The Rockwell Dream – TRANSCRIPT Feb 12, 2022

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The Rockwell Dream – TRANSCRIPT Feb 12, 2022

hey everybody pastor danny coverstone i
had this dream early this morning right
around 4 31 is when i woke up
shared it during our prayer event this
our sound
right now because of our internet speed
has not been very good at all did not
really announce them i’ll be on here
doing this i’ve got comments turned off
for a reason
just doing private chat
i want to share this dream it’s called
the rockwell dream i think once you hear
it you’ll understand why i believe it’s
a very very straightforward dream
so i had this last night february 12
i dreamed that i was standing in a small
rural foyer
or the area before you walk into a
sanctuary some some churches call that
um i was drawn to a norman rockwell
painting on the wall
it was that thanksgiving freedom from
want prince that many of us are familiar
with the lady putting the turkey down
the grandfather standing behind and
everybody sitting around the table for
this family
this painting this picture was in a
large gold painted
simple frame
surrounded by artificial green ivy
as i stared at the picture i was drawn
into the scene
and i was sitting at the table as the
grandmother brought in the turkey
the grandfather was looking behind
looking out the window behind him and
suddenly shut the blinds quickly and
gave his wife a very very strange look
and at that moment what sounded to me
like gunfire and explosions were
happening outside the window
several the kids started to jump up from
the table to look outside and the
grandmother flat out screamed at them i
mean screamed at them
sit down sit back down and she said this
there’s nothing going on outside and she
said it almost like staccato there’s
nothing going on outside
and then she did herself back into a
peaceful smile form and went back to the
turkey almost as if nothing had happened
those at the table knew that something
was going on though and they started
looking at their cell phones and pulling
up news when this happened
the grandfather yelled at them
to put their phones away and stay
focused on the family gathering so both
the grandfather and the grandmother have
told these kids stop it shut up listen
there’s nothing going on outside
he kept looking back at the window
though every time there was a
significant noise from outside and the
grandmother had one of those
just fake smiles that you know
is just not real
she just kept smiling to people and she
kept curving the turkey and
and just focused on it
there were plates past the grandmother
she filled each plate up and sent it
back around the table
to feed the 10 to 12 people that were
sitting at that table
the grandfather then told everybody to
hold hands and he said he would pray
three people at the table were watching
the window and seemed to be very
concerned they were they’re holding
hands but they were like this looking at
the window behind the grandfather
he then bowed his head
but said to them
ignore what was happening outside
because nothing was happening outside
so obviously these two people are aware
something’s going on but he said
ignore what is happening outside because
nothing is happening outside
closed his eyes and began to pray
his lips were moving but there was no
sound coming out
but as he was doing this the house began
to shake just sudden shakes
the grandmother
kept watching the three kids or the
three people
who seemed concerned and she kept saying
make sure that you keep your eyes shut
and be quiet and once again the
grandfather is praying there’s no words
coming out of his mouth his lips are
moving but there’s no sound coming out
and every time he keep kind of turning
like this to look at the window behind
but he kept his eyes shut his mouth was
moving no words were coming out he just
kind of kept looking obviously aware
that something was out there
the noise outside got closer to the
house and it shook a few more times
and each time the grandfather would
flinch like this he would have the hands
and pull the hands up like this but he
would flinch
he would noticeably just a jerk almost
like a flinch when the house would shake
and the noise was outside
he then said amen very loud like that
very exaggerated
smiled at all those at the table
like okay guys we’re all right it’s fine
then he said
let’s eat and pretend it’s all good
people began eating at the table and
after a few bites you can see on the
faces these people are like oh
there were hands coming up to their head
for their mouths you could tell
faces like they bit into something that
was very very sour or bitter
the grandfather spoke up very loudly and
said again the food is so good this food
is so good he was exaggerating it like
the three people and there was like a
mother a father and a teenage son
those three people that expressed
concern earlier looked at each other and
discussed and the teenage boy
spoke up and said no
this is really bad
at this point the grandmother stood up
and yelled don’t you talk
to your pastor that way
she threw her napkin on the table and
discussed she got up and she covered all
she grabbed a big a big um like a
pitcher had a gravy in it
and she covered all three of those
people’s plates just those three
people’s plates she covered them in
gravy i mean it was coming over the top
of the plate and pouring down it covered
everything on the plate
then she said
this will make it easier to get it down
so stop complaining
the others kept chewing on their food
but they just they were
looking around but you could tell they
did not like the taste of it it was not
then it was
then that i noticed that all these
people all the people even the three
people who were concerned everybody was
pale and it looked like they lost a lot
of weight they looked malnourished
clothes were ill-fitting on them
and then i heard a whistling sound
kind of like you hear when a missile is
coming in and some of the movies like
if i can do it
like that it wasn’t wind it was a
whistling sound and suddenly just the
three people got up looked out the
window and were concerned we’re like
everybody get down now and so they
jumped under the table and in that
moment the house
exploded uh there was smoke there was
fire there was destruction
i i was like a part of the scene but i
could i couldn’t feel heat i couldn’t
feel women i could just see the mess
around me
and when it cleared i could see the
table was still there
but the damage to the people had been
sitting around it was catastrophic they
were all dead
and they’d been dismembered there was
blood everywhere
we were just kind of laying there
the plates and food were still on the
the three people had been concerned
crawled out from under the table and
they sat down at the opposite end of the
table from the dead grandfather now was
the man that i see so often in my dreams
he pointed each of the three people and
he said
you were the white you were wise to
listen to the word
for that’s what spared you from the
destruction that’s here and now
warn the church to listen and to inspect
every bite of their food
and warn those in the pulpit to stop
feeding their people a lie
for i’m watching and i will destroy the
poisoned well
and i will remove my light from their
pulpit and the life from their eyes
then he told them go and find fresh
water and truth
that will feed your souls and those
three people got up from that they wiped
kind of wiped themselves off but they
went they were hugging they were holding
on this man they were thanking him for
sparing them for saving them
he simply said you saved yourself by
recognizing the truth was not being
he then looked at me and said warn the
church and keep warning the church to
seek the truth until i come
i think there’s an obvious
interpretation to the dream that i had
the person who ended up being the pastor
was not preaching the truth was not
speaking the truth was not warning the
people at that table of the dangers
outside he was well aware of what was
going on outside but he kept turning his
back to it would not speak about it
actually uh tried to encourage them to
not even think about it to not look at
they want to cover it up the grandmother
who who covered up the food was covering
up the truth that the food tasted bad
it wasn’t wholesome it wasn’t feeding
them and because they were malnourished
in the dream they’d not been getting the
word of god preached and taught to them
in a proper manner it was not being
wrought the divine was not feeding them
so to speak
when the young man spoke up and said
this food is bad when somebody has the
honesty to say you’re not preaching the
truth you’re not doing this you’re not
doing that the grandmother’s the one
that got angry and she said don’t talk
to your pastor like that
sometimes in the dreams there’s moments
where i have like that surprise but that
was a surprise moment for me of what i
was saying
but when she covered it all up they were
trying to find anything they could to
make it easier to get down
and that’s why there’s a false gospel
that’s why there’s a health and wealth
gospel out there that’s why there’s a
gospel that says nothing’s required of
you to be saved
but i want to tell you the strict point
of the dream is this false doctrine
false teaching
it doesn’t feed people
it doesn’t change your life it brings it
has no transformational ability it has
no power has no authority there’s
nothing it can do to make a difference
in people’s lives
the man said let’s eat and pretend that
it’s all good in other words let’s
ignore the truth this food is not good
it’s not wholesome it doesn’t taste good
those three people who were sitting at
that table understood they were not
being preached the truth
they recognized the signs they heard the
noise nobody else cared about it and
even the pastor so to speak in this
was aware that something was going on
but he refused the war in the church
when the three people are are alive at
the end
you’re wise to listen to the word
but that’s what spared you from
destruction he also in tor he told them
to warn the church to listen and to
watch what they eat
he warned the pulpit god warned the
pulpit that he would take care of it
and the people that keep preaching
teaching the lies and the and the and
the and the misinformation from the
gospel are going to get what’s coming to
the proverbs the proverb is said
by the truth and sell it not
warn those in the pulpit to stop feeding
their people alive from watching i will
destroy the poisoned well i will remove
my light from their pulpit and the life
from their eyes i think the life from
their eyes part has to do with the
because you’re not going to preach the
truth or you’re just in it for what’s in
it for you
one day we will all stand before god
even christians
in the book of corinthians paul says
that our works will be judged by fire
and you better hope that what you built
with was gold silver and precious stones
and not wood hay and stubble
but god’s telling them
god’s telling them
start preaching the word start teaching
the truth and this this is not this is
not about just talking about the news
this is warning people of what’s
happening in the world what’s going on
what’s coming down what’s going on
around them so that they are aware
the easy gospel the easy there’s no
problem you’re not going to have any
issues it’s going to be you know it’s
going to be a life as well a cherries
type thing
that gospel doesn’t apply jesus said
through many trials and tribulations you
will enter the kingdom of heaven jesus
said the way in is narrow and few are
those who find it
and that’s the gospel that must be
preached that’s the gospel that must be
taught that’s the gospel that has to be
out there
i’m not telling you what to do at your
church but make sure you’re praying for
your pastor make sure you’re praying for
those that teach the truth make sure
you’re praying for those that right try
to do their best to rightly divide the
truth rightly divide the word of god
pray you know pray for those pastors who
are making sure you’re getting fresh
bread every sunday morning
every wednesday night when you’re there
the man warned them to go find fresh
water and truth that will feed their
if we’re just trying to make people
comfortable in the pulpit
we’re not doing anything worth their
time or hours and we’re not being
obedient to the call of god in our lives
he told them they simply saved
themselves by recognizing the truth was
not being spoken
this may be that people need to talk to
their pastors their pastors aren’t
dealing with the truth aren’t sharing
the truth of what’s happening aren’t
it’s not about look i’m a guy that talks
about things in the world i’m a guy that
talks about the news you folks know that
that’s why sometimes i see things in
headlines i believe
but know what god’s showing me through
this dream
you need to talk to your pastors
you have a right and responsibility
as a person in that church to talk to
your pastor about what’s being preached
and what’s not being preached what’s not
being addressed not what’s what’s not
being taught uh dealing with these
things addressing these things
well he looked at me and told me in that
dream was warn the church and keep one
of the church to seek the truth until i
come folks make sure that what people
are saying what make sure what people
are teaching lines up with the word of
god period period
god takes these things seriously
god takes these things seriously
i took comments off just simply so i
would not be i would not be distracted
or anything else
but i want us to understand church i’m
speaking to believers right now i’m
speaking to the church we need to make
sure that as pastors we’re preaching the
word we’re teaching the word we’re
dealing with the hard stuff we’re
addressing those things that need to be
dealt with in our culture in our society
if we’re not seeing our people grow in
the knowledge of who god is because of
the preaching that we have the teaching
that we have then we’re doing them a
our people should be growing our people
should be learning more and more about
the word of god and especially how we
need to live in this day and age
we need to address the things that
culture is facing and throwing at the
church we need to deal with the identity
issues we need to deal with the
alternative lifestyle issues we need to
deal with the fact that sin is sin and
call it what it is and realize and
preach and teach that hell is real and
there is a hell and there is a heaven
we can’t compromise pastors we cannot
compromise the gospel and believers in
those churches do not let your pastors
compromise the gospel
do not let them water it down
your pastor know that you want to be
challenged and you want to be encouraged
and you want to go deeper
and let that make a difference in your
be praying for your pastor every single
week pray for your pastor first time you
get up sunday morning because i can tell
you as a pastor
you’re walking with all these things
going through your mind concerns worries
things you’re thinking about things
you’re doing things you’re saying
i will walk in the mall carrying the
needs of some of the people in my church
who are sick
who are weary who are tired
i’ll walk in thinking about those folks
so man that i’ve seen for a couple weeks
i’m wondering about them
and then but right before church starts
i’ll have five or six
people hey i need to ask you about this
when you talk to you about this and and
all those things are going on so those
are the things that are in my mind
i’ll get 10 or 15 emails that i’ve got
to look at or talk there’s messages in
the ass
machine soon as i go to the pub with my
mind just overwhelmed by all the things
that people are dealing with so pray for
your pastor
pray for the anointing on your pastor’s
because we are living in the last days
there’s no doubt about that and paul
said the last days prayerless times will
come jesus said
there’ll be a great falling away in the
last days the love of many will grow
cold we are there we see that
and our life and our faith and the fire
of god in us
needs to be an element that encourages
those around us to keep living it keep
doing it
to never give give up to never surrender
to never stop living our lives by the
word of god
and if the word of god is compromising
our churches that it is no longer a
it’s become a social club or a gathering
where nothing powerful is going to
and god will honor the preaching of his
god will honor the truth of the word of
god being proclaimed and declared
in that place
and it will cause growth in the hearts
and lives and minds of people
so i pray you’ll pray about this dream
that is my prayer
because you’ll not just accept it
because i had it or i said it
you’ll take the dream and you’ll pray
about it you’ll ask the lord to not
touch your pastors and if you’re a
pastor you’ll make sure you’re preaching
the word saying the hard things speaking
the truth in love and don’t be afraid to
step in on toes don’t be afraid of
people leaving
i know what it’s like to have somebody
well if you don’t start preaching like
this i’ll just take my money and leave
buddy go ahead and leave
i’ve had that conversation that was my
i’ve had people leave because i’ve dealt
with sexual sin i’ve had people leave
because i’ve dealt with certain aspects
of marriage i’ve had people leave
because i’ve dealt with same-sex uh
same-sex attraction i’ve dealt with
gender identity i’ve dealt with those
things i people leave the church present
church has no right to talk about those
things we better talk about those things
because the bible has the answer for all
the situation to deal with and go
and people are lost
people are lost and i will never
apologize for speaking the truth and
love i will never apologize for sharing
dreams i will never apologize for doing
what i feel god wants me to say and i
will never apologize for preaching the
gospel and including the hard things
that nobody wants to talk about
so the next show that’s the dream that’s
the rockwell dream
hope you pray about it help to pray for
your pastors i hope you’ll encourage
your church to continue to be faithful
to preach the word because that’s what
needs to happen
thanks for tuning in once again i didn’t
i didn’t make an announcement i just
went live this time
um i may start doing that just i don’t
want to make look i don’t want to be
that guy with the dreams
i’m a pastor that’s my heart and i
believe that god gives me the dreams
that are warning dreams and i’m thankful
for so many other folks that are having
dreams right now i’m grateful i am
grateful that so many other people are
having dreams and share them on your
platform share them on your facebook
page share them with people share them
with your pastor your church
and i’m hearing from a lot of folks that
are telling me i can’t tell my pastor
they don’t believe in dreams they don’t
believe in these things
tell somebody then
if you’re having dreams realize that
god’s trying to speak to the world in
the last two years i’ve seen the best
and i’ve seen the absolute worst in the
world i’m a pastor and that’s why i’m
still a pastor
that’s not what i want to be a part of
i’m going to share what god shows me and
leave it at that and people can say what
they want do what they want but that’s
my heart i’m not a prophet i’m not a
prophet many of you are saying that and
i’m not i am called to be a pastor i may
have a proper i may i’m a watchman i’m
definitely a watchman
i may have some messages that i preach
to the prophetic edge but i’m not a
prophet i’m not a call prop i’m a pastor
that’s what god’s called me to be and
i’m comfortable there
and maybe that’s probably why my heart
comes out that way with these dreams and
i care about the church and i care about
people and i want to see i want to see
the world come to a saving knowledge of
christ and i realized that the sun’s
about to set paul said work while it’s
so do what you can to make a difference
from the gospel
that’s the most important thing so
thanks for thanks for watching this
and uh
thanks for praying about it thanks for
walking in the faith and making a
difference in your part of the world and
god bless