The Shutting Down The Machines Dream – TRANSCRIPT Mar 15, 2022

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The Shutting Down The Machines Dream – TRANSCRIPT Mar 15, 2022

hey good afternoon everybody thanks so much for joining us today i’m glad to have my friend sherig off with me we’re
going to work through a dream that i’ve had this last week it happened march 9th to the 12th it happened over several
nights but i really believe that god’s calling the church to pray and more and more the dreams that i’m having i
believe are just prayer initiatives god’s trying to wake up the church and get us ready as you watch right now the world is at war and if it’s not all the
world that war yet it will be soon because the things we see we also know that ultimately there’s going to be an
attack upon israel we also know that things are starting to shorten up in the stores and costs of things are going up
so uh and while we say that we say that as warnings we say that as reminders that folks god speaks to his people
today he speaks to his people he’s trying to wake us up he’s trying to wake the church up
so uh i’m calling this the stopping the machine dream i’m going to read through it because when we’re done and after when
she reads them the interpretation i’ve got some things to add but i want to address something that’s very very important to me and very very much on my
heart today about division in the church and and you’ll see what that is but
anyway here we go the dream began with a heavy-duty machine spinning in a circle in what
seemed to be a huge commercial building it was a very it was like a very large bicycle tire with spokes that were
spinning very fast and was solidly built this was commercial quality heavy-duty equipment the equipment was menacingly
large and hooked to a chimney that was blowing thick black smoke into the sky above the building
the smoke was turning over the united states almost as if it were alive it looked as if it was moving like it was breathing and moving and pulsing
the machine was spinning at a very high rate of speed and had sparks of electricity and small flames coming off
of it at various times it was humming loudly and it sounded like a jet engine have you ever been in
a jet when they pulled in the runway when they get ready to take off and they start to wind those engines up that’s what it sounded like the entire time
like when you’re in the runway and the pilot picks up the speed to take off i then saw a person with a big axe
who was running towards that machine and tried to strike the circle at the bottom in the middle that was spinning
and he was immediately thrown about 20 feet back and the axe in his hand was thrown even further
then from the other side of the wheel that was spinning a woman came and she ran towards the machine in the same way
with the same kind of axe and she struck that thing right at the very middle in the at the bottom and she too was thrown back
and the axe was thrown from her hands now both the man the woman were left that they were groaning on the ground almost
like in moving like they’ve been in a car wreck they were like trying to get up and hurt and holding up their hips and their arms and legs and just looking
at their head and things like this so like they’ve been beat up when they got beat when they got when they got knocked back from the machine
and then the man i see so often walked right up to the spinning machine
and while the spinning continued it didn’t stop but he spoke and he said
you have to work together as i have told you before and you need more people to attack what is producing the darkness
and the scene then changed and i was looking down on the united states and watching the smoke begin to turn even
faster with like tornado-like winds that were pounding the surface so this thing was moving and churning
if there was ever a picture of what that what what they say global warming is it would have been it in that sense and i’m not i’m not a big believer in global
warming the point is it was chaotic it was awful it was evil it was ugly i then saw some small fires that were starting
in the midwest and some were stronger than others and some were weaker and went out
but some of those fires that i saw in the middle of the united states and i saw i saw fires in the west coast and east coast too but the ones i saw in the
midwest began to burn through the clouds they got brighter and the stronger those
fires got it began to push through that dark thick smoke and it seemed like to burn a hole through it and then it was
then the flame was above the the cloud and then suddenly the fire would start burning above the smoke and pushed it
away from the area where the fire was in different places around the nation the fire was burning through the smoke
reaching above it and dissipating that smoke and literally pushing it back it looked like hands and i said but the
fire was red hot it had blue flames shooting out from the center and they were growing and getting larger in the
ground and the flames at times literally looked like hands that were pushing back the smoke and pushing and holding back
those dark clouds and these fires were breaking out then at this time all over the nation not in
the entire it wasn’t the entire nation was covered but there were fires breaking out mostly in the midwest and
larger areas on the coast larger cities i was then back in the warehouse that was now filled with people who were all
holding axes and they were also all staring at the circle in the center and moving slowly and methodically toward it
on both sides it was hundreds and hundreds of people and they had axes in their hands and they were taking one step at a time
their focus and their faith was completely on what they were walking towards which was the center of the bottom of that spinning circle
they get slowly methodically walking towards it they stopped about five feet from it on both sides and they raised
their axis and they cried out one word and when they cried out that one world word it
was like it was the word now but they said it like this now and it came out loud and boisterous
so everybody could hear it was a loud voice at the same time they cried out now
the man that i see stand the man that i always see was standing behind that group of people and he mouthed the word
at the same time he mowed that same word now as they were as they were shouting
now gave me one of those uh we’re standing at the walls of jericho uh meant you know pictures in my head
and from each side with ax’s rage they stormed the spinning wheel and they each struck
the foundation with their axes and they didn’t pull the axe away they left it there stuck deep in the root of that
situation it was a loud screech as the axis bit into the machine and it stopped spinning
but the power was still trying to spin but the people held their axes in place and you could see the strain they
strained and they strained against the power of the machine but they held their ground and a sickening sound began to
pulse through the building where it was housed so the whole building began to pulsate everything was shaking even in
the dream it appeared as the floor was shaking because they were stopping the pressure this machine that was going
the people holding their positions were bloodied and they were sweating and obviously strained but they stayed in
place and they encouraged each other to stand strong and i heard them quote together
psalm 144 1. they were shouting this blessed be the lord my rock who trains
my hands for war and my fingers for battle they were shouting that together
chanting it almost and the machine began to whine louder and began to shake and still the people
held their position though it was fighting against them and finally this large piece of the top
of the circle shattered and the machine stopped all movement and vibrations and it began to smoke and the factory began
to shut down all the doors were open the outside of the building and the people walked out
with their axes but they were being led by the man who led them out as they got outside
the man pointed to the distance and he said you won’t stop all the evil
but together you can take down more of it focused prayer and unity is more
important now in america than ever before it’s up to you so find the motivation
it’s up to you so find the motivation and strike at the root together remember
that evil will fight back but i am with you and in you and greater in you than you know
he then pointed again and a city in the distance you can see the lights and you can see darkness and he said strike
together and aim for the root as soon as i had this i had over four
days i only had part of it for the first couple days i just saw the machine i saw the smoke and then i saw the rest of it
but there’s no doubt in my mind that this is a call to prayer for the american church and the american people
who are believers that we’ve got to get beyond the things that we see and we deal with and we’re handling and we’ve got to work together
and if we work together we’ll see some great things happen so should we go right ahead this stream uh the man seems to
interpret it pretty clearly at the end um but there was a couple questions i
had when i looked at the dream and that’s you know what is the wheel and um
and and why is what they doing not not working and so the the wheel is a system that’s
in motion and it’s a system that’s it’s man-made because it’s a mechanical thing it’s not
a thing of the spirit you know in ezekiel we have the will that ezekiel describes which is
a thing of god it’s a spiritual thing that’s in motion and it’s a powerful thing but this is the opposite of that
this is a a will that is a man-made thing it’s a sinful thing and its
foundation is uh is wrong it’s erroneous and um and so they go to try to stop it
and and it just knocks them back i mean they have the acts so they have the word
of god um they have the will um they have the the fierceness they’re
willing to go at this thing uh but yet it just knocks them back and it’s because
um there’s something that they don’t quite understand that they need to understand um we’re we’re very individualistic as a
nation we’re taught to be independent and to think independently and to stand
against the the man or the the system or the whatever it is uh so that we can have our individual
rights um but the word of god says that he he would that that we were one as as
they are ones jesus speaking you know god is one with the father and one with the spirit and he says and he says i
want you to be one with us also and one with each other the bible says you know that you pass from death to life because
you love the brethren it talks about the church being the body of christ with with members in
particular and each part having its own place and so you know a member that is just
you know we’ve all heard the science the the sermon if you know for just a hand or just an eyeball we’re not really a
functioning body and and so that’s a that’s a sermon that god is is very clearly pointing to it’s
that you need to come together you need to be in unity well how can we be in unity right
well unity comes in um in in focusing on the one who has the
answer um and i love when they all cry out together right and they say now and as
the people are crying out now they’ve heard the the voice of the father who said come together and do it together
and and they’re they’ve got the motivation they’re doing it but as they’re saying it uh the man is
mouthing it at the same time so let me step in here for just a second and say this what i saw in that dream
was nobody was looking they weren’t looking at each other or looking they were all looking at the source of what
they were going to attack and when they said now it all came out at the same time nobody was looking at each other
they were hearing from the holy spirit together which is so cool for me go ahead i’m sorry that’s great yeah that’s great that’s
that’s the focus of being led by the spirit that um that god didn’t actually
speak it out verbally the the the lord whoever this man is that represents the
lord did not speak it out verbally but that’s what the purpose of the body
is for right um he speaks to our heart i’ve had people you know question me about how
come you talk about god speaking to you i mean you hear like god’s voice like he walks around talking to you
and they think i’m a lunatic right and it’s like well no i don’t hear you know i don’t hear his voice
like an audible voice not that i couldn’t right not that god can’t speak that way
but it’s it’s in my spirit man because when i have the spirit i have the voice
of god in me if i’ll just pay attention to the spirit instead of to the flesh or the carnal thinking and so these are people who they’ve
prepared themselves for war by um by recognizing the voice of god by
spending time with god right he uses the scripture that he teaches my hands to war and my fingers
to fight okay your hand is a is a um is a collective
of of all this coming together and um and that’s how you win the war is
everything coming together your fingers are individual pieces right and and so they’re individual members of
the same thing which is the hand and they have to learn how to fight so each one has to fight but the war is one
through the whole hand and so he’s telling them this you know this scripture that he he teaches god
teaches us how to fight and it doesn’t look like man’s idea of warfare and i
got all these notes and i’m completely off of it um so
the next thing that caught my attention was the wheel is very evident and obvious it spins around
and it’s powerful and it shoots out sparks and flames and it produces smoke
smoke is and smoke in the atmosphere and so this becomes a problem this becomes
something that darkens our world that pollutes our world spiritually so the spiritual darkness comes from
this machine and so this machine is you see the momentum of it right and the power of it
and that’s what you want to focus on you know we want to focus on uh the thing that is evident right
but it doesn’t work for them and so they they refocus after the man speaks to him they refocus on the
foundation of it and so now they’re striking the base of it instead of striking the part that’s moving
and and so i thought about what is the foundation well the foundation of the
church is christ it’s the truth right it’s salvation
i’ve been doing a study on on jesus and on name right jesus
means god is salvation so when god spoke
that word into mary it became a seed of salvation that’s what the jews have been
waiting for their entire life salvation and so now salvation is born into the earth god says i will send my salvation
to you and so jesus is the way the truth and the life right he is our foundation
he is the rock and um but so what is this foundation of the machine
well if the foundation is is truth is salvation then um the foundation of the machine is
lies of the enemy it’s destruction and so it’s lies and destruction it’s what it’s what wants to kill the soul of
a man because it doesn’t matter if somebody kills the flesh it says don’t fear the one who can kill kill your body
or throw it into jail or whatever it says kill he says fear the one who could who could cast you into hell
right and so this um this foundation is
is wrong people need to be saved set free they need to uh they need to know truth right
and so we need to hit uh what is really um causing all this which is sin
and sin is uh to miss the mark is what the word means it’s separate so it’s separation
from god so it’s to miss god so that the sin is to simply miss god and do things our own man-made ways and
that’s the thing that has to end we want to fight each other and we want to fight you know our enemies and all this kind
of stuff which you look at he okay you look at elijah versus elisha both of
them were godly right elijah um he come against the the issues the
issues the issues but elisha he sat in his little hut he asked for a double
portion okay and so now he sits in his little hut and god just speaks to his heart
and he goes and he tells the king oh the enemy is coming this way and the enemy is coming this way and so
now the king easily defeats the enemy because they no longer can get the jump on him because they’re listening to the
voice of the lord the prophet and then at one point the enemy comes to the prophet’s house he’s like we’ll just
kill the prophet and then we can do whatever we want to do right kill the voice of god and you
can do whatever you want to do and so um so they come and and elijah’s like tells a servant
what are you afraid of don’t you know that those who are with us are greater than those who are against
us and he and they’re smitten with blindness and god takes them to the king and the king says what should i do with
them should i kill them and elijah says no feed them and send them on their way
and so he feeds them and sends them on their way and the enemy never returns to them because god’s way of doing things
are different than the carnal way of doing things love is a greater power than uh than a sword and um and you know
he tried to explain this to peter after he chopped the guy’s ear off so we you know we get on social media
and we fight about everything and we’re not winning anybody that way right no we’re not winning people to to
christ that way we’re not showing them that god wants to save you people are wrong
there’s people are so wrong in so many ways and and i’m not saying that i’m right
you know there’s there’s things that where i get it wrong and we all get it wrong but god has
mercy to uh continue to deal with us until we can come to truth and be set free um i
had an interesting thing recently somebody contacted me and they had these um
these dreams uh dreams visions and they drew pictures of them and i’m looking at
them like i don’t know i don’t know what they are you know you tell me what they are and they tell me what they were
and and and everything she said was so counter uh to the gospel
and yet the dreams were purely the gospel but she never read the bible she
said this i’ve never read the bible i don’t go to church and i’m like god is speaking to this
woman who is so contrary to truth i mean she she had haunted house tours and things
like this you know um and just weird stuff she’s so counter to
the truth but yet god in his mercy was reaching out to her when she wouldn’t go
to church she wouldn’t read the bible she wouldn’t go anywhere he loved her that much and he loves all of us that much and so we look at our enemies and
we want to slay them we should look at our enemies and want to save them you want to see them set free where would we
where would saul paul be if stephen had said you know god just smite him you know you see what he’s doing to me
but no he said forgive him and that’s what jesus said on the cross because his whole representation is
salvation and so he calls us to work together to do uh the warfare
um okay so and and then he tells us i love this
he okay he he demonstrates that through this prayer these fires are prayer right
they’re flame colored their blue color blue is represented representative of the holy spirit revelation right so in
prayer that spirit led with the revelation of the holy spirit it begins to divide these dark clouds and it
begins to make a way and the light begins to shine through that’s god coming down right and then he says okay
now that you’ve done it here now that you’ve uh stood your ground because they they all drove the axe into the base at
the same time and they had to stand still and they had to fight against you know they were bleeding and they were tired but they had to stand still they
had to stand on the truth stand their ground stand against the lie they were
standing against the lie and so as they stand against the lie right um and they break this thing then
god says now go to other cities and do it and so
we see an evangelistic move you go from self-preservation at some point to becoming evangelistic
and praying for those around us and not just being self-absorbed and uh
um and so there’s a mission that goes forth from that
um it’s a uh and then let me get to what the man says
because i said i’ve kind of lost my notes all together here
um okay oh first of all it says the doors after
they drove the axe into it right and these things shut down and it stopped it breaks at the top doesn’t break where
they’re um where they’re striking it because it’s not about striking flesh it’s about
breaking spiritual principalities and we do that through repentance when we repent the enemy no longer has power to
stay and to work in our life and in our area and the more of us that repent and come to truth the more that breaks down
the the machine of of um sin and the cycle of the enemy and so
all the doors are opened to the outside of the building and people walked out with their axes led by the man so
they’re set free they come out of this machine uh they come out of uh
the issue and um and they’re led forward they go outside the man points and says
you won’t stop all the evil but together you can take down more of it
okay and so it lets us know the battle never stops when israel was in
coming out of captivity when they were having to fight they were strong with god
but when they became at ease then they began to slide back into sin and that began to cause them problems in
the nation over and over and over when we forget that we’re in a battle we begin to backslide and get comfortable
that’s what david did with bathsheba he didn’t go out to battle at the time when the kings went out to battle he stayed
home and he was enticed by the flesh there is always warfare god promises
that until the day we cross to the other side to be with him there is always warfare so don’t think you can stop
um so he says okay
it says they go outside he points to this he says you won’t stop all the evil but together you can take down more of
it that is unity the bible says a house divided cannot stand right and we come together in unity
because he is our unifier god is the unifier he’s the one we’re following how can we be following god and all
fighting against each other i mean if we’re following somebody we just all walk the same same direction
and he says focused prayer and unity is more important now in america than ever before so to be focused and that focus is him
and in unity and it says it’s up to to you so find the motivation and strike at
the root together so this up to you there’s a lot of christians that think well if i just
pray god will do everything or if i just trust god he’ll do everything i don’t have to do anything
and that’s not how he set things in operation in the earth he partners with us
and he it’s just like the people spoke and he didn’t he just moved his mouth
it’s like he’s coaching us it’s like you know you see sometimes people doing a play or something in the and the
and the instructor with the little kids it’s like over there mouthing the words and and so the kids are like oh yeah
that’s my line and and that’s that constant dependency on him um
so it’s it’s up it say he says so find the motivation
and so we need to press into god to find motivation if you’re not motivated to hear from god
every day and to find what he wants you to do every day then you need to find that motivation
that’s your part also god doesn’t make us love him he loves us
and he allows us to come to him it’s our choice and then it says remember that evil will fight back
so again remember you’re in warfare but he says i’m with you
and in you and greater in you than you know so god is
in us and he is greater than anything in the universe everything is submit to him
we need to recognize our authority and our power in god because we give up
power thinking that somehow god won’t work through us but if god is in us it’s him that works
through us it’s his power and so we need to um take up that power and not lay it
down and then um and then he points to the distant city and says strike together and aim for the
route you know go go elsewhere and i already touched on that so this is just an incredible dream to
say encourage yourself be strengthened i heard a prophecy recently somebody tagged me and dana in it and i thought
why did they tag me in this you know i kind of liked the guy he was interesting um he’s very dynamic very powerful very
affirming uh but he said things like um he says well nobody’s seen what’s what’s
happening now nobody saw it coming and i’m thinking well that’s not true because dana saw it in his streams
and the bible says he won’t do anything before he shows his holy prophets right so that’s not biblical
and then he said something about breaking the curses of the enemy well the earth enemy can’t curse the believer
who’s under the blood blessing and cursing come from god so that’s not even biblical
and then he said um that god was going to eliminate issues like like broad-spread issues
like sin and like problems and all this kind of stuff and it’s like that’s not biblical either as long as we’re in this
life we will have tribulation the bible says that but it but it says to take courage
because he has overcome the world and so that is the truth we need to know the
truth and we need to fight with the truth we need to hear from god and we need to let him lead us because we are
victorious all the time when god leads us we never fail we never fall and we’re
never defeated that’s right and that’s why there’s been a the message of my heart lately has
been get the folks to prayer get the church to prayer call the church to pray that’s why we’ve been doing the prayer events in my church tomorrow at noon
i’ll be doing a leading a prayer through psalm 27. you’re welcome to join me online to do that i will have a two-hour
prayer event on april night we’ll have a six-hour prayer event on the second saturday of may but we’ve got to pray
the church got to come together and i want to speak to one situation because this this dream is calling us to unity
and right now in the in the church world there’s a lot of people that are going look i’ve had some people come at me and
say oh there’s a spirit of jezebel with dana coverstone and there’s a spirit of jezebel with sheree goff and what i’m
finding is this most the people that are that are looking for the spirit of jezebel have it in and with themselves
because when you start trying to divide the body of christ i want to ask you a real simple question that’s this
jesus said by their fruits you’ll know them so when people start criticizing attacking or trying to draw people away
from one group or another ask yourself this what’s the fruit in their life you know what i do publicly in my search
service uh on here why do they pray with me or share a dream or do the other podcasts i do
the fruit is obvious that you can see you can hear what i’m saying you can listen to it uh daryl chittenden put a
put a show me a video earlier he put on the jump and i know he’s on here and daryl that video was fantastic he makes
the statement he listens to nine different people online he doesn’t agree with everything everybody says and i’m one of those people he listens to
but the point is he’s able to glean truth from each one of them including me and they may not agree with different
things but we have different backgrounds but even paul says some water some plant but
god gives the increase so the point is this instead of causing division and being
you know people with a real real critical spirit uh the bible says rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft
and so if someone’s trying to divide and conquer and doing this all you all you have to do is look at the fruit of the person’s life and some of the most
critical people i know some of the people who have a jezebel spirit literally their families don’t want nothing to do with them they cause
division everywhere they go nobody likes it nobody cares about it because they’re always critical and they try to get more people around them to be just as
critical themselves as as they are themselves so where’s the fruit where’s the fruit and so if somebody’s
doing something in the church world that’s causing division and chaos the fruit is not good and the fruit becomes
the false teaching the false doctrines those things that are being attacked in this dream so people can look at your life in my
life and they can see the fruit that’s there that that’s just a plain and simple statement
so when people start saying oh they got a jezebel spirit every time you’re somebody say oh they got a jezebel spirit
look at the person who’s making that statement and begin to not judge their life but begin to examine the fruit in
that person’s life because i believe it’s very very important because division is not what we need and
the enemy’s going to use division and confusion to cause the church to not pray like it needs to and and look i can
come together tomorrow and say okay folks we need to pray about this and someone’s going to say well i think we need to pray about that
be sensitive to the holy spirit pray the way god tells you to pray pray for the things that are on your heart
and your mind and but but together we can make a lot bigger difference and make a bigger change in what’s happening
with darkness in our country than just individually i would rather have an army fighting
beside me then by me fighting alone against an army and that’s what happens in the christian in the church world if
we’re not careful so examine the accusers and i’m going to tell you something else even begin to pray for
the accusers anytime i see someone that comes on and yes you know you’ve never heard me or sharisa oh we don’t listen to this
person don’t listen to that person uh i at times have blocked people online i’ve gotten on some folks who were cursing
and swearing and because it’s not christ-like and those things and i’ve blocked people and done those things but you’ve never heard me say don’t support
this ministry don’t look at that you’ve not heard me say those things you’ve not heard me go after people but what you
have heard me say is pray for those look at those things so i pray for the ones that that accuse i pray for the ones
that post them the crazy comments on here we do that because it’s biblical because jesus said bless those who persecute you
bless bless those who come against you but the point is it’s not going to get any easier in the christian world the christian church and we’ve got a
responsibility to stay sober minded to stay faithful and to stay focused to pray like we’re supposed to pray
the world’s not going to get you know we know the antichrist is coming we know the tribulation is coming right
so a couple a couple years ago somebody said something to me you know well i’m not too worried about the future because i won’t be here you know what i will be
here in 50 years or 150 years because there’s something called the millennial reign of christ and that’s where we rule and run with
jesus so yeah we may die maybe god we’re going to be there and then come back or what how are you going to look at that but
the point is the new jerusalem comes down and one day we’re going to be living in
a whole different world but until we get to that because even at the end of the middle of the military of christ
satan is unleashed and he still confuses and turns people back who have followed jesus for a thousand years
so the the power of deception is so incredible and so we’ve got we’ve got battles to fight we’ve got things to do
and so my biggest my biggest uh battle is not going to be with whether i worship on saturday or sunday
my biggest battle is not going to be over where the king james bible is the only one you can preach from you know on
pentecostal i’m not going to compromise that i will never deny the power of the baptist the holy spirit in my life i’m not going to change that for anybody any
reason anything but i’m going to continue to work together in unity to call people and pastors and churches and people together
so that we can pray and make a difference and if that’s why god gave me the dreams okay that’s fine but i want
to call the church to unity i want to call the church to prayer and just a couple weeks ago in my church we had
several different churches represented we prayed for a lady was in stage 4 cancer and it was great to see baptists
and methodists and pentecostals all sitting together in the same church praying for the same thing there was
unity there getting ready to link and do a holy week services here in our community in different past different
churches pray a different day and the churches serve a meal the pastor preaches their church that serves the meal that day and the people in the
community come together and what is it for it’s not just to recognize what jesus did on the cross it’s not just to recognize the
resurrection it’s to recognize the fact that he’s called us to work together and there may be different flavors and
different things and denominations and this and that and that’s fine but as long as you know what the word of
god says and your pastor’s preaching the word of god and being honest and true to it and your word your your church is a
bible-believing church and your church is praying and your church is involved in the community and your church is trying to make a difference calling you
to lead and guide that’s what it comes down to so there’s a machine that we’ve got to shut down
and we can god showed us through prayer and so coming together becomes the most important thing that we can and will
do so folks as we pray i’m calling you to pray with me i’m calling you to pray with other churches you know get your
church involved uh ask find people in your community who who want to get together and pray
i drive through my community every day and i pray over certain areas of town there’s other pastors that do the same
thing i drive by a church in my community i pray for that pastor in that church whether we get along or not i pray for that
pastor in the church because i don’t want revival just in my church i wanna hit our community i wanna hit our nation
and so folks look the most important thing in this dream to me
was not just how one they said now and they said it loud it reminded me of jericho
in my mind it was almost like i could hear a shofar going off but they walked up with those axes in their hands they
all had their axe the same way they all seemed to be right-handed they had the axe in their hands up
and when they stepped from both sides towards the center of that wheel they were stepping one at a time each like
they were marching together in absolute unity and they stopped that last time
did not look at each other kept their minds focus on the will and simply shouted now and it was like a war cry
and nobody ran and nobody fled and nobody cried they weren’t fearful they were strong and mighty in unity and they
did what god called them to do and so let’s let the holy spirit use us today i’m going to pray right now for
our country and would you pray with me lord jesus call the church to pray help us to get beyond the petty things that
get our attention help us to get beyond the arguments that aren’t worth our time help us to get beyond the mo hills
that’ll become mountains and show us what we need to do and how we need to pray may we be focused may we be evident may we may we be solid and stable in our
faith because god we can change things we can see things happen because of prayers that’s why we believe for the
sick to be healed that’s why we pray for the for the loss to be saved so help the church to come
together in unity and prayer and god i pray you’ll bring baptism methodists and catholics and christian church people
and pentecostals together so that we can work together for your glory so that the holy spirit can make a difference in the
lives of people that are lost and people will see and feel jesus presence in everything we say and in everything we
do so god we’re asking you to help us to shut the machines down help us to shut down those machines that are bringing
darkness to the world and let the fire of the holy spirit in our lives in our hearts and in our actions
make changes in our communities and that’s our prayer that’s our prayer lord
and we pray it together in jesus name amen
siri is there anything else you want to share you feel that to share or do i think we’re coming into an exciting
season i think people are starting to wake up and get serious and as we start to wake up and get
serious and really pressed into god we’re going to see him work in amazing ways we’re going to see things change
that’s the power of seeing that wheel stopped and broke and that it stops spewing the darkness in the air that’s a
change of atmosphere and i am so excited and in anticipation for that change of
atmosphere we need to have faith that there’s good things ahead you know we can look at the news and we can
look at the situations and we can get really bogged down and feel really defeated but we sometimes just need to
turn off the tv and spend some time talking to the lord and acknowledging his goodness and his greatness and
getting in his word and being built up in our most holy faith that we can see
these things done because it’s his direction it’s not the world’s situations that are going to change us
it’s his direction and so i’m excited for for for what’s ahead i know it’s i
have no idea what it’s going to look like i know it’s going to be hard things i mean we saw that even in the dream
people were bleeding and they were tired and they were it was stressed right but yet at the
same time they were victorious and that’s what i’m looking for is that victory jude said the words contending earnestly
for the faith and that contending was that wrestling that trying you know the enemy’s always
trying to pin us down he’s always trying to get us pinned down he’s trying to quiet us he’s trying to you know
he’s trying to make us lame in our spiritual walk that’s why paul said we wrestle not against flesh and blood and that understanding is why we have to
have the armor on at all times and one other thing i want to talk about on thursday i was going to talk about the markets and situation again
but on thursday i’m going to be on my from the perch i’m going to be talking about women in ministry i’m going to be
working from from the position paper within the songs of god because i will defend my friend sheree
goff and the ministry that god has called her into uh because there’s plenty of women in minnesota there’s judges who were
women who god jews people in the new testament that god used philip had four
daughters that were prophetesses and they were used in the church setting and they prophesied and when peter quoted
joe in acts chapter two he said in the last days i’ll pour out my spirit and your sons and your daughters will prophesy so we’re going to talk about
we’re going to talk about women in ministry uh because i’m thankful i’ve got a lady in my church she’s in her
early 80s she’s an ordained as someone’s got a minister and i i’ll let her preach as often as as i need her to preach and
teach i appreciate her insight and wisdom i’m thankful you know if you look at the pro a lot of people won’t even get rid
of the proverbs 31 woman sheree that’s how she worked she made things she sold them she was in
the marketplace so we’re going to talk about women in ministry why because
remember i support women in ministry because the bible supports women in ministry go right ahead what are you going to say i have a friend her name is
jamie morgan and and she is a lady pastor and she took a church that nobody wanted
and she’s built that church up and she’s begun to have a a radio presence and and
she’s really expanding and growing and she’s an author and i asked her i said why why are you focusing on helping
women find their ministry why why are you doing that it seemed kind of like
why would you want to just segment this one area this women you know and um
and she says because when you eliminate the women as ministers you eliminate half of the
workforce to see souls saved and she says ultimately it’s all about getting
souls saved it’s not about who does it but god wants for everybody to be saved
and if you quiet the voice of women you you eliminate half your workforce and i thought that’s a good answer
that is and she’s actually interviewed me before and i appreciate her ministry and that reminds me when’s the last time
you folks on here ever heard about a praying grandfather i hear a whole lot about those praying
grandmothers and those praying mothers not that men don’t pray but i’ll tell you what there’s something about the way
that a woman prays that makes an incredible impact in our world so so uh so thursday i’m from the perch i’m going
to talk about uh women ministry and that’s another thing i’m not going to change my mind on well pastor what’s it
say you know women says women should be silent yeah because the men were supposed to know the word well enough to teach their wives at home what the word
said so you want to go any further with that we’ll talk about that on on thursday as well but sheree thanks for
joining with me today and for all of you that have been on here today watching and listening thank you for being a part
and thank you for praying folks god’s calling us to pray why because there are things that will
happen if we pray so let’s just let him do those things all right hey god bless everybody and thank you so much for being a part of
this and pray with us and see