Rats in the Sewer Dream – TRANSCRIPT Apr 7, 2021 hey everybody i want to thank you for joining us this afternoon i’ve got sheree goff uh a good friend and sister in christ pastor’s wife there in arkansas works in the prophetic someone who i’ve come to trust and appreciate in this in this new arena that i’ve been walking in since uh june of last year and i’m going to be sharing a dream today i’m simply calling it the rats in the sewer dream and i had it between march 18th and even just recently when i […]

Biden’s House – A Series of Dreams – TRANSCRIPT Mar 13, 2021 hey good morning everybody so glad to have you with us i already see we’ve got folks from great britain france um all the way i’ll say aloha to the one in hawaii who’s watching this morning uh many many states represented want to thank you for coming on and listening um and i want to appreciate those of you who have been praying about the dreams and following through and not just taking them running with them i when i have these dreams i share them with […]

THE MUD DREAM – TRANSCRIPT Feb 24, 2021 hey everybody i appreciate you being with us this is pastor dana coverstone here with my good friends john redenbauer and sheree goff and going to be sharing a dream that i had from february 18th to the 20th and i’m discovering the value of having good friends that will pray and not just look at the dream and think what does this mean who will pray who will hear the spirit’s voice and so i’m grateful for to my two really great friends who helped help me with this dream and […]

THE BUNKER DREAM – TRANSCRIPT Feb 12, 2021 hey good afternoon it is friday february 12th at 12 o’clock noon uh central time and there’s a lot of things happening in washington dc and uh i’m going to be sharing a dream that i’m calling the bunker drainer and i want to just give some very very clear up front and very very uh specific instructions on what we’re doing today um when sheree begins to do some interpretation this dream we are focusing today only on the spiritual aspect of it i’m asking you to listen to it i’m […]

“They Don’t Hate Me, They Hate You” Dream – TRASCRIPT Jan 26, 2021 The dream I’ve had in the last several of this last weekend. and I’ve seen glimpse in pieces of it before. some of it’s very easy to understand what’s going on. and I’ll make a few comments. I don’t usually want to make comments about the dreams. but here’s what I saw first of all I saw a hospital nursery filled with hundreds and hundreds of cribs with baby babies. and many were crying some were sleeping. and I saw maybe 12 to 15 nurses who were […]

The Plumb Line Dream – TRANSCRIPT January 9, 2021 January 9th to 11th and I’m calling it the Plumb Line dream. I saw a bright sunlit sky no clouds. and I saw the man that I see often in my dreams walking down the streets of New York. and I saw the traditional skyline; I  even saw the Empire State building so I knew exactly where I was. the man was dressed in a first century robe like any Jewish male would have worn in public. and as well he had the prayer shawl over his head. his pace was […]

The Birds and The Maul Dream – TRANSCRIPT dates January 2-4, 2021 so here’s the dream that I had. I saw two distinct flocks of birds flying above a four-lane interstate and there was a median in between. I saw that traffic was very heavy and at times bumper to bumper. but the speed of all the vehicles was over the posted limit. it was obvious these people were driving like crazy going someplace and coming away from another place. the people in the opposite lane were driving even faster – the ones that were coming on, you know, coming […]

The Church and State Dream – TRANSCRIPT December 19-23, 2020 So here it is. it’s a dream that I had December 19th through the 23rd of this year. I saw the United States Capitol building and it was fully lit up. and the tower parts had large arms, like human arms, attached to it. the arms were muscular and they had short sleeves and very rough looking hands. when I say a rough looking hands I mean hands that had worked the ground.  hands that had been on a plow or working with machinery. in other words, hard working hands, […]

The Snake Chain Dream – TRANSCRIPT Dec 14, 2020 hey everybody pastor dana coverstone and i am at nashville arkansas at first islam of god uh with my good friends and we’re here to unpack a dream and we spent a couple hours last night you can see the marker board behind me we impact the dream i’ve recently had this is our first time to meet like this and uh so uh we’re excited about it and hope it’ll be the first of many times but this is john redenbauer redembo and sheree goff and we are here to […]

The Franklin Dream – TRANSCRIPT November 16, 2020 This is the dream that I had on November 16th 2020 it features Benjamin Franklin. I saw Benjamin Franklin outside at night flying a kite among very stormy skies. [There was] lightning in the background strong winds and a very very light rain. but the kite was an American flag. and that American flag seemed to be covered in a type of oil or at least it had like a greasy sheen on it. at the end of the kite was a globe – small globe – attached to a chain almost […]

The Lincoln Dream – TRANSCRIPT November 9, 2020 it’s the dream I had on November 9 2020. I saw Abraham Lincoln at the Lincoln Memorial. He was standing up in his seat with his right hand held up and was being addressed by Uncle Sam. there were spotlights aimed at his head and he was bathed in like this overwhelming light. and on the granite seat where he’d been sitting was a stack of law books. and on the bottom was a simple brown leather rawhide Bible that was larger and thicker than any of the other law books on […]

Hold Your Breath – TRANSCRIPT October 26-27 2020 I had another dream that compiled over two nights August 26 and 27th I dreamt that I saw people all over American during the daylight hours in various places. I saw people on Wall Street suits and ties also people at church. I saw people at the park. I saw people at high school games. I saw people at malls. I saw just people doing normal things. it looked more normal than before COVID as you can imagine. nobody was wearing masks. there were no concerns as to disease or illnesses or […]

THE DATA DREAM – TRANSCRIPT Oct 20, 2020 I saw what looked like an atlas with an interstate lines all over nation. like if you’re looking down at an atlas and you see the interstate lines going all over from state to state. and there were flashing bits of information going all over. It looked like a data map. it appeared like a network of sorts. it was obviously over-worked. some of the data points were not flashing. some were places like cities, small places. you had flashing. you had things that were moving. you had data points there were […]

Dream for December 2020 [Something Had Happened] – Transcript September 24, 2020 Between Friday August 28th and Thursday September 4th I had a series of glimpses and dreams that got longer each night… but I saw the calendar December. and I saw a finger underline slowly and like it was pushing slowly and forcefully, underline the name December. then it flipped over to January and then underlined it just as slow and was pushing. first thing I saw was long food lines. I saw people waiting for what seemed like hours. and they were standing in line and not in […]

A Vision [of The Church] – TRANSCRIPT Sep 23, 2020 This one was a vision that I had September 14th and just a little bit to share…I wanted to just share this I had. this was not a dream this was a vision I was watching I still believe with my wife and my son and his girlfriend and zoomed out it was almost like the camera zoomed back to me and I saw something I saw an elderly and an emaciated woman in a hospital bed she appeared rather weak . she was malnourished almost skin and bones. and […]

READY OR NOT Dream – TRANSCRIPT September 26 2020 Saturday September 26th I had a dream where I saw a huge field. it was flat. it was open and on either side, right and left, it stayed flat for about a mile. but at the end of that mile it elevated up to small hill on each side. so basically you had a flat area and a hill here, and a hill here. in the middle of that ground was a silver line. it actually was a glimmering silver line about five feet wide and it it divided the entire […]

The Earthquake Dream! and Holding the Wall Dream – TRANSCRIPT September 14, 2020 Here’s what I saw, once again, September 14 2020. I saw a shimmering of the Great Lakes. and the water appeared to go out of the bowl and then spread back in the shores several hundred feet in. It crashed back in the lakes. It appeared as if there had been an earthquake under the central point of the area of the Great Lakes but a very very significant depth. I also saw at that moment the Rocky Mountains were trembling. and all the coast of the […]

From Spirit to Flesh Dream & Vision – TRANSCRIPT September 13 2020 Hey its pastor Dana cover stone. I’m going to share today both the dream and the vision that I had that were very closely linked. I had a dream one night on September 14th and the next evening I had a vision. and at the point when I shared the dream I did not share the first part because I was still trying to look at it and figure some things out. but here’s how that went, I saw a calendar and it started at January and it […]

Lady Liberty – TRANSCRIPT Sept 08, 2020 It is Tuesday September 8th last night on Monday the 7th of September I had a dream that has probably troubled me more than the dreams that I’ve had …last night I saw the Statue of Liberty proudly standing in that harbor outside of New York lighting the nations in freedom I saw the sky suddenly darkened strong waves began to crash against the shore with a very very fierce intensity almost hurricane tsunami-like force tropical storm type force and there were boats and they had men in them they were out in […]

Monday night, August 17th, I dreamt I saw a calendar month in November. It was bent, torn, and dirty. I saw trees in the background that were leafless, but there were a few trees that still had a scarce amount of leaves on them. The leaves that were still on those trees had turned like it was about to rain. The sky was a dull gray with extreme cloud cover. I hardly ever see sunny skies in these dreams; that’s one thing I know for sure. I saw that finger appear, and it circled November third continuously, in a clockwise […]

OCTOBER Warning from God – Aug 13, 2020 TRANSCRIPT I had a dream on Monday night August 10th…So I dreamt I was in the month of October. I saw the month of October as a calendar and was waving like was being blown by a by a strong wind. not a fitful wind. not violent, just kind of a fitful wind you know. I saw a finger appear and it pointed to the second week of October. and it dragged the finger through the third week of the month. so it covered second and third week of October. and then […]

Another Dream – TRANSCRIPT Dated Jul 26, 2020 Last night Saturday night July 25th [2020] right around 1:19 I woke up from a dream that I had… In this dream I saw a calendar started in July and it faded. it was almost like the month of July just faded off of the calendar and it went right into August. and I saw August, the letters of August, September October November December just got bold – very very bold. and [it was] almost [like] they had been highlighted with a black marker. and then suddenly I’m walking near an abandoned […]

Coming Persecution of the Church Dream – TRANSCRIPT Jun 27, 2020 The one I had last night, I got up somewhere in the neighborhood of 3:30 to 3:35… So in the dream I was standing over a field or looking down on a valley and there was a large field. and there was a bunch of wolves in this field. all these wolves were in this field and they were asleep. and there were hundreds, hundreds perhaps even thousands of wolves. all dark gray not black but just dark gray and menacing menacing wolves. and they were all sleeping. and […]

Three Prophetic Dreams from Pastor Dana TRANSCRIPT – Jun 25, 2020 Dream 1 Back in December I had a dream and in that dream I saw calendar starting January 2020. and it was being flipped. and I saw January I saw February I saw March. and when March came up a hand held it and I saw a finger underlined the month of March and then tap it three times… so underlined the month of March tapped it three times. so to me it was emphasis. something’s gonna happen in March. and then I saw April May June. and when […]