so it’s like there’s this gap there’s this gap between the blessing
and the curse and it’s a wide gap and it says then there was a flash of
light and the man stood before me and he calls it a flash stream and it’s interesting because when he
told me he when he told me about it he said i had a flash stream
and this is what i saw and a flash for me um when god gives me a flash vision or a
flash stream i know that it always comes to pass for me and so so it’s very symbolic for
me it’s like oh this is going to come to pass period always comes to pass every time
and uh so this is flash and the man stood before him and stated clearly
it’s too late to start bracing and the braces are about to be tested harshly
so lock in place okay so who’s it too late for that
sounds very terminal and i asked the lord that question who’s it too late for well it’s only too late
for those who refuse to repent god’s been calling us to repentance for
the last two years and for two years people had the opportunity for those who refused to repent the holy
spirit will stop dealing with those that’s why you can only not repent
when the holy spirit stops doing because it’s the spirit that draws people to repentance right
um but for those who’ve refused it’s done it says uh
and the braced are about to be tested harshly so now these who are those who have
braced they have heard the words they have made some they have made preparation but there’s still a harsh
test coming and why is that why why would he do that
and and i looked it to jeremiah and ezekiel and daniel right with the nation was so corrupt that he says i tell you
what if you try to get out of it what’s coming you’re going to die
but if you go into captivity if you’ll you know and christ has called us to be
a slave for him to give up our lives and live for him we need to be captivated completely with
christ if you go into that captivity then there’s life to be had and there’s
work to be done um and so but but in the process of that captivity
they were refined so that when they would come out of captivity they would be a people who were no longer so
corrupt and you look at daniel as the example of this daniel fasted and he
prayed and he lived uprightly he didn’t want the kings he meets not because he you know wanted
to keep a nice figure he he didn’t want them because they ate things sacrificed
unto idols and he was not willing to partake of anything that that came of
any for he was pure he was clean and he lives an upright life and because of
them this when he asks the lord to know the number of the days of this time because he had
read jeremiah’s prophecy because jeremiah prophesied you’re going into captivity and you may as well make the
best of it right the lord gives him uh this revelation of
all time he shows him not only the time from his time that he was asking about
he just want to know what his people were going to get out of this he shows them all the way to the very end of time
and he shows them this is when my people are going to get out of it and and and so daniel has revelation of all of time
because he was holy and he was asking the lord and so we’re in this season of
yeah is it going to be hard yeah it’s going to be hard but is it going to be good yeah it’s going to be good
i remember one time asking the lord i was dealing with i used to make comments quick judgments and i would say it out
my mouth about people and situations as a very young christian and and every time i would do that i
would say oh god cover that don’t let it come back and fight me don’t let it come back and and and
people think bad of me and judge me because i said something hastily that i shouldn’t have said
and then the lord says and then i said lord get it out of me no matter what it takes and the lord says okay you’re going to
go through a hard trial and i’m like okay that sounds great because i’ve never been through anything hard in my life
and it was the hardest time of my life i was so crushed and so broken
but it taught me not to speak what i shouldn’t speak and it put me in a place where i
wouldn’t speak about anything or anybody because i was i was afraid to i was so
crushed and so broken and so it produced something in me and produced a maturity in me so that it would make me ready so
that at a season when i was supposed to speak to the nation i could order my
words and not be asking god to take those words back and call them back and to cover them that the words that i
would speak at a point in my life would be significant and important and i had to be ready for that to see souls saved
and transformed to see the nation come to repentance and things such as this it’s important what we do and when we
live a life that’s just haphazard and we’re not ordering our steps by the holy
spirit every moment then we need to be crushed and we need to be ground down so
that we can be fit for the master’s use and it’s part of the process and if you
despise the process you won’t make it he says those who won’t take up their cross
are none of mine she says you won’t make it so
this is the curse we get the curse worked out of this so that we can have the blessing
yeah okay and then it says so lock in place
and i just can hear all those little frost false prophets saying that’s what i’ve been saying there’s an hour of darkness coming and we need to lock our
doors and hide no god has never called us to lock our doors and hide right that’s a lie the
devil he’s telling us to lock in place he’s telling us to stand firm on the word of
god he’s telling us to stand on what is true and to do the word and to be the
word and to live the word he’s saying make yourself steadfast and unmovable on
the only thing that is unshakable which is the word of god yeah right
okay so i’m gonna read some scriptures
first peter 1 5-7 it says who by god’s power are being guarded
through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time in this you
rejoice though now for a little while if necessary you are being grieved by
various trials so that the tested genuineness of your
faith which is more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire
may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of
jesus christ that’s where we want to get to right
mark 9 47. this is talking about the lightning
let’s talk about being tested by fire the man shows up like lightning like a flash right the coming of the lord is
going to be like a flash like lightning mark uh 9 47-50
and if your eye causes you to sin tear it out
it’s better for you to enter the kingdom of god with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into hell
where their worm dies not and the fire is not quenched in other words eternal
hell verse 49 says for everyone will be salted with fire and i thought salted
with fire and i looked up that word fire because what i was looking up was lightning
and and what i was wanting to get to i think anyways so strong’s interprets that word fire
salted with fire it says as fire and it says literally or figuratively specifically lightning
right lightning and it says fiery fire so it’s like really fight fire fire
that’s that comes by the power of of god right
um and it says salt is good but if the salt has lost its saltiness that’s where
the church is at it says how will you make it salty again
have salt in yourself and be at peace with one another so we should be
wanting that okay luke 17 1-4 this talks about the millstone
it says and he said to his disciples temptations to sin are sure to come but
woe to the one through whom they come it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were
cast into the sea then that he should cause one of these little ones to sin
pay attention to yourselves if your brother’s sin rebuke him and for your pence forgive him and if he sins against
you seven times in a day you keep forgiving him which says if
if god if we can forgive people how much more will god forgive us but it shows
that millstone with the the square mill stone with the hole at the top being worn like a necklace
strangling the life out of our nation it’s judgment right revelations
18 and i’m skipping around through here but just read all of 18. you go back and study some of this it’ll give you a
greater depth of understanding of so many things also read that is ezekiel 40 through 47
but ezekiel or i’m sorry revelation 18 um and again i’m skipping around through it
says after this i saw another angel coming down from heaven having great authority and the earth was made bright
with his glory and he called out with a mighty voice fallen fallen is babylon the great she
has become a dwelling place for demons a haunt for every unclean spirit a haunt
for every unclean bird and a detestable beast for all nations
have drunk the wine of the passion of her sexual immorality and the kings of the earth have
committed immorality with her and the merchants of the earth have grown rich from the power of his luxurious living
okay now revelation is talking about the very last time okay i’m reading the scripture to you as an
illustration of the millstone i’m not saying that this is where rat right now
okay but it’s we’re in a a judgment like this so we’re
being judged like babylon um though we are not babylon okay we
want to clarify that so verse 4 says then i heard another voice from heaven saying come out of her my people lest
you take part in her sins lest you share in her plagues for her sins are heaped high as heaven
and god has remembered her iniquities verse 10 it says they will stand far off
in fear of her torment and say alas alas you great city you
mighty city babylon for a single hour your judgment has come verse 14
it says the fruit for which your soul longed has gone from you and all your delicacies and your splendors are lost
to you never to be found again this is talking to the wicked verse 20 it says rejoice
over her o heavens and you saints and apostles and prophets for god has given judgment
for you against her so the judgment of the ungodly
is for the righteous verse 21 it says then a mighty angel
took a stone like a great millstone and threw it into the sea
saying so will babylon the great city be thrown down with violence and will be found no more
verse 22 22 it reminds me of when they’re in captivity daniel says
how can we play the songs of zion in a land of captivity so we hung up our
harps okay verse 22 of revelation um chapter 18
says in the sound of the harpist and the musicians of the flute players and trumpeters will be heard in you no more
and it talks and it goes on from there uh verse 23 it says in the light
of a lamp will shine in you no more and the voice of the bridegroom and bride will be heard in you no more for your
merchants with uh and so this is after the rapture of the church when the bridegroom cannot
be heard anymore okay and the dream um
shows us going into a season of harvest it doesn’t show uh the lord calling us
up we don’t know when that day is even in this
dream um there is no um
with with all of dana’s streams if you want to ask when is the lord going to return
the lord the spirit of revelation the lord gave
uh dana the dreams okay but it says that jesus doesn’t even know
the day or the hour when it’s gonna happen so
we should be prepared at all times i’m telling you that this is not maybe the end time but what i’m saying
is it could come tomorrow it could come tomorrow just because the spirit of revelation
just because jesus is telling us that all these things are coming the lord could return tomorrow he could return in
a hundred years we could have to live through all of this and we should be ready for his appearing at all times yes
at all times and the mockers who say oh when is his appearing coming you know we’ve heard this all our lives blah blah
blah well you know what it’s still not false because jesus the angel said it to the apostles
when they watch jesus ascend and they’re all looking up gawking the angel says why are you standing here
gawking he’s gonna come just as he left he’s gonna appear in the sky and he’s gonna come
and and the apostles believe that the lord would return in their time and they preached
it because we need that imminent message all the time we should be ready for his appearing at any time because if we’re
not ready for his appearing you know we could be hit by a mack truck and the world could go on but we’re dead
and we need to be ready all the time okay so the next scripture is
the white horse revelation 19 i’m gonna read one through eight and eleven
it says after this i heard what seemed to be a sound what seemed to be the loud voice of a great multitude in heaven crying
hallelujah salvation and glory and power belong to
our god for his judgments are true and just right for he has judged the great
prostitute who’s corrupted the earth it goes on and it talks about these other stuff well let me just go ahead
go ahead and read it uh for the jud for for he has
judged the great prostitute who corrupted the earth with her immorality and is avenged on her the blood of his
servants once more they cry out hallelujah so they’re grateful for this judgment
this smoke from her goes up forever and ever and we see that smoke of judgment or in
the dream it says in the four uh elders and the four living creatures fell down and worshiped god who was seated on the
throne saying amen hallelujah and from the throne came a voice saying
praise our god all you his servants you who fear him small and great
and then i heard what seemed to be the voice of a great multitude like the roar of many waters unlike the sound
of mighty uh mighty pills of thunder crying out
hallelujah for the lord our god the almighty reigns
let us rejoice and exalt and give him glory for the marriage of the lamb has come and his bride has been has made
herself ready it was granted her uh to clothe herself with fine lemon
linen bright and pure just like the man on the horse for the uh for the fine linen is the righteous
deeds of the saints and then verse 11 says then i saw heaven open and behold a
white horse and the one sitting on it is called faithful and true and right and in righteousness he judges
and makes war and so
that’s the man um
excuse me
all right i have one last thing um
one last thing i wanted to mention and i want you to pray for me about i feel like the lord has told me that he
is going to give me a timeline at some point daniel asks for a timeline because he read jeremiah’s
and i feel like he’s going to give me a timeline at some point and so just be praying for me for that
timeline um i have most of it but i don’t know the end
and when he shows me the end then i’ll release the whole thing
and that’s all i have you know one thing that i know is that the lord is speaking to his people and i
mentioned earlier if you’ve not watched my from the perch from yesterday i never do this but i’m encouraging you to watch
that because it’s the prelude to the dream it really gives you my heart for what’s going on i greatly appreciate
shari’s insight and it was a question about you know why am i letting shari interpret am i able to of course i can
this and that however i am all for women in ministry matter of fact i belong the assumptions of god and we have a lot of
a lot of women in the ministry in kentucky about 40 of our pastors are female and
the thing about sheree cheri is not just a pastor she’s one of the recognized prophets in our movement and i’m
thankful for insight in her wisdom the reason that i that i do this it
becomes accountability you know out of the mouth of two or three witnesses so this is not just me saying here’s my
dream here’s what it means um i want that accountability and so i appreciate what what what uh sheree
offers to me in that situation and i’m grateful for her insight her wisdom she has a passion she’s you know she’s
ordained some of those guys she’s a pastor she’s compassionate heart and then full-time ministry and her insight
her insight is specific and she has background training with billy wong and people like that and so i’ve i’ve learned to trust
her insight and her wisdom more so than anybody else in in the dream interpretation world
so shari thank you for for sharing what you share and for doing what you do i appreciate not just the friendship but
the support the wisdom and the insight that you have and folks look i believe that the uh brace about to be tested
harshly is what we’re about to see and not not months from now i mean starting now uh and that lock in place is making
sure your your foot is blocked you’re not going to be shifted you’re going to be pushed over something’s coming against us and that’s what the brace
yourself is so important and why the brace yourself now go go to back at chapter one god spoke to her back and he
said i’m going to show you things you won’t even believe and then he basically and and habakkuk
says all right i’m going to stay on the guard i’m going to stay on the guard post and the rampard i’m going to keep watching what’s going he did not walk
away from his position as a watchman every single of us every single one of us are watchmen on the wall and we’ve
got information to share direction to share encouragement to give i believe we’re about to see incredible hardship
against the church incredible persecution but at the same time i think we’re going to see incredible fruit in
the harvest and so that means we walk it we work it we talk it we live it out and we keep telling the world about jesus
all right the lord knows what’s going on so keep your hands keep your hands on the plow don’t look back stay rooted stay
grounded in the word and pray about the dream pray through it don’t just take what we’re saying just pray about it
look at it and uh understand that there’s a weight that comes with these dreams
and i’m working right now in the last chapter of a book on some of the dreams and i’m just going to talk about the weight of it
all of us have to have a burden in the heart for what’s what’s going on around us so have a heart for those unsaved
spouses those unsaved kids those parents family members people in your community folks he’s coming back soon if that is
100 years fine i want to be ready for jesus whenever he comes i’m 100
believer in the rapture and if i’m wrong then i’m wrong but i’m still going to be ready if i’m wrong every single day of
my life i’m not challenging doctrine i’m not here to challenge positions i’m just simply saying jesus paul talked about
jesus coming like he was imminent and we’ve got to keep that imminency and know that he’s coming so sheree thanks
again for for helping me with us today and sharing your insights i greatly appreciate it folks thanks for joining
have a great day we’ll see in the morning for uh pray with me as we continue through deuteronomy chapter 16. hey god bless